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Roles and responsibilities

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The day-to-day administration of research grants is the responsibility of the Principal Investigator (PI) working with Co-Investigators (Co-I) and the relevant University departments.

The University advises that large and complex grants include funding for a project manager/administrator to assist with the workload.

Faculty Research Managers will support the smooth running of the grant and help address any queries that the PI or other colleagues have and clarify actions that need to be undertaken within The Open University.

The PI is responsible for the day-to-day administration of research grants, and the financial management and integrity of research projects in accordance with the funder’s terms and conditions, university regulation and  the Open University Research Code of Practice.

For each research grant they hold PIs must ensure that:

  • They have read and understood the grant/contract terms and conditions
  • Both funder and University procurement requirements are followed
  • Timesheets, when required, are completed by relevant staff and authorised on a monthly basis
  • Only legitimate costs that properly relate to the grant and which are in accordance with the contract are charged to the project
  • The research is conducted in an ethical manner in accordance with the University’s code of conduct and the Univeristy's Research Code of Practice
  • Interim and final reports are submitted to the funder on time

Faculty Research Managers can provide advice, guidance and support to PIs on university systems and policies. Below is a brief overview of the support that can be provided:

  • Manage the formal acceptance of the award on the Awards Management System
  • Liaise with Legal Services for the review and/or negotiation of the offer and contractual terms and conditions
  • Liaise with Legal Services for the drafting of any additional agreements such as collaboration or consortium agreements
  • Arrange a Project Startup Meeting if appropriate
  • Help with budget monitoring
  • Act as a sounding board for any issues or queries relating to funded projects
  • Direct you to the appropriate School or Unit support for:
    • recruiting/extending staff
    • ethical approvals or other ‘Trusted Research’ matters
    • expenditure on the grant - e.g., equipment/consumables/travel
    • procurement
    • events

Where in place, responsible for many of the tasks otherwise undertaken by the Research Manager. In addition, a project manager will directly support the PI with the delivery of project outputs. This could include:

  • Managing project timelines, milestones and deliverables
  • Supporting donor reporting and budget monitoring
  • Managing partner and funder relationships
  • Maintaining risks and issues logs
  • Supporting project governance, including minuting meetings
  • Organising events, including conferences and fieldwork

It is important to discuss the level of experience required to support your project with the Research Manager at pre-award stage so that the appropriate grade of post can be built into the budget.

Finance and Business Services (FBS) supports all OU employees, students and the University on all matters relating to business and finance. Research Projects financial queries – both at pre and post award – should be directed through your unit/faculty Research Support team in the first instance. The Research Support team will then contact the unit/faculty's Business Partnering Team (usually located in the Unit but still part of FBS), if further financial, costing, pricing or tax advice is required.

Legal Services provides legal support across the University, including contract review (funder terms and conditions) and drafting collaboration agreements (CLS Questionnaire). The delegated authority i.e., the legal representative of the University who can sign legal contacts on behalf of the University is the Head of Legal, Finance and Business Services.