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Dr Daniel McCulloch

Profile summary

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Professional biography

I joined The Open University as a Lecturer in Criminology and Social Policy in 2015, and was promoted to Senior Lecturer in 2024. I previously undertook my PhD within the Department of Social Policy and Criminology here. I have previously taught as an Associate Lecturer at the University of Northampton and have also spent time working with third sector organisations in the field.

Research interests

My research interests concern both substantive topics in criminology and the social sciences and methodological issues.

I am interested in the ways in which constructions of social categories relate to people's own experiences, both in terms of the connections and disconnections between official constructions and people's own lives, and in the ways in which official discourses and practices can act as governance tools, with consequences for how people are perceived and act. I explored this topic within my PhD research, which in part considered some of these themes in relation to homelessness.

I have written and spoken about the topic of homelessness, for example on podcasts, and in the film The Homeless Problem. I have written numerous pieces for the HERC blog about homelessness. More recently, I have been working on a project with Hari Parekh about the link between apostasy (leaving a religious faith) and homelessness; and with Vickie Cooper on homelessness and mortality.

I have also undertaken research which explores the experiences of d/Deaf prisoners. This was published as a report for the Howard League for Penal Reform, and has been widely cited, including by the BBC. I have also provided expert evidence to a Crown Court based on the findings of this research. More recently, I have written with Laura Kelly-Corless about the ways in which the experiences of prisoners during the Covid-19 has parallels to the usual experiences of d/Deaf prisoners. I am currently Co-Invesitagor on the British Academy/Leverhulme project 'Life after prison: The journey back to the Deaf Community'. This research explores the lives of culturally Deaf people after their release from prison. I also work with Laura on Open Societal Challenges research which aims to improve outcomes for Deaf people in the Criminal Justice System.

In terms of methodological research, I am particularly interested in participatory visual methods. Between September 2017 and March 2019, I was Principal Investigator on the project 'Do Participatory Visual Methods Give Voice?' The project was funded by the ESRC National Centre for Research Methods, and evaluated the claim that participatory visual methods 'give voice' to participants, by exploring researcher, participant, and audience understandings of 'voice' and participatory visual methods.

In addition to these research interests, I am also co-director of the Harm and Evidence Research Collaborative (HERC).

PhD supervision

At present, I do not have capacity to supervise additional PhD students. However, usually, I would be particularly interested in supervising PhD research relating to housing and homelessness, participatory visual methods, topics related to 'deservingness'.

I currently supervise five PhD students:

Stephen Akpabio-Klementowski (2015-present, part time), co-supervised with Dr Deb Drake. Provisional Title: Can Punishment and Rehabilitation Co-exist? Investigating the Conditions that Support Prison Learners Seeking Further and Higher Education Qualifications.

Margret Westergreen-Thorne (2020-present, part time), co-supervised with Dr Deb Drake and Prof Steve Tombs. Provisional Title: The role of power in either facilitating or hindering Open University Higher Education provision in prisons in England and Wales.

Andrew Sproul, (2021-present, part time), co-supervised with Dr Vickie Cooper. Provisional Title: Housing First: A Comparative study of the implementation of policy to eradicate homelessness in Scotland and Finland.

Jana Macfarlane Horn (2021-2024, full time), co-supervised with Prof Steve Tombs and Dr Simon Carter. Provisional Title: How do contemporary information sources frame the knowledge of corporate crimes? A framing analysis of podcasts, documentaries and online news.

Jayant Ahalawat (2021-present, part time), co-supervised with Dr Cristina Chimisso. Provisional Title: The Power of Predictive Algorithms.

Teaching interests

I am currently part of the team producing the new first-level Social Sciences module D112 You and Your World. I am also part of the module team on the presentation of DD102 Introducing the Social Sciences.

I previously the module co-chair the production of DD315 Researching Current Issues in Criminology, and chaired the first presentation of the module. I have also contributed content to Social Research: Crime, Justice and Society (DD215), co-authoring a book chapter and VLE week of teaching on visual and online research methods. Until recently, I was also the qualification director for the BA (Hons) Criminology.

I previously worked on the production and presentation of the MA in Crime and Justice, contributing to both modules in the qualfication, namely Principles of Psychological and Social Inquiry (DD801) and Global Crime and Justice (DD804). I have also previously chaired Welfare, Crime and Society (DD208) and Understanding Criminology (DD212) in presentation.

My teaching at previous institutions has included modules about social research methods, criminological theory, crime and the media, inequalities and poverty, and social policy.

I am a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.


