Gillian Ferguson is the Programme Leader for the Doctorate in Health and Social Care (DHSC) in the Faculty of Wellbeing, Education and Language Studies (WELS). She has worked across the Social Work professional programmes, Health and Social Care modules, and was formerly Practice Lead for social work at the OU.
She has worked in a broad variety of settings including direct practice, workforce development, advisory and regulatory roles, including as a social worker, community learning worker and academic. Previously Gillian was Programme Lead for the Practice Learning Award for a partnership in Scotland. She remains interested in learning through and in professional practice, and how this can best be facilitated. Gillian worked in her early career as a support worker in the Rape Crisis movement, subsequently working as a youth worker, adult learning worker and health promotion practitioner. She managed a third sector addictions counselling service for many years, remains involved in supporting learning and continues to undertake direct practice in this field. Gillian has also worked in local authority roles and was an associate lecturer with The Open University for about sixteen years.
Gillian is an educational researcher integrating different areas of her own learning and professional experience. She is interested in research in professional learning, education and practice in social work and other disciplines including service and project evaluation. Her doctoral thesis focused on workplace learning in relation to social workers: titled, “When David Bowie Created Ziggy Stardust” The Lived Experiences of Social Workers Learning Through Work. The study explored the unique lived experiences of social workers’ learning in the course of their work activities, through an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) study. The research showed the nature and complexity of individual social workers’ experiences and how understanding these can help design more effective workplace continuing professional learning opportunities. Gillian is interested in phenomenological research, and use of Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) particularly in relation to the social work field. She leads the Open University Social Work IPA network (SWIPA) with Professor Sarah Vicary, launched in March 2024.
Gillian currently leads several research projects including:
Developing an experiential learning pathway for social work child protection
Learning to do an extraordinary job: the challenge of professional development for social work - Exploring effective workplace practices that support social workers' learning
Writing in Professional Social Work Impact Phase with Lindsay Giddings and Ann Flynn
Responsibility to act on climate emergency: a Document Analysis of social work educational and professional standards across the UK and an Exploration of Postgraduate Social Work Student perspectives on climate change with Lindsay Giddings
Gillian was previously involved in Knowledge Landscapes a PRAXIS funded project exploring how professional doctorate researchers negotiate academic and professional epistemologies led by Professor Azumah Dennis.
Professional affiliations
Senior Fellow Higher Education Academy
Registered social worker Scottish Social Services Council
Member British Association of Social Workers (BASW)
Member British Educational Research Association (BERA)
Member Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD)
Member Social Work England Education and Training Forum
Editorial board member Professional Social Work Magazine
Open University Social Work Research Group member
Co-lead for the OU Climate Justice and Social Work SIG with Lindsay Giddings
OU Lifelong Learning Research Group steering group member
External Examiner roles Brunel University and University of Galway
Peer reviewer for Qualitative Social Work; British Journal of Social Work; Journal of Practice Teaching and Learning; Social Work Education; Practice: Social Work in Action
Currently Gillian is Programme Leader for the DHSC and involved in all aspects of supporting research students, supervisors and colleagues on the delivery of the programme. She is passionate about the power and potential of postgraduate student research and opportunities for making a difference in real world issues.
She has previously taught on a broad range of social work and health & social care modules at The Open University as a central academic, involved in both production and presentation. She has also previously been an Associate Lecturer across a broad range of disciplines, including widening participation, social work, health and social care, working with children and families. Previously, I have been Programme Lead for the Practice Learning in Social Services (SCQF Level 10) for a partnership in Scotland.
Previous recent teaching responsibilities at the OU include:
K833 Advancing Social Work Practice: Module team member
K318 Leading, Managing and Caring: Co-Chair
K123 Foundations for Social Work and Social Care Practice: Author and module team member
I currently supervise students on our PhD, EdD and DHSC pathways at the OU across different areas of my expertise and interests.
Gillian's professional experience in third sector and local authority settings continues to inform her teaching and learning activity. She remains close to professional practice through involvement in social services and direct work.
Press/media coverage
· NQSW National Conference 2024
· World Social Work Day 2024 Perth and Kinross Council Community of Practice
· The Highland Council Joint Social Work Forum
· What has Ziggy Stardust got to do with social workers’ learning? - SWU Social Workers Union
· Social Work & Social Policy Seminar Series 2022 University of Strathclyde
Recent conference presentations
Keynote address: Learning in an extraordinary job - professional development matters in social work, National annual conference for newly qualified social workers in Scotland, (September 2024), University of Dundee.
Keynote address: Ziggy Stardust, extraordinary jobs and a professional learning ecosystem, SWIPA research network inaugural symposium, (October 2024), Online.
Conference presentation: Ziggy Stardust, a complex web, and extraordinary work: reconceptualising professional learning for social workers, BERA Conference (September 2024), University of Manchester.
Introducing a holistic model for Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis for social work practice and research Authentic Care in Health and Social Care Conference, University of Greenwich, 2024.
Social work regulation and responsibility to act on the climate emergency British Association of Social Workers Conference, Dynamic Earth, Edinburgh, 2024 with Lindsay Giddings.
Sector presentations and impact engagement
Learning to do an extraordinary job, Perth and Kinross Council, Social Work Forum, March 2024.
An extraordinary job and an incredible profession, keynote address to Highland Council Social Work Forum, October 2023.
Reconceptualising workplace learning for social workers, Stirling University, Practice Education Forum, October 2023.
Workplace learning for social workers presentation to Highland Council, March 2023.
Workplace learning for social workers presentation to North Ayrshire Council, March 2023.
