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Dr Inge Hill

Dr Inge Hill

Profile summary

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Professional biography

After my PhD I held a postdoctoral grant for research on ethnic minority SMEs at the London School of Economics, followed by working shortly for the then Small Business Service, a government department, on a literature review of women and entrepreneurship. Subsequently, I held several Senior Lectureships at teaching-led universities until I ran my own strategy and research consultancy for seven years, enriched by my experience of a higher apprenticeship in business administration in a SME before going to university. I hold accreditations in social return on investment / Social Value and business advice for for-profit and social enterprises; I have significant experience in evaluating business support programmes, advising on designing new programmes and policy research

I returned to academia to make a difference for practice-relevant knowledge creation with research and to mainstream social sustainable enterprise into entrepreneurship and wider university education. Senior Lectureships held were at several teaching-led universities, including Birmingham City University. 

Professional memberships and roles of esteem:

  • Senior Fellow Higher Education Academy/Advance HE, Fellow Enterprise Educators UK
  • International accolade as EntreComp Champion
  • Fellow Institute of Enterprise and Entrepreneurship
  • Fellow Royal Society of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA)
  • Elected Council member British Academy of Management since 2022
  • Director Enterprise Educators UK since 2017
  • Member Plunkett UK.

Research interests

My research focuses on entrepreneurship and entrepreneuring as drivers of local/regional development and social innovation and is focused on providing new insights for policy makers to tackle rural inequalities. Using mainly qualitative methods and conceptual approaches, I’ve studied the social and economic aspects of entrepreneurial processes and SMEs in urban and rural contexts aimed to inform policymakers for improving living well in a sustainable society. Throughout my research I have combined theories from diverse areas of research including entrepreneurship, organisational studies, and human geography. I am particularly interested in applying a practice theory lens, and investigating how entrepreneurial practices are accomplished.

I served as associate editor at SN Business and Economics for two years, and am currently serving on the editorial review board of International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research for several years. I also regularly review for the Scandinavian Journal of Management, Cultural Trends, European Journal of Management, amongst others. I am a member of the prestigious Peer Review College of the British Academy of Management sinc 2021. As track chair for the British Academy of Management Strategy-as-practice track for two years I have managed the review process of conference papers, and assessed them where reviewers largeley disagreed.

My current research activities are applied to two main areas:

I focus on the conceptions of space and place as important elements of entrepreneurially driven regional development to inform policymaking and community development on how to support living well in local places, for example via #place-based #business support. Under Tacking inequalities in rural areas and changing the discourse of 'deficit rural' I research how to level up the socio-economic inequalities between urban and rural areas, holding an Open University Challenge build-it grant.

Business advice/support research for sustainable business development, achieving NetZero and shaping enterprise / SME (business support) policy. Here I currently research how urban and rural businesses (excluding land-based ones, e.g. farming, forestry) can be supported more effectively for creating positive regional development that ensures sustainable societies/communities that can live well in their chosen location, creating liveable places. I currently research in 2024 support for craft businesses in the UK. In particular, I won funding in 2024 for researching how to improve place-based business support for first-time innovators amongst rural SMEs in Scotland.

My research focusing on the role of business advisers in advice processes gained the award 'highly commended' at the 2023 British Academy of Management conference @Sussex University (with Kevin Mole, Warwick University Business School, Enterprise Research Centre).

Creative industries entrepreneurship, and how it is accomplished. Here I am currently working on how entrepreneuring - the enactment of entrepreneurial practices in situ - is shaped by and shapes contexts. I am particularly interested in how places are created, the role of creative hubs and creative clusters for local economic and social development to level up communities - in rural and urban contexts, allowing local people and communities to live well in their chosen places and earn a living in sustainable ways. I investigate micro-exchanges of creative entrepreneuring, with focus on craft entrepreneuring. and how it can be strengthened via external support. My EGOS2024 conference paper on rural entrepreneuring, with Professor Birgit H Jevnaker, was suggested for two conference track awards 'Best Paper Award' and 'That's interesting' award.

I currently hold funding from the Institute of Small Business and Enterprise to research how socio-spatial context matters for designing and delivering business support to rural craft entrepreneurs in England and Wales and how we can improve the business support provision.

I founded our first rural research cluster Rural Economy and am its first director, with members from across the university. We research rural social and economic relations, small businesses and their business support needs, with one funded project on innovation support for first-time innovators.

PhD supervision: I have two PhD completions and am open to PhD applications in the above research areas. I have examined PhDs as an external, most significantly at Toulouse Management School, France. I am open to external roles as PhD examiner.

