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Research governance structure description

A diagram which shows the Research Committee sitting above its sub-structure of formal University Committees, other formal bodies, and independent management groups.

Formal University Committees which report to the Research Committee include the Research Degrees Committee, the Human Research Ethics Committee, and the Ethical Research Review Body. The Research Degree Examination Results Approval Committee is a formal University Committee which reports to its parent Committee, the Research Degrees Committee. Each Faculty has a Faculty Academic Committee (Research) which reports to the Research Committee and the Research Degrees Committee as appropriate on matters within their respective remits.

There is one additional formal body and eight independent management groups that periodically report to, or feed into to Research Committee, or another formal University Committee in the Research Committee sub-structure, on any matters requiring governance oversight. 

The Animal Welfare Ethical Review Body is a formal body, established to fulfil statutory requirements, that periodically reports to the Research Committee.

The Research BoardDORA Academic Reference GroupResearcher Development Concordat Steering GroupGender Equality Steering Group, Knowledge Exchange Board and Graduate School Academic Board are independent management groups, coordinating a field of business, that feed into Research Committee on matters requiring governance oversight.

The Graduate School Academic BoardAffiliated Research Centre Management Group and Postgraduate Researcher Progress and Awards Board also advise the Research Degrees Committee on governance matters. The Affiliated Research Centre Management Group also advises the Graduate School Academic Board on matters within its remit.