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Professor Andreas Vossler

Profile summary

Professional biography


PhD, CPsychol, CSci, Dipl. Psych., Psychological Psychotherapist, Systemic Family Therapist (SG)

Role at the Open University

I am Professor of Psychology and Psychotherapy and currently also Deputy Director of Teaching (Counselling), Director of the Foundation Degree in Counselling (Foundation Degree in Counselling (X09), Qualification Director of R86 BSc Counselling and Chair of the counselling short courses. I already had served as Qualification Director of (X09) from 2011 to 2016). I co-chaired the production of the new level 2 module D241 Exploring mental health and counselling and was involved in the production of the level 2 module Counselling: exploring fear and sadness (D240), which I chaired in its second presentation in 2011. I also chaired the production of Counselling and Forensic Psychology: Investigating Crime and Therapy (DD310), which I chaired in its first presentation in 2017. Previously I have been member of the presentation for the level 1 course Introduction to counselling (D171) and the level 2 Exploring Psychology Online Project (DZX222). I have previously also worked on the third level course Social psychology: critical perspectives on self and others (DD307).

Professional affiliations

Society of Psychotherapy Research (SPR), UK Chapter - Member of the Local Council 

Health, Wellness and Society Network - Member of the Advisory Board 

British Psychological Society (BPS) - Chartered Psychologist and Member of the Division of Counselling Psychology

Member of the Association for Family Therapy (AFT) in the UK - Member of the Research Advisory Group for AFT.


2012-2016: British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) – Member of the BACP Research Committee

Member of the Centre for Citizenship, Identities and Governance (CCIG), The Open University; co-director of the 'Intimate Relationships' research programme within CCIG.

Journal Editorial Board member:

  • Forum Gemeindepsychologie (Forum Community-Psychology) - since 2008.
  • Counselling Psychology Quarterly - since 2013.


Research interests

My research is strongly influenced by concepts developed in the areas of counselling and psychotherapy, community psychology and systemic theory. On the basis of the understanding of individuals within their social worlds and in their contextualised and socially constructed subjectivity, I am focusing with my research on promoting individual and collective health and well-being by applying theoretical concepts such as empowerment, participation, social networks and social support, social and economic justice and salutogenesis. Research projects I have undertaken as practitioner (systemic therapist) and research fellow at the German Youth Institute (DJI) have been located in the areas of child guidance and family counselling, health psychology, psychiatry, media pedagogic and social work.

My current research activities are centred around intimate relationships and counselling and psychotherapy research. I am especially interested in the impact of digital technologies on intimate relationships ('digital relatiing'), the social construction of infidelity, in a face-to-face and online context, with its impact on couple and family relationships, and therapeutic work with infidelity and issues related to the use of digital technologies. As a trained systemic couple and family psychotherapist I am also interested in examining couple and family therapy practice with a diverse range of research methodologies, including innovative qualiative mehtods. I was member of the Research Committee of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) (2012-2016) und Co-Director of the ‘Intimate Relationships’ research programme within the OU’s Centre for Citizenship, Identity and Governance (CCIG). As trainer and presenter, I am experienced in engaging with members of the public, counsellling organisations and practitioners to disseminate research. 

Recent Publications


Moller, N.P., Vossler, A., Jones, D. & Kaposi, D. (2020). Understanding Mental Health and Counselling. London. Sage. 

Vossler, A., Havard, C., Pike, G., Barker, M. J. & Rabbe, B. (Eds.) (2017). Mad or Bad? A Critical Approach to Counselling and Forensic Psychology. London: Sage.

Vossler, A. & Moller, N.P. (2014) (Eds.). The Counselling and Psychotherapy Research Handbook. London: Sage.

Barker, M., Vossler, A. & Langdridge, D. (eds.) (2010). Understanding Counselling and Psychotherapy. London: Sage.

Hössl, A. & Vossler, A. (2006). Bildungsverläufe in der Grundschule. Schulerfolg und Belastungen aus der Sicht von Kindern und Eltern (Educational careers in primary school. Academic achievement and stress from the perspective of children and parents). Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt.

Vossler, A. (2003). Perspektiven der Erziehungsberatung (Perspectives of child guidance and family counselling). Tuebingen: dgvt.

