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Teacher and pupil

Call for schools to participate in research to help improve outcomes and motivate children as writers

OU researchers are working on a £320,000 research project to develop teachers’ skills as writers to help improve pupils’ writing confidence and motivation.

14th November 2017
WISE Awards Winners

OU all-women team awarded for gender balance

An OU all-women team have been acknowledged for their outstanding contribution to gender balance in science, technology and engineering through the WISE Tech Innovation Award.

10th November 2017
Marie Curie in her laboratory. wikipedia

Marie Skłodowska Curie still a good role model for female scientists at 150?

Sometimes I’m glad I’m old(ish) and have made it up the career ladder. I can’t imagine what it must be like to be a young woman trying to become established today.

8th November 2017
Enceladus. NASA

The internal ocean of Saturn’s moon Enceladus could be old enough to have evolved life, finds study

We recently bade farewell to the Cassini spacecraft, which after 13 years of faithfully orbiting Saturn and its moons was directed to plunge into the giant planet’s atmosphere.

7th November 2017
Thinkstock Photos-78630579 Palau Nacional MNAC museum Barcelona

Catalonia declares independence – and Spain enters uncharted territory

Shortly after Catalonia’s parliament in Barcelona voted to declare independence from Spain on October 27, the senate in Madrid voted to trigger Article 155 of the Spanish constitution, removing Catalonia’s autonomy.

7th November 2017
NASA/JPL/University of Arizona, Author provided

What could explain the mystery of how land formed on Mars without much water

The surface of Mars, with its dune flows, gullies and slope movements, is the result of sediment being transported downwards in the recent past as well as today.

7th November 2017
ThinkstockPhotos-834728724 The Sun

Mission to understand the effects on Earth of weather in space

OU academics are part of an international team which has received £3 million from the UK Space Agency to research weather conditions in space.

7th November 2017
(l-r): Dr Tim Lowe and Dr Tim Hunt receive the Collaborative Teaching Excellence Award from Professor Rama Thirunamachandran, Chair of HEA Board and Vice-Chancellor of Canterbury Christ Church University

OU wins teaching excellence award for new student assessment system

The OU has won its second award for teaching excellence this year.

3rd November 2017

Students who learn outside their study groups do better

Students who extend their learning beyond their internal study groups, are more successful than those who rely solely on established groupings, according to an OU academic.

2nd November 2017

Blue Planet academic consultants on the message that humanity cannot afford to ignore

As expected, the first episode of Sir David Attenborough’s Blue Planet II has been greeted with rapturous applause. But alongside the gasps of delight at the beauty of the natural world, the programme came with an urgent message for viewers which we can no longer afford to ignore.

2nd November 2017

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News & articles

A girl with long dark hair, wearing a white t-shirt and jeans, sitting and hugging her knees

Suffolk Mind wins OSC funding for mental health research

Suffolk Mind, an independent mental health charity, has been awarded an Open Societal Challenges (OSC) funding grant to undertake a new research project which aims to address low response rates and the under-representation of mental health service users in research and evaluation activities.

7th February 2025
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