Homelessness and mortality: an extraordinary or unextraordinary phenomenon? (2023)
Cooper, Vickie and McCulloch, Daniel
Mortality, 28(2) (pp. 220-235)

Mystification, Violence and Women’s Homelessness (2023)
Cooper, Vickie and McCulloch, Daniel
In: Scott, David Gordon and Sim, Joe eds. Demystifying Power, Crime and Social Harm: The Work and Legacy of Steven Box. Critical Criminological Perspectives (CCRP) (pp. 407-429)
ISBN : 978-3-031-46213-9 | Publisher : Palgrave Macmillan | Published : Cham

Situating Criminological Knowledge Production (2023)
Downes, Leigh and McCulloch, Daniel
In: Dimou, Eleni; Downes, Leigh; McCulloch, Daniel and Speed, Carly eds. Researching Current Issues in Criminology (pp. 19-54)
Publisher : The Open University | Published : Milton Keynes

Rupture and Repair (2023)
Conway, Steve; Drake, Deborah and McCulloch, Daniel
In: Dimou, Eleni; Downes, Leigh; McCulloch, Daniel and Speed, Carly eds. Research Current Issues in Criminology (pp. 203-238)
Publisher : The Open University | Published : Milton Keynes

Visual and online methods (2021)
McCulloch, Daniel and Westmarland, Louise
In: Erel, Umut; Irwin Rogers, Keir; Medien, Kathryn; Nightingale, Adam and Westmarland, Louise eds. DD215 : Social Research. Book 1 (pp. 219-251)
Publisher : The Open University | Published : Milton Keynes

Fact 43: More than three quarters of people sleeping rough have been victims of crime or anti-social behaviour in the past year (2019-03-27)
McCulloch, Daniel
In: Treadwell, James and Lynes, Adam eds. 50 Facts Everyone Should Know About Crime and Punishment in Britain (pp. 232-236)
ISBN : 9781447343813 | Publisher : Policy Press | Published : Bristol

Austerity's Impact on Rough Sleeping and Violence (2017-05-20)
McCulloch, Dan
In: Cooper, Vickie and Whyte, David eds. The Violence of Austerity (pp. 171-180)
ISBN : 9780745399485 | Publisher : Pluto Press

Researching Current Issues in Criminology (2023)
Dimou, Eleni; Downes, Leigh; McCulloch, Daniel and Speed, Carly eds.
Publisher : The Open University | Published : Milton Keynes

Analysing understandings of 'rough sleeping': managing, becoming and being homeless (2015-12-09)
McCulloch, Daniel Cameron
PhD thesis The Open University

The UK government aims to stop publishing stats on homeless people’s deaths – here’s why that’s a problem (2024-02-22)
Cooper, Victoria and McCulloch, Daniel
The Conversation

Why deaf prisoners have been in a state of lockdown since well before COVID-19 (2021-04-13)
Kelly-Corless, Laura and McCulloch, Daniel
The Conversation

Brexit, migration and homelessness: the new terrain (2021)
Hartles, Sharon and McCulloch, Daniel

Lessons from Covid-19: It’s time for a radical approach to homelessness and housing policies (2021)
McCulloch, Daniel and Cooper, Victoria

Critical reflections on participatory visual methods and voice (2020-05-26)
McCulloch, Daniel
The Sociological Review, May 2020

When does sleeping rough not count as sleeping rough? (2019-02-18)
McCulloch, Daniel
Harm and Evidence Research Collaborative

Do participatory visual methods give voice? (2018-04-06)
McCulloch, Daniel
ESRC National Centre for Research Methods

Understanding poverty using visual participatory methods: can it work? [Podcast] (2018-03-06)
McCulloch, Daniel
ESRC National Centre for Research Methods

Austerity’s impact on rough sleeping and violence (2017-06-12)
McCulloch, Daniel
Harm and Evidence Research Collaborative

Britain's dark history of criminalising homeless people in public spaces (2017-03-10)
Cooper, Victoria and McCulloch, Daniel
The Conversation

Homelessness in our towns and cities: policing disorder? (2016-05-15)
McCulloch, Daniel
The Open University, Milton Keynes.

Rough sleepers in policy and practice: chaotic and off course, or misunderstood? (2015-08)
McCulloch, Daniel
Harm and Evidence Research Collaborative, Milton Keynes.

Not hearing us: An exploration of the experience of deaf prisoners in English and Welsh prisons (2012-12)
McCulloch, Daniel
The Howard League for Penal Reform, London, UK.

Where do we turn (and why) when apples ‘go bad’ (2012-10-30)
McCulloch, Daniel and Drake, Deborah
Harm and Evidence Research Collaborative, Milton Keynes.