Vossler, A. & Obermaier, M. (2003). Netze knüpfen - Integration fördern. Evaluationsstudie zum Bundesmodellprogramm "Interkulturelles Netzwerk der Jugendsozialarbeit im Sozialraum". München: DJI.

Chapters in edited books (since 2000)

Vossler, A. & Moller, N. P. (2024). Digital intimacies and online infidelities. In Eds. Paul R. Peluso and Taylor J. Irvine, Infidelity: A practitioners guide to working with couples in crisis, 2nd Edition. Routledge. ISBN 9781032323886

Vossler, A. (2020, in press). Gemeindepsychologische Beratung [Community Psychology Counselling]. In Christel Aichinger et al. (eds), Handbuch Gemeindepsychologie. Dgvt-Verlag: Tuebingen.

Vossler. A. (2020). Beyond the individual. In N.P Moller, A. Vossler, D. Jones & D. Kaposi (eds), Understanding Mental Health and Counselling (pp. 399-426). London: Sage.

Vossler. A. (2020). Beyond face to face – technology-based counselling. In N.P Moller, A. Vossler, D. Jones & D. Kaposi (eds.), Understanding Mental Health and Counselling (pp. 427-456). London: Sage.

Vossler, A. & Seckinger, M. (2017). Erziehungsberatung im Angebots- und Anforderungsprofil: Vielfalt aktueller und potentieller Tätigkeitsfelder, Angebote und Leistungen [The profile of child guidance: Plurality of current and potential services and activities] . S. Rietmann & M. Sawatzki (eds.), Zukunft der Beratung – Von der Verhaltens- zur Verhältnisorientierung? (pp. 165-184) Berlin: Springer VS. 

Vossler, A., Harvard, C., Pike, G., Barker, M.J., Raabe, B. & Walkington, Z. (2017). Therapeutic work in forensic settings. In A. Vossler, C. Harvard, G. Pike, M. Barker & B. Raabe (eds.), Mad or Bad? A crtical approach to Counselling and Forensic Psychology. London: Sage.

Vossler, A., Squire, B. & Bingham, C. (2017). Systemic approaches. In A. Vossler, C. Harvard, G. Pike, M. Barker & B. Raabe (eds.), Mad or Bad? A crtical approach to Counselling and Forensic Psychology. London: Sage.

Vossler, A, Steffen, E. & Joseph, S. (2015). The relationship between Counseling Psychology and Positive Psychology. In S. Joseph (ed.), Positive Psychology in Practice, 2nd edition (p. 429-442). New York: Wiley & Sons.

Vossler, A. (2015). Fragebogen zum Familien-Kohärenzsinn (FFKS) [The Family Sense of Coherence Scale]. In D. Richter, J. Ernst & E. Brähler (eds.), Handbuch der Familien- und Paardiagnostik. (p.186-190). Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Vossler, A. (2015). Beratungs- und Therapieforschung im Ueberblick [Counselling and psychotherapy research – an overview]. In P. Bauer & M. Weinhardt (eds.), Perspektiven sozialpädagogischer Beratung. Empirische Befunde und aktuelle Entwicklungen (p. 269-285). Weinheim: Beltz Juventa.

Vossler, A., Moller, N. & Cooper, M. (2014). Setting the scene - Why research matters. In A. Vossler & N. Moller (eds.), The Counselling & Psychotherapy Research Handbook (p. 3-16). London: Sage.

Vossler, A. & Moller, N. (2014). Attitudes to and perceptions of research. In A. Vossler & N. Moller (eds.), The Counselling & Psychotherapy Research Handbook (p. 17-29). London: Sage.

Stratton, P., Moller, N. & Vossler, A. (2014). Next steps – Building on and using research in training and practice. In A. Vossler & N. Moller (eds.), The Counselling & Psychotherapy Research Handbook (p. 257-273). London: Sage.

Vossler, A. (2012). Der Forschungsstand zum Bereich Erziehungsberatung. In W. Stange, R. Krueger, A. Henschel & C. Schmitt (Eds.), Handbuch Erziehungs- und Bildungspartnerschaften (p.255-266). VS Verlag.

Vossler, A. (2010). Systemic approaches. In M. Barker, A. Vossler, & D. Langdridge (Eds.), Understanding Counselling and Psychotherapy (p. 191-210). London: Sage.

