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Dr Jeanne Katz

Jeanne Katz

Profile summary

Professional biography

Prior to becoming a medical sociologist, Jeanne was a social worker, and then completed a Masters degree in Sociology as Applied to Medicine (London 1980) and Ph.D. in sociology (Warwick 1989).  She joined the Open University in 1990 as Lecturer in Death and Dying.  She has been a Senior Lecturer since 2001.

Her primary activities over the past ten years have related to a) her postgraduate student role  b) her research activities and c) her involvement in K319 as co-editor of the reader.

A)  As Director of Postgraduate Studies from April 2003 till September 2009 Dr Jeanne Katz  was responsible for all the postgraduate students in the Faculty of Health & Social Care and helped negotiate externally matched funding for six students. Three of her students have been awarded their Ph.D.s during the last two years, and she continues to supervise one full time student who is exploring child sexual abuse in South Africa and a part time student.

B).  Dr Katz is engaged in writing up several recently completed research projects.


Research interests


Jeanne Katz has researched for many years in the area of death, dying and bereavement in a variety of settings. For the past twenty years she has focused primarily on  the health and social care of older people in  different types of care settings. Her externally funded researched projects in the late 1990's and early noughties explored the management of dying and death of older people residing  in residential and nursing homes as well as the training needs of care staff. She published extensively on issues in relation to care for dying residents in UK care homes and co-authored a training pack for carers working with dying people, published in 2004 by Macmillan Cancer Support.

Her research interests diversified in the noughties through collaborative research with colleagues Caroline Holland and Sheila Peace. With Caroline Holland she completed an externally funded research project on extra-care housing for a group of housing charities and recently completed a study about 'What happens to Older People with Dementia on Discharge from Hospital; (with colleagues from the Universities of Warwick and Surrey) funded by the Alzheimer's Society).   In addition with both Sheila Peace and Caroline Holland she has completed two studies  funded by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, the first entitled  'Social Interactions in public spaces' (2006) and  'A Better Life - what Older People with high support needs value (2011). 





Books edited:

D. Dickenson, M. Johnson and J. Katz (2000) (eds) Death Dying and Bereavement, (2000) 2nd edition, Sage, pp. 338, ISBN 0 7619 6857 1 (pbk)

J. Hockey, J. Katz and N. Small (eds) (2001) Grief Mourning and Death Ritual, Open University Press, pp. 286, ISBN 0 3352 0502 X (HB) 0 3352 0501 1

Katz, J. and Peace, S.M. (eds) (2003) End of Life in Care Homes: A Palliative Care Approach, Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Chapters in books:

Katz, J. (2001) 'Supporting bereaved school children: the views of teachers', in Hockey, J., Katz, J. and Small, N. (eds) Grief Mourning and Death Ritual, Open University Press, pp. 144–157, ISBN 0 3352 0502 X (HB) 0 3352 0501 1.

Katz, J. (2001) 'Nursing Homes' in Howarth, G. and Leaman, O. (eds) Encyclopaedia of Death and Dying, Routledge.

Katz, J. (2001) 'Nursing' in Howarth, G. and Leaman, O. (eds) Encyclopaedia of Death and Dying, Routledge.

Katz, J. (2002) 'Ill-health' in Thompson, N. (ed.) Loss and Grief: A Guide for Human Service Practitioners, Palgrave. Basingstoke.

Seden, J. and Katz, J. (2002) 'Managing Significant Life Events' in Henderson, J. and Atkinson, D. (eds) Managing Care in Context, Routledge, London.

Katz, J. (2003) 'Managing Loss in Care Homes' in Reynolds, J., Henderson, J., Seden, J., Charlesworth, J. and Bullman, A. (eds) The Managing Care Reader, Chapter 9, pp. 67–76, Routledge, London. ISBN 0 415 29789 03.

Katz, J. (2003) 'Managing dying residents' in Katz, J. and Peace, S.M. (eds) (2003) End of Life in Care Homes: A Palliative Care Approach, Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Katz, J. (2003) 'Dealing with death' in Katz, J. and Peace, S.M. (eds) (2003) End of Life in Care Homes: A Palliative Care Approach, Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Katz, J. (2003) 'The role of external health workers' in Katz, J. and Peace, S.M. (eds) (2003) End of Life in Care Homes: A Palliative Care Approach, Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Katz, J. (2003) 'Practical applications of the principles and practices of palliative care to the residential sector' in Katz, J. and Peace, S.M. (eds) (2003) End of Life in Care Homes: A Palliative Care Approach, Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Katz, J. (2004) 'Palliative Care in Institutions' in Payne, S., Seymour, J. and Ingleton, C. (eds) Palliative Care Nursing: Principles and Evidence for Practice, Open University Press, pp. 414–31.

