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Settlement on the Moon

New space agency funding brings living on the Moon one small step closer

The UK Space Agency (UKSA) has awarded OU space researchers close to £175,000 to develop a one of a kind construction method that could one day enable us to build on the Moon from lunar soil.

7th February 2022
Soar Telescope, Chile

Asteroid sharing Earth’s orbit discovered – could it help future space missions?

Research has shown that the Earth trails an asteroid barely a kilometre across in its orbit about the Sun – only the second such body to have ever been spotted.

4th February 2022
Astronauts in Space

OU wins UK Space Agency funding to grow regional space activity

The Open University (OU) is one of 10 organisations to be given a boost from UK Space Agency (UKSA) regional funding announced on Wednesday 2 February 2022.

2nd February 2022
Bee flying above flower

Research finds flowers trapped in 100-million-year-old fossil tree resin

An OU researcher is part of a team which has discovered 100-million-year-old fossil flowers preserved in fossil amber, more commonly known as tree resin.

1st February 2022
Image of the moon with a rocket on it

Moon: crashing rocket will create new crater – here’s what we should worry about

It’s not often that the sudden appearance of a new impact crater on the Moon can be predicted, but it’s going to happen on March 4, when a derelict SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket will crash into it.

31st January 2022
Colombo wetlands

From stopping the spread of malaria to monitoring the global risk of flooding

An OU academic who led a research project to stop the spread of malaria is now co-leading one which will monitor the potential extent of flooding globally.

25th January 2022

Plesiosaurs, pliosaurs, hybodonts: looking back at three prehistoric predators of the Jurassic seas

The fossilised remains of a gigantic ichthyosaur, colloquially known as a “sea dragon”, were recently uncovered at the Rutland Water Nature Reserve in the UK. 

20th January 2022
Man leaning over a table with papers and coloured sticky notes on it

How to successfully develop and run interdisciplinary research teams

John Domingue explains how to foster a culture of openness and support that encourages and helps staff teams to pursue interdisciplinary research projects.

19th January 2022
The locations of 115 candidate free floating planets in the region between Upper Scorpius and Ophiuchus. European Southern Observatory, CC BY-SA

Rogue planets: how wandering bodies in interstellar space ended up on their own

We now know of almost 5,000 planets outside the Solar System. If you were to picture what it would be like on one of these distant worlds, or exoplanets, your mental image would probably include a parent star – or more than one, especially if you’re a Star Wars fan.

17th January 2022
Excavation of marine reptile skeleton. Credit: Anglian Water / Matthew Power Photography

OU PhD student is part of excavation of largest marine reptile skeleton

A second year OU PhD student was part of the excavation of the largest most complete marine reptile skeleton ever found in Britain.

11th January 2022

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News & articles

Philip Seargeant, wearing glasses and a dark t-shirt, looking at the camera

Research image of the month - bringing historical narratives to life

This month’s (February 2025) research image of the month is from Dr Philip Seargeant, who specialises in sociolinguistics, with a particular interest in political storytelling.

20th February 2025
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