Vossler, A. (2010). Context and setting. In M. Barker, A. Vossler, & D. Langdridge (Eds.), Understanding Counselling and Psychotherapy (p.237-258). London: Sage.

Vossler, A. & Hanley, T. (2010). Online counselling: Meeting the needs of young people in late-modern societies. In J. Leaman & M. Woersching (eds.), Youth in Contemporary Europe (p.133-147). London: Routledge.

Züchner, I., Arnold, B. & Vossler, A. (2007). Kinder und Jugendliche in Ganztagsangeboten. In H.-G. Holtappels, E. Klieme, Th. Rauschenbach & L. Stecher (Hrsg.), Ganztagsschule in Deutschland. Ergebnisse der Ausgangserhebung der 'Studie zur Entwicklung von Ganztagsschulen' (StEG) (S. 106-122). Weinheim: Juventa.

Vossler, A. (2006). Evaluation von Erziehungs- und Familienberatung in Deutschland: Ergebnisse und Anregungen für die zukünftige Praxis. In A. Hundsalz & K. Menne (Eds.): Jahrbuch für Erziehungsberatung, Band 6 (pp. 207-224). Weinheim: Ju­venta.

Vossler, A. (2006). Eltern in der Erziehungsberatung - Beratungsanlässe und Erwartungen. In K. Wahl & K. Hees (Eds.): Helfen "Super Nanny" und Co.? Ratlose Eltern - Herausforderungen für die Elternbildung (S. 58-67). Weinheim: Beltz.

Vossler, A. (2004). "Erziehungsberatung kann man so, so, oder auch so sehen…" - Eine multiperspektivische und multimodale Evaluationsstudie. In A. Hundsalz & K. Menne (Eds.): Jahrbuch für Erziehungsberatung, Band 5 (pp. 257-74). Weinheim: Ju­venta.

Journal articles (since 2000)


Vossler, A., Pinquart, M., Forbat, L., & Stratton, P. (2024). Efficacy of systemic therapy on adults with depressive disorders: A meta-analysis. Psychotherapy Research. Advance online publication.

O’Neil, J., Bratton, A., Heidl, B., Vossler, A. & Moller, N. (2024). Emotional labour of teleworkers: counselling online during Covid 19. New Technology, Work and Employment, 39(2), 238-258.

Full, W., Vossler, A., Moller, N.P., Pybis, J. & Roddy, J. (2023). Therapists’ and counsellors’ perceptions and experiences of offering online therapy during Covid-19: a qualitative survey. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 24(2), 703-718.

Moller, N., Clarke, V., Braun, V., Tischner, I. & Vossler, A. (2021, in press). Qualitative Story Completion for Counseling Psychology Research: A creative method to interrogate dominant discourses. Journal of Counseling Psychology.

Vossler, A. & Moller, N. P. (2020). Internet Affairs: Partners’ perceptions and experiences of internet infidelity. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, 46(1), 67-77

Vossler, A. (2016). Internet infidelity ten years on: A critical review of the literature. The Family Journal, 24(4), 359–366.

Smith, H., Moller, N.P. & Vossler, A. (2016). Family therapy ‘lite’? How family counsellors conceptualise their primary care family work. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 45, 562-572. 

Pearson, D. & Vossler, A. (2016). Methodological issues in focus group research. Counselling Psychology Review, 31, 8-16.

Steffen, E., Vossler, A. & Joseph, S. (2015). From shared roots to fruitful collaboration: How counselling psychology can benefit from (re)connecting with positive psychology. Counselling Psychology Review, 30(3), 1-11.

Vossler, A. & Moller, N. (2015). ‘We argue a lot and don’t talk with each other’: How distressed are families when seeking Relate family counselling? Counselling and Psychotherapy Research. DOI: 10.1002/capr. 12013.

Vossler, A. & Moller, N. (2014). ‘The relationship past can’t be the future’: Couple counsellors’ experiences of working with infidelity. Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 29(4), 424-435.

Moller, N. & Vossler, A. (2014). Defining infidelity in research and couple counseling: a qualitative study. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy. DOI:10.1080/0092623X.2014.931314

Vossler, A. (2012). Salutogenesis and the Sense of Coherence: Promoting Health and Resilience in Counselling and Psychotherapy. Counselling Psychology Review, 27, 68-79.