Katz, J.S. (2008) Palliative Care in Institutions in Payne S., Seymour, J. and Ingleton, C. (eds.) Palliative Care Nursing : Principles and Evidence for Practice. Second edition. Open University Press, McGraw Hill Education, Maidenhead. pp 383--401

Journal articles:

Katz, J., Sidell, M. and Komaromy, C. (2001) 'Dying in long term care facilities: support needs of other residents, relatives and staff' in American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care, Vol. 18, No. 5, pp. 321–26. (90%)

Silverdale, N. and Katz, J. (2003) 'Changes in Attitudes and Practice toward Dying People after Completion of a UK Based Distance Learning Death and Dying Course', Illness, Crisis and Loss, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 183–196.

Katz, J.T (2003)'Training needs in the palliative approach of care home staff' in European Journal of Palliative Care, 10;4; 154-156

Katz, J.S. (2005) Palliative Care in residential care facilities: a brief review International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 11; 3; 130-131 

Silverdale, N. and Katz, J. (2005) The impact of a distance learning death and dying course: An analysis of student self-reported changes, Nurse Education Today, 25, 7, 509-518

Clark, A., Holland, C., Peace, S. and Katz, J. (2005) Social Interactions in Urban Public Places: Participative Method and Recruitment Strategies. Recruitment and Sampling in Representation of Older People in Research. Centre for the Policy on Ageing, London.

C.A. Holland, A. Clark, J. Katz and S. Peace (2007) Social Interactions in urban public places Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Policy Press, Bristol

Clark, A., Holland,C., Katz, J & Peace,S (2009) 'Learning to see: lessons from a participatory observation research project in public spaces' . International Journal of Social Research Methodology, Volume 12 Issue 4 Pp 345 – 360

Holland, C. & Katz, J. (2010) 'Cultural Identity and Belonging in Later Life: Is Extra Care Housing an Attractive Concept to Older Jewish People Living in Britain?' Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, 2010, DOI 10.1007/s10823-009-9107-9

Abeles, M. and Katz, J. (2010) A time to mourn: Reflections on Jewish bereavement practices; Bereavement Care




Dr Katz is a co-investigator with Dr Caroline Holland from the Faculty along with a psycho-geriatrician and a statistician from the University of Warwick and a health economist from the University of Surrey in an Alzheimer's Society funded project exploring what happens to people with dementia on discharge from hospital. This project will be completed in 2011.

She was the principal investigator (with Dr Caroline Holland, Professor Sheila Peace and Dr Elizabeth Tilley) on a Joseph Rowntree Foundation funded project entitled 'Aspirations for a Better Life' on a project which was published in November 2011.


Teaching interests

Health and social care courses.

Jeanne co-edited the reader  'Adult Lives: A Life Course Perspective' for the new level three course K319 (Adulthood, Ageing and the Lifecourse) with Professor Sheila Peace and Sue Spurr.  This was published in early 2012.

Research groups

NameTypeParent Unit
Centre for Ageing and Biographical Studies (CABS)CentreFaculty of Health and Social Care


Service utilisation and family support of people with dementia: a cohort study in England. (2015-01-14)
Gage, Heather; Cheynel, Jerome; Williams, Peter; Mitchell, Katherine; Stinton, Christopher; Katz, Jeanne; Holland, Caroline and Sheehan, Bartley
International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 30(2) (pp. 166-177)

Carers’ perspectives on choosing a care home for a relative with dementia (2013-07)
Katz, Jeanne; Holland, Caroline; Mitchell, Kate; Gage, Heather; Thein, Nwe and Sheehan, Bart
Families, Relationships and Societies, 2(2) (pp. 211-228)

Hearing the voices of people with high support needs (2013-01)
Katz, Jeanne; Holland, Caroline and Peace, Sheila
Journal of Aging Studies, 27(1) (pp. 52-60)

‘I knew I had something bad because no-one spoke about it’ – disclosure discovery: experiences of young people with perinatally acquired HIV in the UK (2013)
Dorrell, Judith and Katz, Jeanne
Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies, 8(4) (pp. 353-361)

'You're HIV positive': perinatally infected young people's accounts of the critical moment of finding out their diagnosis (2013)
Dorrell, Judith and Katz, Jeanne
AIDS Care: Psychological and Socio-medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV, N/A (N/A)

Patient and proxy measurement of quality of life among general hospital in-patients with dementia (2012-07-05)
Sheehan, Bart D.; Lall, Ranjit; Stinton, Christopher; Mitchell, Kate; Gage, Heather; Holland, Caroline and Katz, Jeanne
Aging & Mental Health, 16(5) (pp. 603-607)

A time to mourn: Reflections on Jewish bereavement practices (2010-04-20)
Abeles, Margi and Katz, Jeanne Samson
Bereavement Care, 29(1) (pp. 19-22)