Workplace learning for social workers presentation to East Dunbartonshire Council, March 2023.
Reconceptualising workplace learning for social workers presentation to Falkirk Council, Social Work Conference December 2022.
Reconceptualising workplace learning for social workers presentation to Strathclyde University Lunchtime Seminar Series November 2022.
Reconceptualising workplace learning for social workers presentation to Dundee City Council May 2022.
Reconceptualising workplace learning for social workers presentation to Open University Social Work Research Group April 2022.
Reconceptualising workplace learning for social workers presentation to Dumfries and Galloway Council April 2022.
Reconceptualising workplace learning for social workers to South Ayrshire Council March 2022.
‘Writing in social work’ presentation to British Association of Applied Linguistics PAWBL SIG with Dr Lucy Rai February 2022.
Reconceptualising workplace learning for social workers presentation to Social Work Scotland, Learning and Development National Network, December 2021.
Reconceptualising workplace learning for social workers, Scottish Social Services Council, Newly Qualified Social Workers Supported Year in Scotland Test Sites event, July 2021.
Scottish Social Services Council, Newly Quaified Social Workers Supported Year in Scotland Test Sites - Reconceptualising workplace learning for social workers
Reconceptualising workplace learning for social workers presentation to Social Work Scotland, Learning and Development National Network, December 2021.
Writing as Social Work: Thematic Review of the Literature (2025-01)
Rai, Lucy; Ferguson, Gillian and Giddings, Lindsay
British Journal of Social Work, 55(1) (pp. 25-44)
Professional doctorates reconciling academic and professional knowledge: towards a diffractive re-reading (2024)
Dennis, Carol Azumah; Aubrey-Smith, Fiona; Álvarez, Inma; Waterhouse, Philippa and Ferguson, Gillian
Higher Education Research & Development, 43(7) (pp. 1525-1539)
Embedding Learning as a Practice of Value: Learning from the Experiences of Early Career Social Workers in Scotland (2024)
McCulloch, Trish; Grant, Scott; Daly, Maura; Sen, Robin and Ferguson, Gillian
The British Journal of Social Work, 54(7) (pp. 2977-2995)
"When David Bowie created Ziggy Stardust" Reconceptualising workplace learning for social workers (2023-03-02)
Ferguson, Gillian
The Journal of Practice Teaching and Learning: Papers from the International Conference on Practice Teaching and Field Education in Health and Social Work, 20(1) (pp. 67-87)
[Book Review] Out of the shadows: the role of social workers in disasters edited by Angie Bartoli, Maris Stratulis and Rebekah Pierre (2023-01)
Ferguson, Gillian
Social Work Education: The International Journal, 42(1) (pp. 161-162)
Social Work Using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis: A Methodological Approach for Practice and Research (2024-02-12)
Vicary, Sarah and Ferguson, Gillian
ISBN : 9780335252367 | Publisher : McGraw-Hill Education | Published : Maidenhead
Learning environments (2024-07-02)
Wareing, Mark Philip and Ferguson, Gillian
In: Wareing, Mark Philip ed. Practice Supervision and Assessment in Nursing, Health and Social Care (pp. 27-39)
ISBN : 9781032415383 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : Abingdon
Practice education in social work (2024-07-02)
Ferguson, Gillian and Sicat, Sherwyn
In: Wareing, Mark Philip ed. Practice Supervision and Assessment in Nursing, Health and Social Care (pp. 116-126)
ISBN : 9781032415383 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : Abingdon
Learning in non-assessed, virtual and alternate environments (2024-07-02)
Page, Sarah; Ferguson, Gillian; Shanley, Kirsty and Horton Ifekoya, Ayana
In: Wareing, Mark Philip ed. Practice Supervision and Assessment in Nursing, Health and Social Care (pp. 194-203)
ISBN : 9781032415383 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : Abingdon
Introducing a holistic model for Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis in social work practice and research (2024-06-28)
Ferguson, Gillian and Vicary, Sarah
In : Authentic Care in Health and Social Care, and Education Conference (28 Jun 2024, University of Greenwich: Institute of Life Course Development, London, UK)
Social work education, regulation and the climate emergency – responsibility and action (2024)
Ferguson, Gillian and Giddings, Lindsay
In : BASW Conference 2024: A Sustainable Future for Social Work (18-19 Jun 2024, Dynamic Earth, Edinburgh)
Learning in an extraordinary job – professional development matters in social work (2024)
Ferguson, Gillian
In : Newly Qualified Social Worker Conference 2024 (12 Sep 2024, University of Dundee, Scotland)
Ziggy Stardust, a complex web, and extraordinary work: reconceptualising professional learning for social workers (2024)
Ferguson, Gillian
In : BERA Conference 2024 and WERA Focal Meeting (8-12 Sep 2024, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK)
The power of IPA: Ziggy Stardust, extraordinary jobs and a professional learning ecosystem (2024)
Ferguson, Gillian
In : Social Work IPA Research Network (SWIPA Inaugural Symposium) (11 Oct 2024, The Open University, Online)
“When David Bowie created Ziggy Stardust” The Lived Experiences of Social Workers Learning Through Work (2021-06-30)
Ferguson, Gillian
edd thesis The Open University
Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA), social work education, continuing professional learning and development (CPLD) (2024)
Ferguson, Gillian and Vicary, Sarah
Social Work and IPA (SWIPA) Research Network, The Open University
The importance of workplace learning for social workers (2022-12)
Ferguson, Gillian
Institute for Research and Innovation in Social Services, Glasgow, Scotland.