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Research policies

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The University expects that research conducted in its name will be carried out to the highest standards. All staff, research students and, unless otherwise specified, visiting academics, undertaking research must adhere to these key research policies and procedures.

Research code of practice

The standards that govern research at The Open University, as well as the responsibilities of the University and individuals carrying out research.

Research misconduct allegations - investigation procedure

The procedure for dealing with allegations that the standards set out in the Research Code of Practice have not been maintained.

Plagiarism and research misconduct policy (for Postgraduate Research Students)

This policy defines plagiarism in the context of an Open University research degree. It sets out how incidences of alleged plagiarism and other research misconduct committed by postgraduate research students will be investigated and provides a simple graduated framework of penalties when plagiarism or other research misconduct is confirmed.

Ethical research statement

The OU's position on research projects and collaborations which pose ethical questions and/or reputational risks for the University.

Ethics Principles for Research with Human Participants

A set of moral principles and actions to guide each stage of the research cycle for a project involving human participants or human tissue. For more information about ethics review processes for such projects, please visit the Research Ethics web pages.

Terrorism and extremism-related research policy

The responsibilities of individual researchers and The Open University in relation to terrorism and extremism-related research.

Export control compliance statement

The responsibilities of individual researchers and The Open University in relation to Export Control regulations.

Animal Research Statement

The OU’s position on the use of animals in research.

Open and engaging research statement

In line with its mission, The Open University believes that the ideas and knowledge from its research should be made available and accessible to everyone. With our distinctive open mission, we should lead the way in fostering an open and engaging research culture.

Research data management policy

The standards for the management of research data at The Open University, during and after the research process, including the preservation and sharing of datasets.

Open Research Data Online (ORDO) policies

The terms of use of the Open Research Data Online repository when working with live research data and for depositing archival data for preservation and publication.

Open access publication policy

The requirements and procedures for publishing all Open University affiliated research outputs in Open University Research Online (ORO).

Research Intellectual Property policy

The Open University’s position on ownership, development, protection and exploitation of Research Intellectual Property arising from all types of research and scholarship.

Consultancy policy (Research and Enterprise)

The conditions and procedures under which research and enterprise-related consultancy undertaken by staff can be carried out.

Research metrics responsible Use statement

The OU’s commitment to contextualising and assessing staff recruitment, promotion, reward, retention, and development opportunities equitably and holistically, aligning with the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA).