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Plane and drone

Research to combat effects of drones on air travel

An OU researcher has received funding for a solution to combat the effects of drones on the safety of air travellers and on businesses.

8th July 2019
Cori Gauff smashes through first two rounds at Wimbledon. Andy Rain/EPA.

Cori Gauff: the support network behind 15-year-old who beat Venus Williams at Wimbledon

Until recently, it seems likely that only dedicated tennis fans had heard of Cori Gauff: the second youngest winner of the Junior French Open in 2018, she was one to watch – but it’s unlikely anyone predicted just how fast her star would rise.

8th July 2019
Prisoner learning

First course for students in secure environments which involves them in the design

An OU researcher has received funding to deliver the first course for students in secure environments which involves them in the design.

8th July 2019
Drawing algorithm on glass with marker

Counteracting potential bias created by AI algorithms

An OU researcher are researching the bias that can arise through traditional Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based decision-making processes and will develop fairness-aware algorithms to counteract it.

8th July 2019
Robot helping elderly person

New research to facilitate robot-assisted independent living

OU researchers are part of a project which is investigating the extent to which robots can play a meaningful role in assisting elderly people in their homes.

5th July 2019
Man checking radiation with geiger counter

OU to train future leaders in nuclear energy technology

The OU is to train a new cohort of PhD students to become a new generation of experts for the nuclear energy sector.

4th July 2019
Lunar base made with 3D printing

OU researchers exhibited Living on the Moon! project at Royal Society

OU researchers engaged in pioneering research on water in Moon rocks returned by Apollo (NASA) missions in the 1960s and 1970, showcased their research through the Living on the Moon! exhibit at the Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition in July 2019.

27th June 2019
Poster competition contestants

2019 Postgraduate Research poster winners

The 14th annual OU Postgraduate Research Poster Competition, held on 11 June, showcased some very topical research projects.

27th June 2019
Peter Twining giving his lecture

If school is the problem, what is the solution?

As The Open University celebrates its 50th anniversary, Peter Twining, Professor of Education (Futures), delivered his inaugural lecture on what the future holds for schools.

25th June 2019
Pro-Kurdish protestors

Researching Kurdish women’s politics

Despite ethnic oppression, pro-Kurdish rights parties in Turkey implement innovative, effective gender equality policies, claims research by Dr Umut Erel, Senior Lecturer in Sociology at the OU.

25th June 2019

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News & articles

Philip Seargeant, wearing glasses and a dark t-shirt, looking at the camera

Research image of the month - bringing historical narratives to life

This month’s (February 2025) research image of the month is from Dr Philip Seargeant, who specialises in sociolinguistics, with a particular interest in political storytelling.

20th February 2025
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