Today's post reflects on grieving in refugee communities and shares information on a forthcoming seminar that will focus on this subject. Can you imagine what it feels like not knowing what happened to your family members for weeks, months or indeed years?
In today’s blog post Jacqui Broadhead, a Senior Researcher in the Centre on Migration, Policy and Society at the University of Oxford, discusses her learning from a joint Open University project on ‘Migration Making Places, Making People: New Narratives of Inclusion’
Laura Reeves, a PhD student in the OU's Faculty of Business and Law, shares insights into her research which highlights how the Brexit referendum has unsettled EU nationals’ sense of belonging in the UK
Marco Distinto shares his experiences from OU fieldwork in refugee camps in Italy. Through stories of individual refugees, he shares the reason behind their plight & what civil society is doing to ease their integration in Italy once they have settled their status
In today's post, we discuss the experience of pioneers, the trailblazers who pave the way for others and connect new migrants with members of the established communities. Dr Sara de Jong offers us an insight into the brokerage role played by pioneers in the migration context
In today’s post, Jiten Patel, Head of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at The Open University, revisits his memory of Diwali and explores how culture is transmitted from one generation to another even when families live far away from their traditional homeland
Today we conclude highlights of Dr Agnes Czajka’s publications with another very topical concept – Refugee Sanctuary. This important concept has featured in debates especially in the US in the context of Sanctuary cities
A new report into the benefits of international cultural engagement published this month (22 November) draws on rigorous, independent research conducted by the OU, led by Marie Gillespie, Professor of Sociology, and The Hertie School of Governance in Berlin.