Fletcher-Tomenious, L. & Vossler, A. (2009). Trust in Online Therapeutic Relationships: The Therapist's Experience. Counselling Psychology Review, 24, 24-34.

Vossler, A. (2006). Der lange Weg von der Systemtheorie zur Beratungspraxis - Ansätze, Methoden und Begrenzungen. Unsere Jugend, 58, 421-431.

Vossler, A. (2005). Das Jahrhundert der Beratung - Entwicklung und gesellschaftliche Bedeutung von Beratungsangeboten. Medien und Erziehung - Zeitschrift für Medienpädagogik, 49(5), 9-13.

Vossler, A. (2005). Erziehungsberatung im Spiegel gesellschaftlicher Umbrüche. Geschichte und Perspektiven. ajs-informationen III/2005, 6-10.

Vossler, A. (2005). Perspektiven der Erziehungsberatung = Wandel 3. Erziehungsberatung aktuell - Mitteilungen der LAG Bayern, 2-10.

Hössl, A. & Vossler, A. (2005). "Manchmal bin ich fix und fertig…" - Belastungen bei Bildungsprozessen in der Grundschule. Diskurs 1/2005, 18-27.

Vossler, A. (2004). The participation of children and adolescents in family counselling: the German experience. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 4, 54-61.

Vossler, A. (2004). "Wandel hoch drei - Beratung für Jugendliche in einer verunsichernden Gesellschaft. Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie, 53, 547-559.

Vossler, A. (2003). Netze knüpfen - Integration fördern. Von Modellprojekten für die Praxis lernen. Jugend, Beruf, Gesellschaft - Beratungs- und Betreuungsarbeit für Jugendliche mit Migrationshintergrund. 41. Sozialanalyse der Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Jugendsozialarbeit (BAG JAW), S. 33-34.

Vossler, A. & Obermaier, M. (2003). "Zur Öffnung eines Jugendgemeinschaftswerkes gehört noch vielmehr als den Betrieb zu gewährleisten…" Erfahrungen aus dem Bundesmodellprogramm "Interkulturelles Netzwerk der Jugendsozialarbeit im Sozialraum". Jugend, Beruf, Gesellschaft, 54, 7-12.

Vossler, A. (2002). "…und auf einmal ist der Gegenstand auch zum Mensch geworden…" - Partizipation von Kindern und Jugendlichen in Beratungsprozessen. Gemeindepsychologie - Rundbrief, 8, 23-39.

Haubrich, K. & Vossler, A. (2002). Auf dem Weg zur Migrationsfachstelle. Erfahrungen aus dem Bundesmodellprogramm "Interkulturelles Netzwerk der Jugendsozialrabeit im Sozialraum". Zeitschrift für Migration und soziale Arbeit (iza), 1-2002, 50-53.

Schmidt-Neumeyer, H., Vossler, A., Schmidt-Neumeyer, W. (2002). Der Zusammenhang zwischen Elternarbeit und Hilfeverlauf. Unsere Jugend, 54, 291-300.

Vossler, A. (2001a). The questionnaire on child guidance and family counseling (FEF): Development of a method of evaluation. Diagnostica, 47, 122-131.

Vossler, A. (2001b). The family sense of coherence as a collective construct: The whole is more than the sum of its parts. Zeitschrift für Gesundheits­psychologie, 9, 112-121.

Vossler, A., Sommer, G., Bühler, K.-E. & Haltenhof, H. (2001). Soziale Unterstützung und Krankheitsverarbeitung bei 41 Patienten mit depressiven Störungen. Nervenheilkunde, 20, 17-21.

Haubrich, K. & Vossler, A. (2001). Das Modellprogramm "Interkulturelles Netzwerk der Jugendsozialarbeit im Sozialraum" - erste Ergebnisse und Erkenntnisse. Jugend, Beruf, Gesellschaft - Arbeitsdruck der 39. Sozalanalyse der Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Jugendsozialarbeit (BAG JAW), 22-33.

Vossler, A. (2000). Als Indexpatient ins therapeutische Abseits? - Kinder in der systemischen Familientherapie. Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie, 49, 435-449.

