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Dr Fiona Harris

Profile summary

Professional biography

Fiona is a Senior Lecturer in Management in the Department for Strategy and Marketing. Her doctoral research was in brand management. Prior to joining The Open University, Fiona held research posts at Loughborough University, the Defence Research Agency and Xerox Research Centre Europe, conducting research in a variety of areas of applied psychology and product/system development, including advanced in-vehicle systems, a range of future aircraft cockpit displays and human-computer interaction.

Fiona is Co-Lead for the Social and Responsible Marketing Research Cluster.

Research interests

Fiona’s current research interests mainly concern ethical marketing practice and the application of marketing principles and techniques to improve health and social wellbeing. She has conducted and contributed to a range of research in social marketing and behaviour change, which includes the use of positive affect in message framing to support smoking cessation, the impact of marketing and branding on adolescent and adult drinking and interventions to encourage sustainable clothing behaviour. Her research also draws on her background in applied psychology and doctoral research on brand management.

Teaching interests

Fiona chairs Marketing in action (B328) a Level 3 module in the BA (Hons) Business Studies programme. She has authored module material on marketing, management, ethics, corporate social responsibility and brand management for a wide range of modules and levels.

Impact and engagement

Fiona was a contributor to a report reviewing the effects, uses and interpretations of commercial messages and activities, which formed part of an independent assessment of the impact of the commercial world on children's well-being for the Department of Children, Schools and Families.

External collaborations

Fiona is the founder and Chair of the Academy of Marketing's Ethics and Marketing Special Interest Group.


Partnerships as Strategy in Macro-Social Marketing (2024-09-10)
Shaw, David; Harris, Fiona and Ali, Haider
Journal of Macromarketing ((Early Access))

Media and the Staging of Policy Controversy: Obesity and the UK Sugar Tax (2023)
O'Sullivan, Terry; Daniel, Elizabeth and Harris, Fiona
Critical Policy Studies, 17(4) (pp. 599-618)

Social marketing: ready to help revolutionise marketing education (2022-06-06)
Harris, Fiona
Journal of Social Marketing, 12(3) (pp. 354-370)

It’s the REAL Thing: Contested Media Discourse and the UK Sugar Tax (2022)
Daniel, Elizabeth; O'Sullivan, Terry and Harris, Fiona
Journal of Communication Management, 26(4) (pp. 401-419)

Sustainable clothing: challenges, barriers and interventions for encouraging more sustainable consumer behaviour (2016-04-05)
Harris, Fiona; Roby, Helen and Dibb, Sally
International Journal of Consumer Studies, 40(3) (pp. 309-318)

Consumer Socialization and the Role of Branding in Hazardous Adolescent Drinking (2015-11-09)
Harris, Fiona; Gordon, Ross; MacKintosh, Anne Marie and Hastings, Gerard
Psychology & Marketing, 32(12) (pp. 1175-1190)

Assessing the cumulative impact of alcohol marketing on young people's drinking: cross-sectional data findings (2011-02)
Gordon, Ross; Harris, Fiona; Mackintosh, Anne Marie and Moodie, Crawford
Addiction Reseach & Theory, 19(1) (pp. 66-75)

A multidimensional typology of customer relationships: from faltering to affective (2011)
Dalziel, Nurdilek; Harris, Fiona and Laing, Angus
International Journal of Bank Marketing, 29(5) (pp. 398-432)

Reported awareness of tobacco advertising and promotion in China compared to Thailand, Austalia and the USA (2009-06)
Li, L.; Yong, H-H.; Borland, R.; Fong, G. T.; Thompson, M. E.; Jiang, Y.; Yang, Y.; Sirirassamee, B.; Hastings, G. and Harris, F.
Tobacco Control, 18(3) (pp. 222-227)

Product classification: an ethical perspective (2009-05)
Harris, Fiona
Marketing Review, 9(2) (pp. 127-138)

