I joined the Faculty of Arts and Social Science in 2021 as a Lecturer in Criminology, having previously worked in the Policing Organisation and Practice team at the Open University. My teaching duties are split between presentation of DD105 and DD215, as well as contributing to the production of a third year dissertation module. My research interests include the conditions under which criminological phenomena such as street gangs fail to develop. I have an abiding interest in the policy implications that can be derived from such absences and exceptions – particularly in relation to preventing a range of social harms. I’m also interested in the intersections between these issues and identity construction, subcultural theory and restorative justice. My current research focus is policing ethics and integrity.
Insights from obsolescence: The interpretive potential of skeuomorphs (2024)
Conway, Steve
Journal of Material Culture ((Early Access))
Police ethics and integrity: Keeping the ‘blue code’ of silence (2020)
Westmarland, Louise and Conway, Steve
International Journal of Police Science & Management, 22(4) (pp. 378-392)
Rupture and Repair (2023)
Conway, Steve; Drake, Deborah and McCulloch, Daniel
In: Dimou, Eleni; Downes, Leigh; McCulloch, Daniel and Speed, Carly eds. Research Current Issues in Criminology (pp. 203-238)
Publisher : The Open University | Published : Milton Keynes
Public and police perceptions of policing ethics (2018-03-01)
Pike, Graham; Westmarland, Louise; Conway, Steve and Rowe, Michael
In : 2018 Conference of the Society of Evidence Based Policing (1-2 Mar 2018)
Understanding the Factors Contributing to the Absence of Street Gangs in Milton Keynes: A Negative Aetiology (2019-03-18)
Conway, Steve
PhD thesis The Open University