Conference papers (since 2000)

Moller, N.P & Vossler, A. (2020). ‘What do we know about online therapy?’. British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy online research conference ‘Keeping clients at the centre’, May 16, 2020. 

Vossler, A. & Moller, N.P. (2019). Using story completion tasks to explore perceptions about mental health in a work conte. Society for Psychotherapy Research, July 4-6, 2019, Buenos Aires.

Moller, N. P., Vossler, A. (2019). Client experiences of pre-treatment counselling for embryo donation for family formation. Society for Psychotherapy Research, July 4-6, 2019, Buenos Aires.

Moller, N. P., Tischner, I. & Vossler, A. (2019). Using Story Completion Tasks to explore perceptions about mental health in a work context. British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy Research Conference, Belfast, May 16-18, 2019.

Tischner, I., Moller, N. P., & Vossler, A. (2019). Using Story Completion Tasks to explore perceptions about mental health in a work context. Qualitative story completion: an innovative method with exciting potential for health research. 4th Qualitative Health Research Network, ‘Crafting the Future of Qualitative Health Research in a Changing World' at the Radisson Blu Portman Hotel, London, March 21-22, 2019.

Vossler, A. & Moller, N.P. (2018). Systemic family counselling in a primary care - implications for training, practice and research. Paper presented at the 49th Annual International Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, 30.06.2018, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Vossler, A. (2017). Family therapy ‘lite’? Systemic family counselling in a primary care context. Paper presented at the International Systemic Reserach Conference ‘Linking Systemic Reserach and Practice, University of Heidelberg, Gremany, March 8-11 2017.

Vossler, A. & Moller, N.P. (2016). Family therapy ‘lite’? Systemic family counselling in a primary care context. Paper presented at the Association for Family Therapy and Systemic Practice Annual UK conference, 16.09.2016, Brighton, UK.

Vossler. A. & Moller, N.P. (2016). Analysing therapy talk with qualitative methods. Paper presented at the 47th Annual International Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, 25.06.2016, Jerusalem, Israel.

Moller, N., Wilcox, R. & Vossler, A. (2016). The impact of a grief intervention with bereaved families: a thematic analysis of therapy transcripts. The Society for Psychotherapy Research, Jerusalem, Israel, June 23-25.

Moller, N. & Vossler, A. (2016). Internet Infidelity: Perceptions, experiences & implications for therapeutic practice. Seminar series: Couple and sexual relationships in the 21st century: New challenges for partners and practitioners. Open University campus, London, 23 March, 2016.

Vossler. A. & Moller, N.P. (2015). Internet Infidelity: Perceptions and experiences. Paper presented at the 46th Annual International Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, 26.06.2015, Philadelphia, U.S.A.

Vossler, A. & Moller, N.P. (2015).  Perceptions and experiences of internet infidelity: views of couple counsellors and the general public. Paper presented at the ‘20th Annual Counselling and Psychotherapy Research Conference’ of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy, 15.05.2015, Nottingham, UK.

Vossler, A. & Moller, N.P. (2014). Assumptions about overweight counsellors. Paper presented at the ‘Fourth International Conference on Health, Wellness and Society’, 15.03.2014, Vancouver, Canada.

Moller, N.P. & Vossler, A. (2013). Perceptions of fat counsellors. Paper presented at the ‘19th Annual Counselling and Psychotherapy Research Conference’ of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy, 10.05.2013, Birmingham, UK.

Vossler, A. (2013). Promoting Health and Resilience in Counselling and Psychotherapy: Salutogenesis and the Sense of Coherence. Paper presented at the ‘Third International Conference on Health, Wellness and Society’, 16.03.2013, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Vossler, A. & Moller, N.P. (2012). Infidelity in counselling and psychotherapy literature: The power of metaphors. Paper presented at the '18th Annual Counselling and Psychotherapy Research Conference' of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy, 11.05.2012, Edinburgh, UK.

Moller, N.P. & Vossler, A. (2012). Story-stem completion: a novel projective method. Paper presented at the '18th Annual Counselling and Psychotherapy Research Conference' of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy, 11.05.2012, Edinburgh, UK.

Seckinger, M. & Vossler, A. (2011). Personalisation in public sector services: Supporting or impeding empowerment processes? Symposium at the 8th European Congress of Community Psychology, 15.09.2011, York, UK.

