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Robot teaching student

New grant to explore the use of Artificial Intelligence in teaching

Professor Bart Rienties and Dr Wayne Holmes in the OU’s  Institute of Educational Technology, have won Erasmus+ funding for a project called Artificial Intelligence in Teaching”.

13th November 2019
Man and woman holding hands with wedding ring

Celebrating celebrants’ funding

Dr Stephanie Pywell, Senior Lecturer in the OU’s Faculty of Business and Law, has secured a donation to the OU of £6,000 from Civil Ceremonies Ltd, and will explore the work of celebrants who conduct wedding-style ceremonies that are not legally binding.

12th November 2019
Collection of fingerprints - Shutterstock

CSI: current research into the impact of bias on crime scene forensics is limited – but psychologists can help

When a jury decides the fate of a person, they do so based on the evidence presented to them in the courtroom. Evidence obtained from forensic analysis, such as DNA analysis, is often interpreted as strong evidence by jurors.

31st October 2019
Observatory under night time stars

New grant to enable higher sensitivity instruments for mapping the stars

OU researchers have received £570,000 from the European Science Agency for the next phase of scientific devices for mapping stars and galaxies.

30th October 2019

Award for Outstanding Impact of Research on Society and Prosperity

The Individual award for Outstanding Impact of Research on Society and Prosperity in the OU’s Research Excellence Awards 2019 was presented to Dr Geraint Morgan, Faculty of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, for his research into applying design features based on robust space instrumentation to maintain a safe internal environment in nuclear submarines.

18th October 2019

Award for Outstanding Impact on Teaching, Curriculum and Students

The Outstanding Impact on Teaching, Curriculum and Students award in the OU’s Research Excellence Awards 2019, was presented to Dr Christothea Herodotou, Institute of Educational Technology, Faculty of Wellbeing, Education and Language Studies, for her research into early alert indicators that provide predictions about students’ performance.

18th October 2019

OU research awarded for Best External Collaboration

The Best External Collaboration award in the OU’s Research Excellence Awards 2019, was presented to Dr Jude Fransman, Faculty of Wellbeing, Education and Language Skills, for The Rethinking Research Collaborative (RRC), an international network committed to research for global development.

17th October 2019

Award for Outstanding Research

The Outstanding Research award in the OU’s Research Excellence Awards 2019, was presented to Professor Ignacio Romero and Professor David Male, Faculty of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, for their research that helped to solve one of the major problems associated with the investigation and treatment of diseases of the brain such as Alzheimer’s Disease and Multiple sclerosis.

17th October 2019

Pioneering research celebrated by OU 50th Anniversary Prize

The 50th Anniversary Prize in the OU’s Research Excellence Awards 2019 was presented to Professor Ian Wright, Emeritus, Faculty of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, who was a lead on the first ever landing on a comet.

17th October 2019

OU staff awarded for Best Support for Research

The Best Support for Research award in the OU’s Research Excellence Awards 2019, was presented to Dr Alessandra Marino, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.

16th October 2019

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News & articles

Philip Seargeant, wearing glasses and a dark t-shirt, looking at the camera

Research image of the month - bringing historical narratives to life

This month’s (February 2025) research image of the month is from Dr Philip Seargeant, who specialises in sociolinguistics, with a particular interest in political storytelling.

20th February 2025
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