I am Senior Lecturer in Applied Linguistics and English Language at the School of Languages and Applied Linguistics. My teaching and research interests focus on the circulation of discourse, narrative and affect in traditional communities and contemporary networked societies with special focus on mourning and memory.
Before joining the Open University in January 2016, I held a lectureship/senior lectureship post at Kingston University London. I have also taught at Goldsmiths University and King's College London.
I hold a PhD in (Modern Greek) Sociolinguistics from King's College London, a Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching from Kingston University, an MA in Applied Linguistics from Birkbeck University of London, and a First Degree in French Language and Literature from the University of Athens. I am Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA).
My research interests lie at the intersections of linguistic anthropology, the sociolinguistics of narrative, and (mediated) discourse analysis with a special focus on the following areas:
My research monograph on social media mourning was published in July 2020 from Routledge Research (Series: Narrative, Interaction and Discourse).
Based on the insights of this research, we have created with Open Learn this interactive experience (10 min) on how social media has changed the way we share grief.
Research Groups
Member of CREET and Applied Linguistics and English Language Research Group.
Post.stories Collective (with Alex Georgakopoulou and Philip Seargeant): this collective explores how the use of storytelling and issues such as voice, visibility and value have an impact on society, and how both theoretical and practice-based insights can help us both better understand and shape the culture we live in.
TRACE: Tracing Racism in Anti-Racist Discourse: A critical approach to European public speech on the migrant and refugee crisis (Led by Professor A. Archakis, University of Patras; Funded by ELIDEK): This project focuses on institutionalized/official anti-racism discourse of the European public sphere, which refers to the migration and refugee crisis.
New visibilities of dying, death, and mourning: this project examines the changing place of dying, death, and mourning in contemporary networked societies and critically revisits the popular thesis that 'death is taboo'.
Creativity and Politics in the Linguistic Landscape (with Philip Seargeant and Frank Monaghan): this project explores the linguistic landscape in relation to creativity in political expression and grassroots activism.
I am currently member of the team redesigning the module Children's Literature (EA300), having chaired its pre-production phase.
I have contributed to the redesign of the Level 2 module Worlds of English (U214) and the Level 1 module Introducing English Language Studies (L101). As part of L101, we have co-edited with Philip Seargeant Book 1: What is Language? and Book 3: Language and Creativity.
I have been involved in the module presentation teams for Worlds of English (U214) and Investigating Language in Action (E854). I have co-chaired the presentation of Exploring Languages and Cultures (L161) and chaired the first presentation of the postgraduate module Applied Linguistics and English Language (EE817).
Keynote lectures
Participation online as affective positioning: the case of a YouTube cancer vlog. Postgraduate Workshop on Networked publics in an age of sharing, University of Lausanne, 5-6 December 2019.
Sharing small stories of illness online: modes of affective positioning. Programme Doctorale en Sciences du Language. "Analyzing Discourse & Interaction in Social Media: new methodological challenges?". Conferene Universitaire de Suisse Occidentale, Leysin, May 19-21 2019.
Sharing life and death online as small stories of the moment. Postgraduate Workshop on Digital Practices, Platforms, Affordances and Ideologies. University of Lausanne, 14 December 2017.
#JeSuisCharlie?: hashtags as narrative resources in contexts of ecstatic sharing, Postgraduate Workshop on Digital Literacies in Digital Communication, University of Lausanne, 14 December 2016.
Invited lectures
Small stories of death, dying & mourning on social media: tellers, co-tellers and witnesses, Georgetown University, March 2021
(with A. Georgakopoulou and P. Seargeant) Stories in Everyday Life: From electoral politics to Instagram, The Personal As Political Series, Contemporary Cultures of Writing, The Open University, March 2021
(with Alexandra Georgakopoulou) Memes, tweets and other small stories: on the social-mediatization of the Greek economy, University of Oxford, Department of Modern Greek Studies, May 2017.
