Marco Distinto shares his experiences from OU fieldwork in refugee camps in Italy. Through stories of individual refugees, he shares the reason behind their plight & what civil society is doing to ease their integration in Italy once they have settled their status
In today's post, we discuss the experience of pioneers, the trailblazers who pave the way for others and connect new migrants with members of the established communities. Dr Sara de Jong offers us an insight into the brokerage role played by pioneers in the migration context
In today’s post, Jiten Patel, Head of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at The Open University, revisits his memory of Diwali and explores how culture is transmitted from one generation to another even when families live far away from their traditional homeland
Today we conclude highlights of Dr Agnes Czajka’s publications with another very topical concept – Refugee Sanctuary. This important concept has featured in debates especially in the US in the context of Sanctuary cities
A new report into the benefits of international cultural engagement published this month (22 November) draws on rigorous, independent research conducted by the OU, led by Marie Gillespie, Professor of Sociology, and The Hertie School of Governance in Berlin.
Following yesterday’s post that looked at mapping the margins of Europe through the lens of race, migration & belonging, today Dr Agnes Czajka, Senior Lecturer at The Open University, discusses the relationship between nation-state building & its borders and migration
In today’s post we highlight an article titled ‘Mapping the Margins of Europe: Race, Migration and Belonging’ by Dr Agnes Czajka from the OU & Professor Jennifer Suchland from Ohio State University. The article reminds us of the need to contextualise our debates on migration
Stephen Serjeant, OU Professor of Astronomy, is leading on the European Science Cluster of Astronomy & Particle Physics ESFRI Research Infrastructures (ESCAPE) launched today (20 November 2018).
Suffolk Mind, an independent mental health charity, has been awarded an Open Societal Challenges (OSC) funding grant to undertake a new research project which aims to address low response rates and the under-representation of mental health service users in research and evaluation activities.