Moller, N. & Vossler, A. (2011). Preventative, low-intensity family services - needed but only if they work! Paper at the ‚Annual Conference of the Division of Counselling Psychology' of the British Psychological Society, 15.07.2011, Bristol, UK

Vossler, A. & Moller, N. (2011). Research in practice: evaluation of Relate family counselling. Paper at the '17th Annual Counselling and Psychotherapy Research Conference' of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy, 07.05.2011, Liverpool, UK.

Vossler, A. & Moller, N. (2010). Relate couple counsellors experiences of working with infidelity. Paper at the '16th Annual Counselling and Psychotherapy Research Conference' of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy, London Heathrow, 15 May 2010.

Vossler, A. & Fletcher-Tomenius, L. (2009). Online therapists' experiences of trust in online therapeutic relationships. Paper at the '15th Annual Counselling and Psychotherapy Research Conference' of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy, Portsmouth, 15 May 2009.

Vossler, A. & Hanley, T. (2007). Online Counselling for Young People: Comparing the British and German Experience. Paper at the international Conference 'Youth Culture(s) in Britain', University of Loughborough, 28 June 2007.

Vossler, A. (2007). Participation of Children in Counselling and Psychotherapy. Paper at the 'Annual Conference of the Division of Counselling Psychology' of the British Psychological Society, Chester, 19 May 2007.

Vossler, A. & Hanley, T. (2007). Online counselling - meeting the needs of young people in postmodern societies? Workshop at the '13th Annual Counselling and Psychotherapy Research Conference' of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy, York, 11 May 2007.

Vossler, A. (2006). All-day schools in Germany - the perspective of parents and families. Paper presented at the '5th Meeting of the International Academy of Family Psychology: Family Psychology in Context: Linking Research, Policy, and Practice', University of Cardiff / Wales, 11 June 2006.

Vossler, A. (2006). The Family Sense of Coherence (FSOC): Empirical findings and implications for family counselling. Paper presented at the '5th Meeting of the International Academy of Family Psychology: Family Psychology in Context: Linking Research, Policy, and Practice', University of Cardiff / Wales, 13 June 2006.

Vossler, A. & Gadow, T. (2006). Ganztägige Angebote im Grundschulalter aus der Sicht von Eltern und Familien. Vortrag auf dem 20. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaften an der Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-Universität in Frankfurt, 22 March 2006.

Vossler, A. (2006). Counselling & the family sense of coherence (FSOC): Empirical findings & practical implications. Paper presented at the 12th Annual Counselling and Psychotherapy Research Conference, British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP), Glasgow, 20 May 2006.

Vossler, A.(2005). Counselling on the Internet - virtual networks and contexts. Paper presented at the Childhoods 2005 Oslo International Conference, Children in Emerging and Transforming Societies, University of Oslo, Norway, 29 June-3 July 2005.

Vossler, A. (2005). Familien-Kohärenzsinn - Das Ganze ist mehr als die Summe seiner Teile? Vortrag auf der 4. Münchner Tagung für Familienpsychologie an der LMU München, 23 July 2005.

Vossler, A. (2005). Participation of children and adolescents in counselling - the German experience. Poster presented at the Childhoods 2005 Oslo International Conference, Children in Emerging and Transforming Societies, University of Oslo, Norway, 29 June-3 July, 2005.

Vossler, A.(2005). Tipps, Ratschläge und Verhaltensrichtlinien…- was Eltern in der Erziehungsberatung wissen wollen. Vortrag auf der Tagung "Von PISA-Kids, ratlosen Eltern und "Super-Nannys"" des Deutschen Jugendinstituts in Kooperation mit dem Bayerischen Rundfunk in München, 6 July 2005.

Vossler, A.. (2004). Virtual networks and contexts - counselling on the internet. Paper presented at the 5th European Conference for Community Psychology, Free University of Berlin, 17 September 2004.

Vossler, A.(2004). Adolescents' Experiences in Counselling - An Explorative Study. Paper presented at the 10th Annual Counselling and Psychotherapy Research Conference, British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy, London, 22 May 2004.

Vossler, A.(2004). Beratung und Kompetenzförderung. Referat bei der Abschlusstagung des Forschungs- und Gestaltungsprojekts "Netzwerk - Jugendliche an der 2. Schwelle" an der Technischen Universität Dresden, 5 October 2004.