Lament as narrative and as social critique. Workshop on Music and Language in Greece in times of crisis. Sounds of the Hellenic World: Ancient and Modern. Hosted by the Department of Classics, the Centre for Hellenic Studies and the Department of Music, with the collaboration of the Onassis Cultural Centre, Athens, and the Athens Conservatoire. King’s College London, 4-5 July 2016.
#JeSuisCharlie: hashtag mourning as ecstatic story-making. Applied Linguistics Circle Research Seminar, University of Reading, May 2016.
Invited panel participation
(with Tereza Spilioti) "Weird Languaging in Hip Hop: 'mumble rap' and the case of Sin Boy's viral single MAMA". Part of Invited colloquium on Multilanguaging in the 'global village': Digital dis/parities and dis/connections. Convened by Alex Georgakopouloum, [Virtual] GURT (Georgetown University Round Table), March 13-15 2020.
Panel on Death, Dying and Digital. Wellcome Collection. Part of Misbehaving Bodies: events with Oreet Ashery. 7 November 2019.
Panel on Death affairs: the political and the personal in a digital age. Applied Sociology and Social Work Group. University of Greenwich. 21 June 2019.
Panel on Digital Life, Legacy and Afterlife. Marie Curie and Good Life, Good Death, Good Grief. Scottish Storytelling Centre, Edinburgh, 19 June 2019.
Panel on Ego-Media: Networked Media and Small Stories. University of Oxford, Wolfson College, 31 May 2019.
Panel on Online Memorial Practices. Dialogues of the Dead: Life Writing and Death. King's College London. 24 May 2018.
Panel on Digital Grief. Edinburgh International Science Festival. 4 April 2018.
Roundtable discussion on digital surveillance. LDC Research Seminar: (Un)doing digital surveillance: Discourses & Practices. King's College London. May 2016.
Conference presentations (select)
Led by Donkeys: Linguistic Landscapes and Cross-media Rebellion (with Frank Monaghan and Philip Seargeant), 12th Linguistic Landscape Workshop: The Political Economy of language and space/place, 1-3 September 2021, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
Chronotopic affect in collective memorialization online (with Tereza Spilioti). Colloquium organized by Caroline Tagg and Agnieszka Lyons: Re-framing the past: The semiotics of time and space in languaging around significant events. TLANG2: Languaging in Times of Change. University of Stirling. 26-27 September 2019.
(with Tereza Spilioti) "I’m an Aθenian too": διαγραφηματικές πρακτικές στο αστικό γλωσσικό τοπίο της Αθήνας. ICGL14. 14th International Conference on Greek Linguistics. University of Patras. 5-8 September 2019.
Vlogging on dying as small stories: the potential and limits of online storying and participation. BAAL Language and New Media Seminar: A force for good? Digital media, positive social change and transformative practice. University of Nottingham, 2nd May 2019.
(with Tereza Spilioti) 'I’m an Aθenian too’: trans-scripting practices in the urban landscape of Athens. TLANG Conference: Communication in the Multilingual City, Birmingham, 28th-29th March 2018.
(with Tereza Spilioti) Mediatizing death and suffering: narrative stancetaking in the rescripting of the refugee crisis. International Pragmatics Association Conference (Special Theme: Pragmatics in the Real World), Belfast, July 2017.
Sharing life and death as small stories: curating last(ing) moments online. IABA Europe 2017 - Life Writing, Europe and New Media, King's College London, June 7-9 2017.
"Dying to live”: storying the everyday experience of illness and dying on b(v)logs, BAAL SIG Health and Science Communication, “Experiences of illness and death: learning from the discourses of realities and fictions”, The Open University, Milton Keynes, 28 November 2016.
Sharing leaks on Twitter as breaking news stories: the case of the “Moscovici draft” leak. Europe in Discourse: Identity, Diversity, Borders, Hellenic American University Athens, 23-25 September 2016.
(with Alexandra Georgakopoulou) Digital biographing in the mediatization of the economy: the case of Yanis Varoufakis Presented as part of panel on ‘Mediatizing the economy: shifting registers, styles and contexts’ organised by Cedric Deschrijver and Alexandra Georgakopoulou at the Sociolinguistics Symposium 21, University of Murcia, 15-18 June 2016.
