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Dr Jerome Devaux

Profile summary

Professional biography

I am a Senior Lecturer in French, and Translation and Interpreting Studies and the Academic Lead for Undergraduate Programmes in Languages. Before joining the OU in 2017, I lectured at several Higher Education Institutions in the UK. I also worked as a freelancer for various translation agencies worldwide, and I interpreted for numerous European and international conferences, notably for European Works Councils and ministerial delegations.

Research interests

My research expertise lies at the intersection of Interpreting Studies, Technology and Social Justice. More specifically, I am interested in the use of technologies and their impact on interpreter-mediated interactions. I have published papers on various topics, including the interpreter's role(s), ethics and training. 

I am currently leading the following two research projects as Principal Investigator:

  • Interpreting during Migration Crises: A Case Study of Syrian Refugees in Turkey
  • Video Hearings in Multilingual Criminal Courts: The Courtroom’s Viewpoint

Teaching interests

I have taught French and Translation and Interpreting Studies in various HE Institutions since 2004. Regarding Translation and Interpreting studies, I have delivered many theoretical lectures and practical seminars at both Undergraduate and Postgraduate Levels. At the Open University, I am the Module Team Chair for L802: Translation in Practice on the MA in Translation and L112: French Studies 1.

I supervise PhD students in the field of Translation Studies and Technologies. I am currently supervising the following theses:

  • The art of translation: Developing multilingual digital resources using artificial intelligence to support translation in bioinformatics
  • Disseminating knowledge within the healthcare system in England. Language and Translation practices in the production and reception of global medical evidence.
  • A Multisensory Approach for the Translation of Atmosphere in Silvina Ocampo’s short stories.

Impact and engagement

I have delivered talks and training sessions to various professional Translating and Interpreting bodies (such as The Institute of Translation and Interpreting, CPD Webinars, and the North-West Translator Network). I have also written articles for a broader audience on topical interpreting issues (e.g.: The London Criminal Courts Solicitors’ Association and The Conversation).

External collaborations

I am a member of the International Association of Translation and Intercultural Studies (IATIS).

I have worked as a peer-reviewer for several world-renowned journals (such as The Journal of Specialised Translation) and publishers (such as Routledge) in Translation and Interpreting Studies.


Teaching Translation and Interpreting in Virtual Environments (2021-07)
Hubscher-Davidson, Séverine and Devaux, Jerome
Journal of Specialised Translation, 36

Interpreting for Syrian Refugees in Turkey: An Overview of the Interpreter's background and Training (2024)
Devaux, Jérôme; Cox, Sarah and Halil, Ahmed
In: Iacono, Katia; Heinisch, Barbara and Pöllabauer, Sonja eds. Zwischenstationen / Inbetween Kommunikation mit geflüchteten Menschen / Communicating with Refugees (pp. 65-73)
ISBN : 978-3-7329-0945-2 | Publisher : Frank and Timme | Published : Berlin, Germany

Training Interpreters in Legal Settings: Applying Role-Space Theory in the Classroom (2022-05)
Devaux, Jerome and Lee, Robert
In: Brunson, Jeremy ed. Legal Interpreting: Teaching, Research and Practice. Interpreter education (12) (pp. 191-219)
ISBN : 978-1-944838-98-0 | Publisher : Gallaudet University Press | Published : Washington, D.C.

Technologies and role-space: how videoconference interpreting affects the court interpreter’s perception of her role (2018-12-15)
Devaux, Jerome
In: Fantinuoli, Claudio ed. Interpreting and Technology (pp. 91-117)
ISBN : 978-3-96110-162-7 | Publisher : Language Science Press

Virtual presence, ethics, and videoconference interpreting: insights from court settings (2017-03-08)
Devaux, Jerome
In: Valero-Garcés, Carmen and Tipton, Rebecca eds. Ideology, Ethics and Policy Development in Public Service Interpreting and Translation
ISBN : 9781783097524 | Publisher : Multilingual Matters | Published : Bristol

When the role of the court interpreter intersects and interacts with new technologies (2016)
Devaux, Jérôme
In: Henry-Tierney, P and Karunanayake, D eds. Intersect, Innovate, Interact. CTIS Occasional Papers (pp. 4-21)
ISBN : 9780954082963 | Publisher : Centre for Translation and Intercultural Studies | Published : Manchester

Technology in court settings: from a triadic exchange to a tetradic network (2021-09)
Devaux, Jerome
In : 7th IATIS Conference: The cultural ecology of translation (14-17 Sep 2021, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona)

Top tips for (a)synchronous sessions – MA in Translations (2020-05)
Hubscher-Davidson, Severine and Devaux, Jerome
In : APTIS Webinar Series, Association of UK Programmes in Translation and Interpreting Studies (May 2020, [Online])

The interpreter and her role perception in videoconference criminal court hearings (2018-07)
Devaux, Jerome
In : 6th IATIS Conference: Translation and cultural mobility (3-6 Jul 2018, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong)

Interpreting in the 21st Century (2018)
Devaux, Jerome
In : Engagement with the industry (2018, Online)

The court interpreter’s perception of their role: a Role-Space approach (2015-11)
Devaux, Jerome
In : InDialog - 2nd International Conference Community Interpreting in Dialogue with Technology (20-21 Nov 2015, Berlin)

Interpreting for better or for worse – the court interpreter’s perception of their role in videoconference interpreting (2015-07)
Devaux, Jerome
In : 5th IATIS Conference: Innovation paths in translation and intercultural studies (6-10 Jul 2015, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte)

Just interpret – the role of the court interpreter and videoconference interpreting in the UK (2014-06)
Devaux, Jerome
In : The Critical Link7: Global Awakening: Leading Practices in interpreting (17-21 Jun 2014, Glendon College, Toronto)

Just Interpret – working with new technologies (2014)
Devaux, Jerome
In : North-West Translator Network (2014, Manchester)

Note-taking in court (2011)
Devaux, Jerome
In : Institute of Translation and Interpreting Annual Conference (2011, Birmingham)