Linking products to a cause or affinity group: does this really make them more attractive to consumers? (2008)
Mekonnen, Aster; Harris, Fiona and Laing, Angus
European Journal of Marketing, 42(1/2) (pp. 135-153)

Modeling persuasion in social advertising: A study of responsible thinking in antismoking promotion in eight Eastern EU member states (2007-07)
Hassan, Louise M; Walsh, Gianfranco; Shiu, Edward; Hastings, Gerard and Harris, Fiona
Journal of Advertising, 36(2) (pp. 15-31)

Effects of the 2003 advertising/promotion ban in the United Kingdom on awareness of tobacco marketing: findings from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Four Country Survey (2006)
Harris, F.; MacKintosh, A. M.; Anderson, S.; Hastings, G.; Borland, R.; Fong, G. T.; Hammond, D. and Cummings, K. M.
Tobacco Control, 15(Supple) (iii26-iii33)

Evaluating the transfer of technology: a critical evaluation of the human component in the system (2004-11)
Harris, Don and Harris, Fiona J.
Technology in Society, 26(4) (pp. 551-565)

Deconstructing affinity relationships: consumers and affinity marketing (2004-07-01)
Laing, Angus; Harris, Fiona and Mekonnen, Aster
Journal of Customer Behaviour, 3(2) (pp. 215-228)

Developing a brand performance measure for financial services brands (2004-03)
de Chernatony, Leslie; Harris, Fiona J. and Christodoulides, George
Service Industries Journal, 24(2) (pp. 15-33)

Corporate branding and corporate brand performance (2001-04)
Harris, Fiona and de Chernatony, Leslie
European Journal of Marketing, 35(3-4) (pp. 441-456)

Corporate marketing and service brands - Moving beyond the fast-moving consumer goods model (2001-04)
McDonald, Malcolm H. B.; de Chernatony, Leslie and Harris, Fiona
European Journal of Marketing, 35(3-4) (pp. 335-352)

Developing corporate brands through considering internal and external stakeholders (2000-07-01)
de Chernatony, L. and Harris, F.
Corporate Reputation Review, 3(3) (pp. 268-274)

Added value: Its nature, roles and sustainability (2000)
de Chernatony, Leslie; Harris, Fiona and Dall'Olmo Riley, Francesca
European Journal of Marketing, 34(1/2) (pp. 39-56)

Criteria to assess brand success (1998)
de Chernatony, Leslie; Dall'Olmo Riley, Francesca and Harris, Fiona
Journal of Marketing Management, 14(7) (pp. 765-781)

Ethics in Marketing: International Cases and Perspectives (2017)
Murphy, Patrick E.; Laczniak, Gene R. and Harris, Fiona
ISBN : 9781138648098 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : Abingdon, Oxon, UK

Measurement in quantitative methods (2011-11-15)
Harris, Fiona
In: Hastings, Gerard; Angus, Kathryn and Bryant, Carol eds. The SAGE Handbook of Social Marketing (pp. 224-237)
ISBN : 978-1-84920-188-9 | Publisher : SAGE Publications Inc. | Published : London

Brands, corporate social responsibility and reputation management (2011-01)
Harris, Fiona
In: Voiculescu, Aurora and Yanacopulos, Helen eds. The Business of Human Rights: an Evolving Agenda for Corporate Responsibility
ISBN : 9781848138629 | Publisher : Zed Books | Published : London

Measures to assess the effectiveness of restrictions on tobacco marketing communications (2008)
MacKintosh, A. M.; Harris, F. and Hastings, G. B.
In: Borland, R.; Cummings, M. and Dresler, C. eds. IARC Handbook on Tobacco Control. IARC Handbooks of Cancer Prevention (pp. 259-285)
ISBN : 9283230124 | Publisher : World Health Organisation