Genderfluid identity performances online. Presented as part of panel on ‘Transgressive interactions on social media’ organised by Sirpa Leppanen and Piia Varis, IGaLa 9 (International Gender and Language Association), City University of Hong Kong, 19-21 May 2016.
Conference/Seminar/Panel organisation
(with Frank Monaghan and Karina von Lindeiner-Stráský) Thematic Stream on: Applied Linguistic perspectives on memorialisation. LAL Research Festival, The Open University, 17 May 2021.
(with Caroline Tagg, Kristina Hultgren, Laura Paterson, Philip Seargeant, and Frank Monaghan) BAAL Special Interest Group Seminar on: Changing language and communication practices in networked societies, The Open University, Milton Keynes, 27 April 2018.
(with Philip Seargeant) Contemporary Cultures of Writing Writing Autumn Seminar series in collaboration with the Institute of English Studies on Creativity, Language, and Creative Writing, Senate House, University of London, October - December 2017.
(with Marjut Johansson) Confernece Panel on: Mediatizing emotion in reactions to global events and crises, International Pragmatics Association Conference (Special Theme: Pragmatics in the Real World), Belfast, July 2017.
(with Mikka Pers-Hojholt and Charlotte Webb) Panel on: Sharing, participation, and mash-up in digital storytelling, IABA Europe 2017 - Life Writing, Europe and New Media, King’s College London, June 7-9, 2017
(with Philip Seargeant) Seminar convenor of research seminars on Narrative as Research Method (April, 2016) and Digital Literacies (July, 2016), Language and Communication Research Cluster, Centre for Research in Education and Educational Technology (CREET).
(with Stacey Pitsillides) 2nd International Death Online Research Symposium, Kingston University London, August 2015.
(with Sharon Young) Research Day on Interpretations of Death and Dying, Kingston University London, November 2014.
Public engagement events
Death Café Organiser and Facilitator, Stanley Picker Gallery (with Oreet Ashery, Stanley Picker artist-in-residence), June 2015.
Death Café Organiser and Facilitator, Kingston University London (with Josefine Speyer, Psychotherapist and Co-Director, Natural Death Centre & Sharon Young), November 2014.
Death Café Organiser and Facilitator, Rose Theatre, Kingston University (with Sharon Young, Department of Politics, Kingston University London), May 2014.
Public engagement writing
Public health communication during a pandemic. Open Learn, 5 June 2020.
What effect is social media having on the way we mourn global tragedies? (with Philip Seargeant) Open Learn, 28 March 2017.
How sexist is the urban environment? (with Philip Seargeant) OpenDemocracy, 31 May 2017.
Statue Wars: Competing Narratives in the Public Landscape (with Philip Seargeant) The Sociological Review, 24 August 2017.
Academic consultation
Oreet Ashery (Goldsmiths University), 'Revisiting Genesis' web series and film, Wellcome Trust Small Arts Awards
Steering Group Member, International Death Online Research Network
Editorial Board Member, Discourse, Context and Media
Taking a break from social media: Media ideologies of (not) sharing in celebrity culture (2024-10)
Spilioti, Tereza and Giaxoglou, Korina
Journal of Pragmatics, 231 (pp. 35-46)
‘Hosting refugees is the most rewarding experience’: migrant identity and affective positioning in curated NGO stories (2024)
Lampropoulou, Sofia; Giaxoglou, Korina and Johnson, Paige
Critical Discourse Studies ((Early access))
Affective positioning in hyper-mourning: sharers as tellers, co-tellers and witnesses (2022-06)
Giaxoglou, Korina
Conjunctions. Transdisciplinary Journal of Cultural Participation, 9(1) (pp. 1-12)
