Dr Lace Jackson (BA(Hons), CQSW, MA, AASW, CPOD, PhD) FRSA, joined the Open University in the Faculty of WELS in December 2023 as a Staff Tutor and Regional Academic having previously read for her doctorate in the Faculty of Business and Law. An early Pracademic researcher with substantial experience in social care and leadership practice, Lace has undertaken many roles most recently as an Executive Director for a Clinical Psychotherapeutic Institute within the Charity sector and previously as Director of Social Care Leaning and Development within large two-tier local authorities.
I have developed a strong research background from which to build, having explored such topics as 'Domestic Violence and the Experience of Black Women' and 'Local Authority Responses to Children Experiencing Domestic Abuse'. My current research focuses on societal and organisational narratives, which present structural, social, and material consequences for marginalised groups; specifically Global Majority leaders, exercising and practicing leadership within postcolonial constraints.
I have led and designed undergraduate and post-graduate programmes in social work and social care, leadership and management and Mental Health in other UK universities and professional teaching Institutes.
In addition to this I have designed, taught and evaluated courses delivered in English for undergraduate and MA degrees in social work, Mental Health, Research Methods, Leadership and Management and Organisation Development.
I continue to offer Practice Education to Social Work Students.
My research engages with global majority leaders and organisation and leadership and identity scholars and communities. This has included dissemination of findings through several channels, including a co-authored paper with Professor Siv Vangen and Dr Owain Smolović-Jones, and a presentation given at the ‘International Studying Leadership Conference’. Findings such as ‘Rootlessness and Unbelonging’ were shared at the OU Research Colloquium where over 200 research students and guests engaged during the session stream. Feedback pointing to the shared experience and awareness-raising felt significant and contributed to the development of the Open Learning platform on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, and as part of Black History Month Celebrations. I have provided expert input into the King’s Fund Nia development programme for aspiring leaders and continue to deliver oral presentations.
I have engaged in a wide range of professional and community groups including providing knowledge exchange for the development of the OU open learn Black Leadership course and as an expert advisory panel member for the DfE National Accreditation and Assessment of Social Workers Scheme (NAAS) and as a Standard setting panel member 2019-2023.
Global Majority Leadership: The Experience and Practice (2024)
Jackson, Lace M.
ISBN : 978-3-031-58463-3 | Publisher : Palgrave Macmillan
The Personal and Professional Challenges Encountered by ‘Global Majority’ Individuals Experiencing and Practicing Leadership in the UK (2023-03-08)
Jackson, Lace Mahalia
PhD thesis The Open University