Vossler, A.(2004). Alles eine Frage der Perspektive…!? - Eine Evaluationsstudie zur Erziehungs- und Familienberatung. Vortrag bei der Tagung "Systemische Beratungs- und Therapieforschung" an der Universität Heidelberg, 9 July 2004.

Hössl, A. & Vossler, A. (2003). Lernkulturen in der Grundschule aus der Kinderperspektive. Ergebnisse einer qualitativen Längsschnittstudie". Vortrag bei der Bundesfachtagung "Lernkulturen und Bildungsstandards: Kindergarten und Grundschule zwischen Vielfalt und Verbindlichkeit" des Pestalozzi-Fröbel-Verbandes e.V. in Potsdam, 20 September 2003.

Vossler, A. (2002). "…und auf einmal ist der Gegenstand auch zum Mensch geworden…" - Partizipation von Kindern und Jugendlichen in Beratungsprozessen. Vortrag beim 14. Kongress für Klinische Psychologie, Psychotherapie und Beratung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Verhaltenstherapie (dgvt), Berlin, 23-27 February 2002.

A repository of research publications and other research outputs can be viewed at The Open University's Open Research Online.

Teaching interests

At the OU I am currentky Qualification Director of the Foundation Degree in Counselling (X09) (as I was from 2011-2016).

Courses on which I teach or have taught:

At the Open University, current modules that I am/was involved with are DD310 (presentation chair), D171 (module team member) and D240 (presentation chair and monitoring), DD307 (module team member and monitoring) and DZX222 (module team member).

At London Metropolitan University I taught on:

Professional Doctorate in Counselling Psychology: Research Director for the course (BPS accredited), Design and delivery of the course as member of Counselling Psychology team, Module lead for ‘Dissertation Planning and Support’ and ‘Counselling Couples & Groups’, Assessment development and marking, Research supervision (Masters and Professional Doctorate levels), Other responsibilities: Student mentoring (personal tutor), admission tutor and placement management for students.

Provider of lecturers on other courses on the undergraduate psychology programme at London Metropolitan University

Doctoral supervison:

At the OU I have supervised three PhD students to completion. In the past I have supervised five Professional Doctorate in Counselling Psychology students at London Metropolitan University to completion.


Impact and engagement

Moller, N.P. & Vossler, A. (2020). Working with infidelity. 12-hour CPD online course, Open Learn Create (reviewed and promoted by Relate).

Moller, N.P. & Vossler, A. (2020). How to do counselling online: a coronavirus primer. 6-hour CPD online course, Open Learn Create (in partnership with BACP).

Vossler, A. & Moller, N.P. (November 2016). #ISPY. [Video drama in five episodes]. = URL for the first of the five films.

Vossler, A. (2015). Beyond Individual Therapy: Key Ideas in Therapy 3/3. [Video file].

Open Learn.

Research groups

NameTypeParent Unit
Centre for Citizenship, Identifies and Governance (CCIG)CentreFaculty of Social Sciences
Social Psychology Research GroupGroupFaculty of Social Sciences


Online therapy: what we know now (2024-05)
Roddy, Jeannette; Moller, Naomi; Full, Wayne and Vossler, Andreas
Therapy Today, 35(4) (pp. 24-27)

Efficacy of systemic therapy on adults with depressive disorders: A meta-analysis (2024)
Vossler, Andreas; Pinquart, Martin; Forbat, Liz and Stratton, Peter
Psychotherapy Research ((Early access))

Therapists' and counsellors' perceptions and experiences of offering online therapy during COVID‐19: A qualitative survey (2023-11-03)
Full, Wayne; Vossler, Andreas; Moller, Naomi; Pybis, Jo and Roddy, Jeannette
Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 24(2) (pp. 703-718)

The emotional labour of teleworkers conducting online counselling during Covid‐19 (2023)
O'Neil, Jennifer. J.; Heidl, Britta. H.; Bratton, Andrew; Vossler, Andreas and Moller, Naomi
New Technology, Work and Employment, 39(2) (pp. 238-258)