Grand Union Doctoral Training Partnership - Pathway lead "Organisation, Governance and Leadership": I manage our pathway with fully funded PhD-studentships and postdoctoral Fellowships. Get in touch if you would like to learn more.


Teaching interests

I am a passionate entrepreneurship educator with over 20 years of teaching experience and am committed to mainstreaming entrepreneurial learning into university education across disciplines. Fellow passionate educators call me one of the trailblazers for enterprise education. I am internationally accredited EntreComp Champion that influences policy and practice and served for 7 years as elected Director for Enterprise Educators UK. 

I hold a Master's in Education and Senior Fellowship with AdvanceHE/HEA; I am proud to be a certified management and business educator. I am humbled to have been awarded the honoroable award as EntreComp champion for my commitment to mainstream the entrepreneurial competences of the EU competence framework into all enterprise education, one of the few in the UK, influencing policy making. I do this for and in Business Schools and beyond through my role as Director of Enterprise Educators UK and Assessor for the Small Business Charter. I was one of the first EE-UK Fellows demonstrating my commitment to have my teaching-related experiences accredited and co-developed this great accreditation

My sole-authored textbook Start Up. A practice based guide to new venture creation was the first to address the challenges social enterprises face in every chapter (Hill, 2015). 

I have taught all degree levels from Certificate to MBA and senior managers' CPD on new venture creation, SME growth and exit, entrepreneurship, CSR and sustainable business strategies. Over the last three years I have finetuned approaches for integrating teaching on and for the Sustainable Development Goals and NetZero in degrees and all my modules and on reducing carbon emissions (See Hill and Scott, 2020) and I am a proud full member of Catalyst2030, a collaboration to achieve the SDG's by 2030. I am on the OU ESD changer makers working with students to develop a strategic approach for the Faculty of Law, Business and Social Sciences to mainstream SDGs into ongoing and future degrees.

I have significant experiences in teaching management and leadership, including course director of a Master's I co-created, leading revalidations, desiging modules and degrees from scratch, departmental Quality Lead and Employability lead for a Business School Department.

To inform the public and members, as one of the Directors of Enterprise Educators UK (EE-UK), I regularly publish a blog, see a recent one on social enterprise Other blogs address sustainability educationwomen's entrepreneurship and reflection as an educator.

My current teaching interests focus on new venture creation and SME development, with a focus on sustainable and responsible ways of 'doing business', from the pre-start-up phase onwards. I am committed to mainstreaming social enterprise education into all curricula across all disciplines, so that learners may have more choices later on when considering to start a new enterprise. For this purpose I wrote and published case studies (see Hill and Scott, 2020).

I am currently involved in production for B209, replacing B205, our MBA entrepreneurship module BB851 and am module chair of a micro-credential on leadership and management, BZFM303.

Impact and engagement

I am committed to creating knowledge relevant to policy makers and entrepreneurs on how to create and maintain sustainable ways of 'doing business'. I am a frequently invited speaker on SME development and business support. For example, in 2021, I was invited to discuss 'Education for start-ups' by the Westminster Business Forum in London. In 2022, I was a keynote speaker at an inaugural conference for New Designers and Makers. In early 2024 a POSTnote 'Green skills in education and employment' I reviewed and contributed to cited my teaching blog on teaching on sustainability development goals.

To create more sustainable societies in which we can all live well, I am committed to support social enterprises to make an even bigger difference. To achieve this personal amibition, I have been a non-executive director with several social enterprises in the UK since 2010 and integrate insights on and for social enterprise into teaching and teaching related publications. I have been part of the movement to integrate social value creation into procurement with Social Value UK as part of their advisory Council.

In addition to my research activities, I enjoy serving our researcher communities and engage with the learned society British Academy of Management, leading an annual conference track and serving on our Council. Here I lead on the design of a development programme for early career researchers transitioning to mid-career.

External collaborations

National Innovation Centre for Rural Enterprise (NICRE)

Having been a co-investigator with this exciting Research England funded research project on rural enterprise in the previous job role, I am now an Associate Fellow. I was co-lead on the rural creative industry research stream For reports and journal outputs on rural enterprise please see the list of publications.

Creative industry Policy and Evidence Centre

I have been collaborating with colleagues at PEC for research projects since 2021 and am profiled with PEC publications.

Institute of Small Business and Enterprise (ISBE)

I am co-chair for the Rural Entrepreneurship Network Special Interest group since 2024.