Mobilizing stories of illness in digital contexts: a critical approach to narrative, voice and visibility (2021-06-01)
Giaxoglou, Korina
Poetics Today, 43(2) (pp. 287-308)
The Shared Story of #JeSuisAylan on Twitter: Story Participation and Stancetaking in Visual Small Stories (2020-04)
Giaxoglou, Korina and Spilioti, Tereza
Pragmatics, 30(2) (pp. 277-302)
Introduction: Networked practices of emotion and stancetaking in reactions to mediatized events and crises (2020-04)
Giaxoglou, Korina and Johansson, Marjut
Pragmatics, 30(2) (pp. 169-178)
Mobilizing Grief and Remembrance with and for Networked Publics: towards a Typology of Hyper-Mourning (2020)
Giaxoglou, Korina
European Journal of Life Writing, 9 (pp. 264-284)
Sharing Small Stories of Life and Death Online: Death-writing of the Moment (2019-02)
Giaxoglou, Korina
European Journal of Life Writing (pp. 118-142)
Emplotment in the social mediatization of the economy: the poly-storying of economist Yanis Varoufakis (2019-01-03)
Georgakopoulou, Alexandra and Giaxoglou, Korina
Language@Internet, 16, Article 6
Visual small stories of #jesuisaylan: sharing cosmopolitan emotions on Instagram (2019)
Giaxoglou, Korina
Cahiers de l'ILSL, 59 (pp. 59-75)
#JeSuisCharlie? Hashtags as narrative resources in contexts of ecstatic sharing (2018-04-30)
Giaxoglou, Korina
Discourse, Context, and Media, 22 (pp. 13-20)
Mediatization of Emotion on Social Media: Forms and Norms in Digital Mourning Practices (2018-01-01)
Giaxoglou, Korina and Döveling, Katrin
Social Media + Society, 4(1) (pp. 1-4)
Storying leaks for sharing: The case of leaking the “Moscovici draft” on Twitter (2017-10-31)
Giaxoglou, Korina
Discourse, Context & Media (Special Issue: The Digital Agora of Social Media edited by M.Johansson, S. Kleinke, and L. Lehti), 19 (pp. 22-30)
Reflections on internet research ethics from language-focused research on web-based mourning: revisiting the private/public distinction as a language ideology of differentiation (2017-05)
Giaxoglou, Korina
Applied Linguistics Review, 8(2-3) (pp. 229-250)
Networked Emotions: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Sharing Loss Online (2017-04)
Giaxoglou, Korina; Döveling, Katrin and Pitsillides, Stacey
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 61(1) (pp. 1-10)
'Everywhere I go, you're going with me': Time and space deixis as affective positioning resources in shared moments of digital mourning (2015)
Giaxoglou, Korina
Discourse, Context & Media, 9 (pp. 55-63)
Entextualising mourning on Facebook: stories of grief as acts of sharing (2015)
Giaxoglou, Korina
New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, 21(1-2) (pp. 87-105)
[Book review] Narrative Revisited: Telling a Story in the Age of New Media (2014-08-01)
Giaxoglou, Korina and Spilioti, Tereza
Discourse and Communication, 8(3) (pp. 318-320)
'R.I.P. man...u are missed and loved by many': entextualising moments of mourning on a Facebook Rest in Peace group site (2014-06-20)
Giaxoglou, Korina
Thanatos, 3(1) (pp. 10-28)
Entextualizing vernacular forms in a Maniat village: Features of orthopraxy in local folklore practice (2009-09)
Giaxoglou, Korina
Pragmatics, 19(3) (pp. 419-434)
[Book Review] Chryssoula Lascaratou. The Language of Pain. Expression or description? (2009)
Giaxoglou, Korina
Journal of Greek Linguistics, 9(1) (pp. 215-218)
Political Activism and the Linguistic Landscape: Or, how to use Public Space as a Medium for Protest (2023-06-30)
Seargeant, Philip; Giaxoglou, Korina and Monaghan, Frank
ISBN : 9781800416819 | Publisher : Multilingual Matters | Published : Bristol
