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Ms Helen Phillips


Profile summary

Professional biography

I am a Senior Lecturer and Staff Tutor Languages (Wales) at the School of Languages and Applied Linguistics. I am Cluster Manager for beginners’ French and Spanish modules UK wide and am responsible for staff development and appraisal for a large team of associate lecturers. I develop curriculum and tuition strategies for the delivery of online language modules and am involved in the scholarship of distance learning and teaching. 

Recent online publications 

Phillips H, Warnecke S

08 December 2020

Language Trends Wales: The Conversation | British Council

Authored Books

Bissar, D, Phillips H, Tschirhart C, (2016) Foundations French 1, Publisher, Palgrave Macmillan; 3rd ed. 2017 edition (14 April 2016) 208pp ISBN-10 : 1137579196 ISBN-13 : 978-1137579195 

Bissar, D, Phillips H, Tschirhart C,  (2008) Foundations French 1,  Palgrave Macmillan; 2nd edition (28 Mar. 2008) 208 pages ISBN-10 : 0230553044 ISBN-13 : 978-0230553040

Bissar, D, Phillips H, Tschirhart C,  (2001) Foundations French 1Publisher : Palgrave Macmillan; 1st ed. 2001 (29 Jun. 2001) 208 pages ISBN-10 : 0333919920 ISBN-13 : 978-0333919927 

Teaching interests

I have spent my career working in Higher Education where I initially started teaching French for commercial language training purposes. This exposed me to a broad base of language learners in a range of different contexts and led me to be involved in developing creative and innovative ways of delivering language teaching for different contexts. I have since worked primarily in the development, management and operational delivery of applied foreign language provision for undergraduates, postgraduates and students of Lifelong Learning. My background as Director of an Institution Wide Language Programme (IWLP), Deputy Director of a Language Centre and now Staff Tutor Languages has given me considerable experience of developing HE language programmes and managing and mentoring large teams of language teaching staff. I am particulary interested in the creative process of delivering online and distance learning tuition, including desinging and testing new and evolving approaches to teaching language skills in an online environement. 

External collaborations

Global Futures Wales 

I am a member of Global Futures; a National Steering Group for Wales which aims to support multilingulism in schools and increase the number of young learners studying languages. In collaboration with the OU in Scotland I manage the Teachers Learning to Teach languages in primary schools programme (TELT) for Wales and through Global Futures engage directly with the Welsh Government and Welsh Education Consortia to recruit teachers to this Continual Professional Development programme.

I have held external examiner posts at the Royal Holloway Langauge Centre and the Sussex Centre for Language Studies, University of Sussex


Introduction (2024)
Fayram, Jo; Austen, Samantha and Phillips, Helen
In: Fayram, Jo; Austen, Samantha and Phillips, Helen eds. Online Teaching and Learning in a Changing Pedagogic and Linguistic Landscape. Developing Online Language Pedagogies Series (pp. 1-6)
ISBN : 978-1-914291-23-4 | Publisher : Castledown | Published : Melbourne, Aus.

Online Teaching and Learning in a Changing Pedagogic and Linguistic Landscape (2024-12-24)
Fayram, Jo; Austen, Samantha and Phillips, Helen eds.
Developing Online Language Pedagogies
ISBN : 978-1-914291-23-4 | Publisher : Castledown