Positively-framed messages and affect in social marketing (2012-07)
Harris, Fiona and Harrison, Paul
In : Academy of Marketing Conference 2012, Marketing: Catching the Technology Wave (3-5 Jul 2012, Southampton, UK)

Assessing the cumulative impact of alcohol marketing on young people's drinking: cross sectional data findings (2009-06)
Gordon, Ross and Harris, Fiona
In : Public Policy and Non-profit Marketing (18-19 Jun 2009, Valencia, Spain)

Exposure to tobacco advertising and promotion among adult smokers in China - compared to Thailand, Australia and the USA (2008-10)
Li, L.; Yong, H.; Borland, R.; Fong, G.; Thompson, M.; Yuan, J.; Yan, Y.; Sirirassamee, B.; Hastings, G. and Harris, F.
In : SRNT Conference (28-31 Oct 2008, Bangkok, Thailand)

Assessing the impact of the UK tobacco marketing ban: findings from the ITC Four-Country Survey (2006)
Hassan, Louise; Harris, Fiona; MacKintosh, Anne Marie; Hastings, Gerard; Borland, Ron; Fong, Geoffrey; Hammond, David; Cummings, K. Michael and McNeill, Ann
In : 13th World Conference on Tobacco or Health (12-15 Jul 2006, Washington DC)

Gender differences in smoking cessation and response to policies: findings from the ITC 4-Country Survey (2006)
Giovino, G. A.; Hyland, A.; Higbee, C.; Hammond, D.; Harris, F.; MacKintosh, A. M.; Yong, H. and Cummings, K. M.
In : TTURC Grantees Meeting (Apr 2006, Boston, Massachusetts)

Patterns of awareness of tobacco marketing across four countries: findings from the International Tobacco Control survey (2005)
Mackintosh, A. M; Harris, F.; Anderson, S.; Hastings, G.; Fong, G.; Cummings, K. M. and Borland, R.
In : SRNT Conference (21-23 Mar 2005, Prague)

Evaluating tobacco control policies of the framework convention on tobacco control: findings from the International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Project (2005)
Vollinger, B.; Hastings, G.; Harris, F.; Borland, R.; Hammond, D.; Hyland, A.; Fong, G. T. and Yach, D.
In : The Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (21-23 Mar 2005, Prague, Czech Republic)

Altruism or self-interest: affinity marketing and consumer value (2005)
Laing, A. W.; Harris, F. and Mekonnen, A.
In : The 12th Biennial World Marketing Congress (6-9 Jul 2005, Munster, Germany)

Value propositions in affinity marketing: a typology of consumer value (2005)
Harris, F.; Laing, A. W. and Mekonnen, A.
In : European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Murcia, Spain (18-21 May 2004, Spain)

The challenge of financial services branding: majoring on category or brand values? (2000)
de Chernatony, L. and Harris, Fiona
In : 29th European Academy of Marketing Conference (23-26 May 2000, Rotterdam, Netherlands)

Defining a brand's reputation and identifying the criteria used to assess a financial services brand's reputation: a comparison across stakeholders (2000)
Harris, F. and de Chernatony, L.
In : 4th International Conference on Corporate Reputation, Identity and Competitiveness (18-20 May 2000, Copenhagen)

Added value as a course of competitive advantage (1999)
de Chernatony, L.; Harris, F. and Dall'Olmo Riley, F.
In : 9th World Marketing Congress (23-29 Jun 1999, Qawra, Malta)

The importance of brand identity and reputation in brand building (1999)
de Chernatony, L. and Harris, F.
In : 3rd International Conference on Corporate Reputation, Identity and Competitiveness (7-9 Jan 1999, San Juan, Puerto Rico)

Internal factors affecting brand performance (2002-09-22)
Harris, Fiona J.
PhD thesis The Open University

A review of the effects, uses and interpretations of commercial messages and activities by children (2008)
McDermott, Laura; Hastings, Gerard; Stead, Martine; Carrigan, Marylyn and Harris, Fiona
Department for Education