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Terrorism and extremism-related research

The University position

As a Higher Education Institution, the OU conducts a wide range of research, including research on issues relating to terrorism and extremism. Where research is being conducted in these areas, it is the duty of both researchers and the University to ensure that the research is being carried out appropriately, and that it takes into account requirements to safeguard both the researcher and wider society (Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2019 - Prevent Duty).

The Terrorism and extremism-related research policy sets out the responsibilities of both the University and researchers.

A key part of the policy is the requirement that researchers working in these areas should register their research. Where research will involve accessing and/or storing security sensitive terrorism or extremism-related material, University approval is required. This enables the University to provide support to its staff, and also to explain to outside authorities, if required, that researchers are engaged in authorised research work.

What you should do

If your proposed research topic is related to terrorism, extremism or associated areas, please follow the project registration and approval procedure (internal link only).