A Narrative Approach to Social Media Mourning: Small Stories and Affective Positioning (2021)
Giaxoglou, Korina
Routledge Research in Narrative, Interaction, and Discourse
ISBN : 9781138286023 / 9781315268675 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : New York, USA
Narrative practices of death, dying and mourning (2025)
Giaxoglou, Korina
In: Frick, Karina; Gröbel, Lea and Siever, Christina Margrit eds. Tod und Trauer – analog:digital: Linguistische und theologische Perspektiven. Sprache und Wissen (SuW) (pp. 117-137)
Publisher : De Gruyter
Political influencers as flashpoints for manufactured online aggression (2024-10-17)
Seargeant, Philip and Giaxoglou, Korina
In: Blitvitch Garces-Conejos, Pilar and Georgakopoulou, Alexandra eds. Affect, hate and relationality in the discourse of, with and about influencers. Pragmatics and Beyond (pp. 128-147)
Publisher : John Benjamins Publishing Company | Published : Amsterdam, NL
“The EU gave us a new beginning”: Liquid racism and affect in a curated migrant story (2024)
Giaxoglou, Korina and Spilioti, Tereza
In: Archakis, Argyris and Tsakona, Villy eds. xploring the Ambivalence of Liquid Racism: In between antiracist and racist discourse (pp. 181-201)
ISBN : 9789027214539 | Publisher : John Benjamins | Published : Amsterdam
Inclusive and decolonising moves in the English Language curriculum: possibilities and barriers in online distance contexts of teaching (2023-05-18)
Giaxoglou, Korina and Tagg, Caroline
In: Leedham, Maria; Tagg, Caroline and Tuck, Jackie eds. Online Pedagogy and the Student Experience: Teaching Applied Linguistics and Beyond
ISBN : 9780335251889 | Publisher : Open University Press, McGraw-Hill | Published : London, UK
The sociolinguistics portfolio: integrating students’ language experiences into online applied linguistics modules (2023-05-18)
Tagg, Caroline and Giaxoglou, Korina
In: Leedham, Maria; Tagg, Caroline and Tuck, Jackie eds. Online Pedagogy and the Student Experience: Teaching Applied Linguistics and Beyond
ISBN : 9780335251889 | Publisher : Open University Press, McGraw-Hill | Published : London, UK
«Η ΕΕ μας έδωσε ένα νέο ξεκίνημα»: Ρευστός ρατσισμός και συν-αίσθημα σε μια επιμελημένη αφήγηση μετανάστευσης ['The EU gave us a fresh start': Fluid racism and empathy in a curated migration narrative] (2023)
Γιαξόγλου, Κορίνα and Σπηλιώτη, Τερέζα
In: Αρχάκης, Αργύρης; Καραχάλιου, Ράνια and Τσάκωνα, Βίλλυ eds. Ιχνηλατώντας τη Διείσδυση του Ρατσισμού στον Αντιρατσιστικό Λόγο: Μελέτες για τον Ρευστό Ρατσισμό (pp. 259-289)
ISBN : 9789606355448 | Publisher : Εκδόσεις Πεδίο/Field Editions | Published : Αθήνα/Athens
Μικρές ιστορίες θρήνου και μνήμης στο διαδίκτυο
[Small stories of mourning and remembrance in online contexts] (2022-06-29)
Giaxoglou, Korina
In: Kakavoulia, Maria and Politis, Periklis eds. ΑΦΗΓΗΣΗ: ΜΙΑ ΠΟΛΥΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΟΝΙΚΗ ΘΕΩΡΗΣΗ [Narrative: An interdisciplinary approach]
ISBN : 978-960-01-2360-9 | Publisher : Gutenberg | Published : Athens
Can WhatsApp facilitate interaction? A case study of adult language learning (2022)
Vogiatzis, Dimitrios; Charitonos, Koula; Giaxoglou, Korina and Lewis, Tim
In: Rienties, Bart; Hampel, Regine; Scanlon, Eileen and Whitelock, Denise eds. Open World Learning: Research, Innovation and the Challenges of High-Quality Education. Routledge Research in Digital Education and Educational Technology (pp. 44-62)
Publisher : Routledge | Published : New York, USA
A narrative practice approach to identities: small stories and positioning analysis in digital contexts (2021-11)
Giaxoglou, Korina and Georgakopoulou, Alexandra