KULT - rural creative industries in Germany research project

I was invited to be part of the steering group for an exciting project on rural creative industries in Germany, 2023-2025.


Full member of Catalyst2030 collaborating on raising the visibility of social enterprises and the social economy and to achieve the SDG targets.


Determinants of rural creative microclustering: Evidence from web‐scraped data for England (2023-08-03)
Velez‐Ospina, Jorge A.; Siepel, Josh; Hill, Inge and Rowe, Frances
Papers in Regional Science, 102(5) (pp. 903-943)

Rural arts entrepreneurs’ placemaking - how entrepreneurial placemaking explains creative hub evolution during COVID-19 lockdown (2021)
Hill, Inge; Manning, Louise and Frost, Richard
Local Economy: The Journal of the Local Economy Policy Unit, 36(7-8) (pp. 627-649)

Spotlight on UK artisan entrepreneurs' situated collaborations: through the lens of entrepreneurial capitals and their conversion (2021)
Hill, Inge
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 27(1) (pp. 99-121)

[Book review] Friederike Welter and William B Gartner (eds) A research agenda for entrepreneurship and context Cheltenham; Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, 2016 (2018-12)
Hill, Inge
International Small Business Journal, 36(8) (pp. 953-955)

How did you get up and running? Taking a Bourdieuan perspective towards a framework for negotiating strategic fit (2018)
Hill, Inge
Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 30(5-6) (pp. 662-692)

Selling a new service to prospective clients (2016)
Hill, Inge
Experiential Entrepreneurship Exercises Journal, 1(SI-ETC) (pp. 38-40)

Self-Employed Turkish-Speaking Women in London: Opportunities and Constraints within and beyond the Ethnic Economy (2003)
Strüder, Inge
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 4(3) (pp. 185-195)

Start-Up: A Practice Based Guide For New Venture Creation (2015-10-11)
Hill, Inge
ISBN : 978-1-137-42583-6 | Publisher : Palgrave MacMillan | Published : London

Altsein in Deutschland. Ein Beitrag zur raumbezogenen Handlungssteuerung [Performance of being old in Germany: A contribution to place-related action regulation] (1999-11)
Strüder, Inge
Publisher : Leske & Budrich | Published : Opladen

Sustainable Entrepreneurship: Sustainability and the Circular Economy (2024-03)
Hill, Inge and Scott, Jonathan M.
In: Deakins, David and Scott, Jonathan M. eds. Entrepreneurship: A Contemporary & Global Approach (Second Edition)
ISBN : 9781529621879 | Publisher : SAGE publications Ltd

Creative (and Cultural) Industry Entrepreneurship in the 21st Century - State of the Art (2024)
Hill, Inge; Elias, Sara; Dobson, Stephen and Jones, Paul
In: Hill, Inge; Elias, Sara; Dobson, Stephen and Jones, Paul eds. Creative (and Cultural) Industry Entrepreneurship in the 21st Century. Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research (pp. 1-14)
ISBN : 978-1-80382-412-3 | Publisher : Emerald Publishing Limited

Heritage craft entrepreneuring in the wild: the role of entrepreneurial placemaking for rural development (2024)
Jevnaker, Birgit Helene and Hill, Inge
In: Hill, Inge; Elias, Sara; Dobson, Stephen and Jones, Paul eds. Creative (and Cultural) Industry Entrepreneurship in the 21st Century. Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research
ISBN : 9781804559086 | Publisher : Emerald Publishing Limited (In Press) | Published : London, UK

Creative (and cultural) industry entrepreneurship for the 21st century – policy challenges for and by policymakers (2024)
Hill, Inge; Elias, Sara; Jones, Paul and Dobson, Stephen
In: Hill, Inge; Elias, Sara; Jones, Paul and Dobson, Steve eds. Creative (and cultural) industry entrepreneurship in the 21st century. Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research (pp. 1-17)
Publisher : Emerald Publishing Ltd (In Press) | Published : London

Capturing entrepreneurial practices' socio-materiality with ethnography-based research (2022-04-08)
Hill, Inge
In: Thompson, Neil; Byrne, Orla; Jenkins, Anne and Teague, Bruce eds. Research Handbook on Entrepreneurship as Practice. Handbooks of Business and Management Research as Practice series (pp. 266-280)
ISBN : 978 1 78897 682 4 | Publisher : Edward Elgar Publishing

