Laura Tan, an Associate Lecturer in Psychology at the OU, explores what benefits and barriers may exist when postgraduate students with East Asian heritage (mixed, Chinese, Japanese and Malaysian) study online with a Western university
‘Migration from Africa commonly evokes the image of a continent fleeing its own home’. Today, Peace John from the Centre for the Study of the Economies of Africa (CSEA), explores Africa’s migration issues & a recent African Policy Circle conference
Dr Fidèle Mutwarasibo discusses the Intergovernmental conference on the UN's Global Compact for Migration (developed with input from OU academics) taking place in Morocco & yesterday's signing of the agreement on managing migration in the world
On International Human Rights Day, Dr Fidèle Mutwarasibo, Visiting Research Fellow in the OU's Centre for Voluntary Sector Leadership invites followers of the Year of Mygration portal to join in marking the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Thinking of relocating to Nigeria? Yomi Oloko is a journalist, trainer & development practitioner who has supported several OU academics to conduct research in Nigeria. Today, he talks about his experiences of relocating to Abuja & helping other diaspora do the same
As we near the end of the year, we asked OU staff who themselves are migrants, to share their experiences. Today, we hear from Dr Joseph Hanlon, a journalist and development researcher, born in the United States. He moved to the UK in 1971
As Theresa May makes waves well beyond Parliament this week, Patrick Page, a Senior Caseworker at Duncan Lewis, tells us how a dream about the PM stirred understanding for her position & how empathetic thoughts are needed to combat the hostile environment
Today's post reflects on grieving in refugee communities and shares information on a forthcoming seminar that will focus on this subject. Can you imagine what it feels like not knowing what happened to your family members for weeks, months or indeed years?
In today’s blog post Jacqui Broadhead, a Senior Researcher in the Centre on Migration, Policy and Society at the University of Oxford, discusses her learning from a joint Open University project on ‘Migration Making Places, Making People: New Narratives of Inclusion’
Laura Reeves, a PhD student in the OU's Faculty of Business and Law, shares insights into her research which highlights how the Brexit referendum has unsettled EU nationals’ sense of belonging in the UK
Suffolk Mind, an independent mental health charity, has been awarded an Open Societal Challenges (OSC) funding grant to undertake a new research project which aims to address low response rates and the under-representation of mental health service users in research and evaluation activities.