Cultural identity and belonging in later life: is extra care housing an attractive concept to older Jewish people living in Britain? (2010-03-08)
Holland, Caroline A. and Katz, Jeanne S.
Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, 25(1) (pp. 59-69)

Learning to see: lessons from a participatory observation research project in public spaces (2009-10)
Clark, Andrew; Holland, Caroline; Katz, Jeanne and Peace, Sheila
International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 12(4) (pp. 345-30)

The impact of a distance learning death and dying course: An analysis of student self-reported changes (2005-10)
Silverdale, Natalie and Katz, Jeanne
Nurse Education Today, 25(7) (pp. 509-518)

Palliative Care in residential care facilities: a brief review (2005)
Katz, Jeanne
International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 11(3) (pp. 130-131)

Training of care home staff (2003)
Katz, Jeanne
European Journal of Palliative Care, 10(4) (pp. 154-156)

Changes in Attitudes and Practice toward Dying People after Completion of a UK Based Distance Learning Death and Dying Course (2003)
Silverdale, Natalie and Katz, Jeanne
Illness, Crisis and Loss, 11(2) (pp. 183-196)

Death in homes: bereavement needs of residents, relatives and staff (2001-05)
Katz, Jeanne; Sidell, Moyra and Komaromy, Carol
International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 6(6) (pp. 274-279)

Dying in long-term care facilities: Support needs of other residents, relatives, and staff (2001)
Katz, Jeanne; Sidell, Moyra and Komaromy, Carol
American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, 18(5) (pp. 321-326)

The quality of terminal care in residential and nursing homes (2000-04)
Komaromy, Carol; Sidell, Moyra and Katz, Jeanne
International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 6(4) (pp. 192-204)

Understanding pallative care in residential and nursing homes (1999)
Katz, Jeanne; Sidell, Moyra and Komaromy, Carol
International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 5(2) (pp. 58-64)

A Better Life - What Older People With High Support Needs Value (2011-11-30)
Katz, Jeanne; Holland, Caroline; Peace, Sheila and Taylor, Emily
ISBN : 978-1-85935-861-0 | Publisher : Joseph Rowntree Foundation | Published : York

Social interactions in urban public places (2007-04-24)
Holland, Caroline; Clark, Andrew; Katz, Jeanne and Peace, Sheila
Public Spaces
ISBN : 9781861349972 | Publisher : Policy Press | Published : Bristol, UK

Growing up with HIV: The experiences of young people living with HIV since birth in the UK (2008)
Dorrell, Judith; Earle, Sarah; Katz, Jeanne and Reveley, Shirley
In: Earle, Sarah; Komaromy, Carol and Bartholomew, Caroline eds. Death and Dying: A Reader. Published in association with The Open University (pp. 237-244)
ISBN : 978-1-84787-510-5 | Publisher : Sage | Published : UK

Palliative care in institutions (2008)
Katz, Jeanne
In: Payne, Sheila; Seymour, Jane and Ingleton, Christine eds. Palliative Care Nursing: Principles and Evidence for Practice (pp. 383-401)
ISBN : 0 335 22181 5 | Publisher : Open University Press | Published : Maidenhead, UK

Palliative care in institutions (2004-03)
Katz, Jeanne Samson
In: Payne, Sheila; Seymour, Jane and Ingleton, Christine eds. Palliative care nursing: principles and evidence for practice (pp. 414-431)
ISBN : 335212433 | Publisher : Open University Press | Published : Maidenhead, UK

Introduction (2003)
Katz, Jeanne and Peace, Sheila
In: Katz, Jeanne and Peace, Sheila eds. End of Life in Care Homes: A Palliative Care Approach (pp. 1-14)
ISBN : 0 19 851071 3 | Publisher : Oxford University Press | Published : Oxford, UK

Managing Dying Residents (2003)
Katz, Jeanne
In: Katz, Jeanne and Peace, Sheila eds. End of Life in Care Homes: A Palliative Care Approach (pp. 59-74)
ISBN : 978-0-19-851071-0 | Publisher : Oxford University Press | Published : Oxford, UK

End of life in care homes (2003)
Peace, Sheila and Katz, Jeanne
In: Katz, Jeanne and Peace, Sheila eds. End of life in care homes: A Palliative Care Approach (pp. 195-200)
ISBN : 198510713 | Publisher : Oxford University Press | Published : Oxford, UK

Dealing with death (2003)
Katz, Jeanne
In: Katz, Jeanne and Peace, Sheila eds. End of Life in Care Homes: A Palliative Care Approach (pp. 75-86)
ISBN : 978-0-19-851071-0 | Publisher : Oxford University Press | Published : Oxford, UK

The role of external health workers (2003)
Katz, Jeanne
In: Katz, Jeanne and Peace, Sheila eds. End of life in care homes: A Palliative Care Approach (pp. 99-114)
ISBN : 978-0-19-851071-0 | Publisher : Oxford University Press | Published : Oxford, UK