Artisan food production: What makes food ‘artisan’? (2022-01-27)
Lingham, Sophia; Hill, Inge and Manning, Louise
In: Dana, L.P.; Ramadani, V.; Palalic,, R. and Salamzadeh, A. eds. Artisan and Handicraft Entrepreneurs: Past, Present and Future. Contributions to Management Science (pp. 101-117)
ISBN : 978-3-030-82302-3 | Publisher : Springer, Cham

Ethics and sustainability in business / for entrepreneurship (2020)
Hill, Inge and Scott, Jonathan M.
In: Deakins, David and Scott, Jonathan M. eds. Entrepreneurship: A contemporary & Global Approach (pp. 200-227)
Publisher : SAGE | Published : London

Pop-up shops for increasing employability and contributing to civil society in times of austerity (2019)
Hill, Inge and Bass, Tina
In: Diver, Alice ed. Employability via Higher Education: Sustainability as scholarship (pp. 415-428)
ISBN : 978-3-030-26341-6 | Publisher : Springer | Published : Cham

Mission, Structure, and Management of Social Entrepreneurial organizations (2017)
Carey, Charlotte and Hill, Inge
In: Centre for Social Innovation, ed. Part II: The practice and Business Model of Social Enterprises
Publisher : Centre for Social Innovation, Sofia University | Published : Sofia, Bulgaria

Creative (and Cultural) Industry Entrepreneurship in the 21st Century (2024)
Hill, Inge; Elias, Sara; Dobson, Stephen and Jones, Paul
Hill, Inge; Elias, Sara; Dobson, Stephen and Jones, Paul eds.
Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research
ISBN : 9781803824123 | Publisher : Emerald Publishing Limited | Published : Leeds, UK

Creative (and cultural) entrepreneurship in the 21st century (2024)
Hill, Inge; Elias, Sara; Jones, Paul and Dobson, Stephen eds.
Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research
Publisher : Emerald Publishing Ltd (In Press) | Published : Leeds

Tackling inequalities in rural areas and changing the discourse of ‘rural deficit' (2024-02-26)
Hill, Inge and Moody, Liz
The Open University, Milton Keynes.

What is most important when integrating ‘green skills’ and sustainability topics into learning and teaching strategies? (2023-12-11)
Hill, Inge
Scholarship Centre for innovation in online Legal and Business education (SCiLAB), The Open University

Researching entrepreneurship in creative industry sites [Video] (2023-01)
Hill, Inge

How can policy makers help rural creative businesses contribute to Levelling Up? (2022-05-05)
Velez-Ospina, Jorge; Siepel, Josh; Hill, Inge and Rowe, Frances
Creative Industries Policy and Evidence Centre, London.

Mapping and examining the determinants of England’s rural creative microclusters (2022-05)
Velez, Jorge; Siepel, Josh; Hill, Inge and Rowe, Frances
National Innovation Centre for Rural Enterprise, Newcastle University., Newcastle.

Rural family businesses and exporting behaviour (2022-02)
Mole, Kevin; Hill, Inge; Nguyen, Thao and Maioli, Sara
National Innovation Centre for Rural Enterprise, Newcastle University., Newcastle.

Supporting rural businesses (2022)
Hill, Inge and Mole, Kevin
NICRE State of the Art Reviews No. 4, National Innovation Centre for Rural Enterprise, Newcastle University.

Rural creative industries - an untapped potential for UK economic recovery (2021-05)
Hill, Inge and Rowe, Frances
National Innovation Centre for Rural Enterprise, Newcastle University

What is the contribution of rural enterprise to Levelling Up, and how can this be further enabled? (2021)
Turner, M.; Phillipson, J.; Gorton, M.; Cowie, P.; Dwyer, J.; Goodwin-Hawkins, B.; Hill, I.; Mole, K.; Nguyen, T.; Roper, S.; Thompson-Glen, M.; Rowe, F.; Tocco, B. and Wishart, M.
National Innovation Centre for Rural Enterprise, Newcastle University.

Making the most of your personal credibility (2019-09-24)
Hill, Inge
Small Business Charter

Impact of teaching development programmes in higher education: literature review (2012-10-07)
Parsons, David; Hill, Inge; Holland, Jane and Willis, Dick
Higher Education Academy, York, UK.

Do concepts of ethnic economies explain existing minority enterprises? The Turkish speaking economies in London (2003-12)
Strüder, Inge R.
London School of Economics, London.

Migrant self-employment in a European global city - the importance of gendered power relations and the importance of performances of belonging for Turkish women in London (2002)
Strüder, Inge R.
London School of Economics