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Dr Katie Davis

Profile summary

Professional biography

Katie is a registered mental health nurse and registered teacher with the Nursing & Midwifery Council. With a background in older adult mental health, Katie has worked as a lecturer since 2018 at universities in England and Scotland. Currently based in Scotland, Katie joined the OU in March 2024 and is mainly involved in mental health modules within Health & Social Care at the OU. Katie was awarded her PhD in 2020 with her thesis titled Co-researching with people living with dementia: A co-operative Inquiry at the University of Manchester.  


  • PhD (University of Manchester)
  • MSc Advanced Nursing (Glasgow Caledonian University)
  • BN Nursing (Mental Health) (Glasgow Caledonian University)
  • MA Social Sciences (University of Glasgow)
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice (University of Salford)
  • Graduate Certificate in Counselling Skills (University of Abertay Dundee)
  • Fellow (Advance HE)

Research interests

  • Lived experience of dementia
  • Older adult mental health
  • Adult mental health
  • Student mental health and well-being
  • Participatory methods
  • Qualitative Methods

Teaching interests

  • Older adult mental health
  • Adult mental health
  • Dementia
  • Health & Well-being
  • Communication in health care settings
  • Compassionate Leadership


Exploring the effects of financial stress on undergraduate nursing students in Scotland (2025-02)
Molesworth, Mark; Davis, Katie; Rickards-Hill, Deborah; Bossman, Irene and Mayne, Wendy
Nursing Standard, 40(2) (pp. 48-54)

Interventions for preventing or controlling health care–associated infection among health care workers or patients within primary care facilities: A scoping review (2024)
Gozdzielewska, L.; Deepti, K. C.; Butcher, J.; Molesworth, M.; Davis, K.; Barr, L.; DiBari, C.; Mortgat, L.; Deeves, M.; Kothari, K. U.; Storr, J.; Allegranzi, B.; Reilly, J. and Price, L.
American Journal of Infection Control, 52(4) (pp. 479-487)

Visioning change: Co-producing a model of involvement and engagement in research (Innovative Practice) (2019)
Swarbrick, Caroline W.; Open Doors, ; Scottish Dementia Working Group, ; EDUCATE, ; Davis, Katie and Keady, John
Dementia, 18(7-8) (pp. 3165-3172)

Student life - Hats off to further study. (2013)
Davis, Katie
Nursing Standard, 28(16-18) (p 66)

Overcoming Stigma in the Neighbourhood: Learning lessons from a co-operative inquiry led by people living with dementia’ (2023-10-17)
Davis, Katie A.
In: Keady, John ed. Reconsidering Neighbourhoods and Living with Dementia: Spaces, Places, and People (pp. 87-105)
ISBN : 9780335251728 | Publisher : Open University Press, McGraw Hill

Care of the person living with dementia (2023)
Davis, Katie A. and Price, Rachel S.
In: Ross, Fiona M.; Harris, Ruth; Fitzpatrick, Joanne M. and Abley, Clare eds. Redfern's Nursing Older People (5th Edition) (pp. 455-472)
ISBN : 9780702082474 | Publisher : Elsevier

Mental Health in Later Life (2021)
Price, Rachel and Davis, Katie A.
In: Chadwick, Angelina and Murphy, Neil eds. Mental Health: A non-specialist introduction for nursing and health care (pp. 101-120)
ISBN : 9781908625953 | Publisher : Lantern Publishing