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Other support

Research Professional

The Research and Enterprise team organises Research Professional training for academic staff and manages the creation of new accounts and the fingerprinting service provided by Research Professional.

Learn more about Research Professional.

Export Control

The OU has adopted a statement of compliance on export control and non-proliferation.

Researchers need to know whether their research may be subject to export control legislation, particularly if your discipline is under the following key risk disciplines:

  • Nuclear engineering
  • Chemistry
  • Biological science
  • Material technology (high strength aluminium, carbon fibre, high nickel content steels, and concretes)
  • Rocket technology
  • Navigation systems
  • Avionics
  • Automation and control
  • Vacuum systems

An introductory note on export control (internal only) is available for academic researchers. As a first step researchers should consider the basic awareness flow chart page 7 (internal only). This Decision Tree can help you to make an initial assessment. If the research involves any of the Red Flags areas where researchers should always take advice, fuller guidance on export control should be referred to determine if the research may fall within the UK Consolidated Lists or the recipient is subject to sanctions or embargoes preventing export.

Controls can cover not only tangible goods, but also software, data, technology and know-how. An export licence must be obtained from the Export Control Organisation (ECO) to export any goods or information where:

  • goods, prototypes, information or materials fall within the UK Consolidated Lists;
  • results would include technology which is required and necessary for the development, production or use of controlled technology; or
  • the researcher is aware that a student or collaborator may be linked to a programme for weapons of mass destruction.

Failure to obtain a licence is a criminal offence.

King's College London has produced Higher Education Guide and Toolkit on Export Controls And The ATAS Student Vetting Scheme (internal only) with support from the ECO and Foreign and Commonwealth Office. The Guide is specifically targeted at university vice chancellors, legal and compliance departments, research support teams and technology transfer offices. The case studies provided in the guide are useful.

For more help and information


The Research Development team circulates UK and EU funding opportunities and upcoming training/events to faculty Research Managers for further circulation to academic staff via a weekly newsletter. To be added to the mailing list please contact the Research Enterprise Team.

The Research, Enterprise and Scholarship unit also circulates a quarterly newsletter containing the latest research, enterprise, impact and policy news from the unit. To subscribe to the newsletter please contact Valerie Arnott.

Research and Enterprise workshop

The Research and Enterprise team organise workshops, information sessions, external visits and ad hoc events throughout the academic year. Presentations from previous events can be found on the Research and Enterprise SharePoint (internal only). Themes include, sourcing funding, knowledge exchange, EU, funder systems and best practice.

To suggest a workshop please email the research workshops team