Practical applications of the principles and practices of palliative care to the residential sector (2003)
Katz, Jeanne
In: Katz, Jeanne and Peace, Sheila eds. End of life in care homes: A Palliative Care Approach (pp. 131-156)
ISBN : 978-0-19-851071-0 | Publisher : Oxford University Press | Published : Oxford, UK

Managing Loss in Care Homes (2003)
Katz, Jeanne
In: Reynolds, Jill; Henderson, Jeanette; Seden, Janet; Charlesworth, Julie and Bullman, Anne eds. The Managing Care Reader (pp. 67-76)
ISBN : 0 415 29789 3 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : London, UK

Ill-health (2002)
Katz, Jeanne
In: Thompson, Neil ed. Loss and Grief: A Guide for Human Services Practitioners (pp. 149-161)
ISBN : 0 333 96328 8 | Publisher : Palgrave | Published : Basingstoke, UK

Supporting bereaved children at school (2001-02-06)
Katz, Jeanne
In: Hockey, Jenny; Katz, Jeanne and Small, Neil eds. Grief, Mourning and Death Ritual. Facing Death (pp. 144-157)
ISBN : 335205011 | Publisher : Open University Press | Published : Buckingham, UK

Adult Lives: A Life Course Perspective (2011-11-30)
Katz, Jeanne; Peace, Sheila and Spurr, Sue eds.
ISBN : 978-1447300434 | Publisher : Policy Press | Published : Bristol

End of life in care homes: A palliative care approach (2003-04-03)
Katz, Jeanne Samson and Peace, Sheila eds.
ISBN : 198510713 | Publisher : Oxford University Press | Published : Oxford, UK

Grief, Mourning and Death Ritual (2001)
Katz, Jeanne; Hockey, Jenny and Small, Neil eds.
Facing Death
ISBN : 9780335205011, | Publisher : Open University Press | Published : Buckingham, UK

Care matters: Concepts, practice and research in health and social care (1998)
Brechin, Ann; Walmsley, Jan; Katz, Jeanne and Peace, Sheila eds.
ISBN : 9780761955665 | Publisher : Sage | Published : London

Understanding informal carers’ decision-making in choosing a care home for a person with dementia in hospital. (2012-08-05)
Katz, Jeanne and Holland, Caroline
In : Second ISA Forum of Sociology: Social Justice and Democratization (1-4 Aug 2012, Buenos Aires, Argentina)

Exploring the goals of older people with high support needs in the UK: does their consumption match their aspirations? (2012-08-03)
Katz, Jeanne; Holland, Caroline and Peace, Sheila
In : Second ISA Forum of Sociology: Social Justice and Democratization (1-4 Aug 2012, Buenos Aires, Argentina)

Research Briefing: What happens to people with dementia identified in general hospital? (2012-05-28)
Holland, Caroline and Katz, Jeanne
In : MICRA / DART Joint Dementia Symposium: Rethinking ‘dementia’: Multi-disciplinary approaches to understanding dementia in everyday life. (28 May 2012, MICRA, Manchester University)

Validating aspirations of older people with high support needs (2011-07)
Katz, Jeanne; Holland, Caroline and Peace, Sheila
In : British Society of Gerontology 40th Annual Conference: "Understanding and Promoting the Values of Older Age" (5-7 Jul 2011, Plymouth, UK)

A mixed method investigation of people with dementia in transition from general hospital to care homes (2011-07)
Holland, Caroline; Katz, Jeanne; Mitchell, Kathryn and Thein, Nwe
In : British Society of Gerontology 40th Annual Conference: "Understanding and Promoting the Value of Older Age" (5-7 Jul 2011, Plymouth, UK)

Reflections of family carers of people with dementia recently admitted to a care home. (2010-07)
Holland, Caroline and Katz, Jeanne
In : British Society of Gerontology 39th Annual Conference: Identities, Care and Everyday Life (6-8 Jul 2010, Uxbridge, UK)

Spaces for all (2007)
Peace, Sheila; Katz, Jeanne; Holland, Caroline and Clark, Andrew
In : Rethink! New perspectives on public spaces (24 Apr 2007, London)

Intergenerational relationships around town: Aylesbury in winter and spring (2005-07)
Clark, Andrew; Peace, Sheila; Holland, Caroline and Katz, Jeanne
In : British Society of Gerontology 34th Annual Scientific Meeting (14-16 Jul 2005, University of Keele)

Sense of community, public space, and intergenerational (in)activity in Middle England (2005)
Clark, Andrew; Peace, Sheila; Holland, Caroline and Katz, Jeanne
In : Annual Meeting of The Association of American Geographers (5-9 Apr 2005, Denver, CO, UK)