In: Bamberg, Michael; Demuth, Carolin and Watzlawik, Meike eds. Cambridge Handbook of Identity. Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology (pp. 241-261)
ISBN : 9781108485012 | Publisher : Cambridge University Press | Published : Cambridge
Translation and trans-scripting: languaging practices in the city of Aθens (2021)
Spilioti, Tereza and Giaxoglou, Korina
In: Lee, Tong King ed. The Routledge Handbook of Translation and the City (pp. 278-293)
ISBN : 9780429436468 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : Abingdon
From Rest in Peace to #R.I.P.: tracing shifts in the language of mourning (2020)
Giaxoglou, Korina
In: Tagg, Caroline and Evans, Mel eds. Message and Medium: historicising English language practices. Topics in English Linguistics (pp. 129-148)
Publisher : De Gruyter Mouton
Digital Death and the Digital Afterlife: Oreet Ashery in Conversation with Korina Giaxoglou (2019-12-31)
Ashery, Oreet and Giaxoglou, Korina
In: Zielińska, Joanna ed. Performance Works
ISBN : 978-88-6749-430-9 | Publisher : Mousse Publishing for Ujazdowski Castle Center for Contemporary Art in Warsaw | Published : Milan
Trajectories of treasured texts: laments as narratives (2019-07-08)
Giaxoglou, Korina
In: Falconi, Elizabeth and Graber, Kate eds. Storytelling as Narrative Practice: Ethnographic Approaches to the Tales We Tell. Studies in Pragmatics (19) (pp. 136-162)
ISBN : 9789004393936 | Publisher : Brill
Discourse and the Linguistic Landscape (2019)
Seargeant, Philip and Giaxoglou, Korina
In: De Fina, Anna and Georgakopoulou, Alexandra eds. The Handbook of Discourse Studies (pp. 306-326)
Publisher : Cambridge University Press | Published : Cambridge
Mediatizing death and suffering: rescripting visual stories of the refugee crisis as distant witnessing and mourning (2018-01-31)
Giaxoglou, K. and Spilioti, T.
In: Burger, M.; Thornborrow, J. and Fitzerald, R. eds. Discours des réseaux sociaux: enjeux publics, politiques et médiatiques (pp. 65-92)
ISBN : 9782807306028 | Publisher : De Boeck
Scaling the field of intercultural communication: reflections on trajectories of culture (2016)
Spilioti, Tereza and Giaxoglou, Korina
In: Singh, Jaspal Naveel; Kantara, Argyro and Cserzo, Dorottya eds. Downscaling Culture: Revisiting Intercultural Communication (pp. 366-373)
ISBN : 9781443890564 | Publisher : Cambridge Scholars | Published : Newcastle
Small Stories Research: Tales, Tellings, and Tellers Across Contexts (2023-07-31)
Georgakopoulou, Alexandra; Giaxoglou, Korina and Patron, Sylvie eds.
Routledge Research in Narrative, Interaction, and Discourse
ISBN : 9781003253563 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : New York, USA
I’m an Aθenian too: διαγραφηματικές πρακτικές στο αστικό γλωσσικό τοπίο της Αθήνας (2019-09-06)
Spilioti, Tereza and Giaxoglou, Korina
In : International Conference on Greek Linguistics (ICGL14) (5-8 Sep 2019, University of Patras, Greece)
Language and affect in digital media: articulations of grief in online spaces for mourning (2014)
Giaxoglou, Korina
In : 46th Annual Meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics: Opening New Lines of Communication in Applied Linguistics (BAAL 2013) (5-7 Sep 2013, Herriot-Watt University, Edinburgh) (pp. 161-171)
Τυπική αφηγηματική δομή και παραλλαγές στα μανιάτικα μοιρολόγια
[Typical narrative structure and variations in Maniat laments] (2007)
Giaxoglou, Korina
In : 3rd Athens Postgraduate Conference (9-10 Apr 2005, Faculty of Philology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)
Maniat Laments as Narratives: Forms and Norms of Entextualization (2008-07-01)
Giaxoglou, (Kyriaki) Korina
PhD thesis King's College London