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Aerial view of trees

OU space expertise to survey UK tree population

OU researchers have just received funding to identify the species, size and condition of trees in the UK through remote sensing techniques, with a view to ultimately applying these techniques from space.

21st July 2020
River and floodplain

New funding to support Floodplain Meadows project

The OU-led Floodplain Meadows Partnership (FMP) has received additional emergency funding from the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

20th July 2020
X-Polli:Nation logo and bunting

New technology-enhanced learning materials on pollinators during Bees Needs Week

As the COVID-19 pandemic puts the focus on literacy and numeracy in home-schooling, OU researchers have developed technologies to also help families learn about the natural environment.

13th July 2020
Group of people using smartphones

Research to bridge the gap between marginalised communities and tech developers

A project which will join up conversations about future technologies between communities which tend to be marginalised and industry partners has just got funding.

9th July 2020
Gang of youths fighting

Call for long-term investment in Violence Reduction Units

The final report of the cross-party Youth Violence Commission (YVC), launched today (Monday 13 July 2020), calls for long-term investment in Violence Reduction Units to keep young people safe.

9th July 2020
Space rocket

Research to develop smart manufacturing processes for Space materials

OU researchers have received funding to develop smart manufacturing processes for Space materials.

8th July 2020
Emergency response team in action

Recommendations to improve the mental health of emergency responders

A new report out this week (6 July 2020), makes recommendations to improve the mental health of emergency responders.

7th July 2020
Girl wearing a mask working on a computer

New research into the impacts of COVID-19 on the self-employed in the UK

An OU academic is leading the expert panel strand of a new research project to consider the impacts of COVID-19 on the self-employed in the UK.

6th July 2020
Floodplain meadow flowers. Credit Vicky Bowskill

Make meadow hay while the sun shines, but when?

As the haymaking season begins, an OU PhD student is researching the importance of getting the timing of hay cutting right.

2nd July 2020
Colour Peak Springs

Discovery of sulfide as an energy source for microbes that has potential for Mars

Researchers have discovered that sulfide is an energy source that works in the bitter cold of Canada and could help microorganisms to grow on Mars.

2nd July 2020

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News & articles

Philip Seargeant, wearing glasses and a dark t-shirt, looking at the camera

Research image of the month - bringing historical narratives to life

This month’s (February 2025) research image of the month is from Dr Philip Seargeant, who specialises in sociolinguistics, with a particular interest in political storytelling.

20th February 2025
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