Qualitative Story Completion for Counseling Psychology Research: A creative method to interrogate dominant discourses (2020-04)
Moller, N.; Clarke, V.; Braun, V.; Tischner, I. and Vossler, A.
Journal of Counseling Psychology, 68(3) (pp. 286-298)

Internet Affairs: Partners’ Perceptions and Experiences of Internet Infidelity (2020)
Vossler, Andreas and Moller, Naomi P.
Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 46(1) (pp. 67-77)

Family therapy ‘lite’? How family counsellors conceptualise their primary care family work (2017)
Smith, Harriet; Moller, Naomi P. and Vossler, Andreas
British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 45(5) (pp. 562-572)

Internet Infidelity 10 Years On: A Critical Review of the Literature (2016-10-01)
Vossler, Andreas
The Family Journal: Counseling and Therapy for Couples and Families, 24(4) (pp. 359-366)

Methodological issues in focus group research: The example of investigating counsellors’ experiences of working with same-sex couples (2016-06)
Pearson, Danielle and Vossler, Andreas
Counselling Psychology Review, 31(1)

From shared roots to fruitful collaboration: How counselling psychology can benefit from (re)connecting with positive psychology (2015-09-01)
Steffen, Edith; Vossler, Andreas and Stephen, Joseph
Counselling Psychology Review, 30(3) (pp. 1-11)

‘We argue a lot and don’t talk with each other’: How distressed are families when seeking Relate family counselling? (2015-03)
Vossler, Andreas and Moller, Naomi
Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 15(1) (pp. 12-20)

Defining infidelity in research and couple counseling: a qualitative study (2015)
Moller, Naomi and Vossler, Andreas
Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, 41(5) (pp. 487-497)

‘The relationship past can’t be the future’: couple counsellors’ experiences of working with infidelity (2014)
Vossler, Andreas and Moller, Naomi
Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 29(4) (pp. 424-435)

Salutogenesis and the sense of coherence: promoting health and resilience in counselling and psychotherapy (2012-10)
Vossler, Andreas
Counselling Psychology Review, 27(3) (pp. 68-78)

Trust in Online Therapeutic Relationships: The Therapist's Experience (2009)
Fletcher-Tomenius, Leon and Vossler, Andreas
Counselling Psychology Review, 24(2) (pp. 24-34)

Der lange Weg von der Systemtheorie zur Beratungspraxis – Ansätze, Methoden und Begrenzungen (2006)
Vossler, Andreas
Unsere Jugend, 58(10) (pp. 421-431)

Das Jahrhundert der Beratung: Entwicklung und gesellschaftliche Bedeutung von Beratungsangeboten (2005)
Vossler, Andreas
MERZ: Medien and Erziehung (Media and education)(5) (pp. 9-13)

Erziehungsberatung im Spiegel gesellschaftlicher Umbrüche. Geschichte und Perspektiven (2005)
Vossler, Andreas
Aktion Jugendschutz: ajs-informationen, 3 (pp. 6-10)

The participation of children and adolescents in family counselling: The German experience (2004)
Vossler, Andreas
Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 4(1) (pp. 54-61)

Wandel hoch drei - Beratung für Jugendliche in einer verunsichernden Gesellschaft (2004)
Vossler, Andreas
Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie (Child psychology and Child psychiatry practice), 53(8) (pp. 531-546)

Der Zusammenhang zwischen Elternarbeit und Hilfeverlauf [Relationship between cooperation with parents and success of the service] (2002)
Schmidt-Neumeyer, Heike; Vossler, Andreas and Schmidt-Neumeyer, Willibald
Unsere Jugend(7+8) (pp. 291-300)

Der Fragebogen zur Erziehungs- und Familienberatung (FEF): Entwicklung eines Evaluationsverfahrens [The questionnaire on child guidance and family counseling (FEF): Development of a method of evaluation] (2001-07-01)
Vossler, Andreas
Diagnostica, 47(3) (pp. 122-131)

Der Familien-Kohärenzsinn als kollektives Konzept: Das Ganze ist mehr als die Summe seiner Teile [The family sense of coherence as a collective construct: The whole is more than the sum of its parts] (2001)
Vossler, Andreas
Zeitschrift für Gesundheitspsychologie, 9 (pp. 112-122)

Als Indexpatient ins therapeutische Abseits? – Kinder in der systemischen Familientherapie [As index patient into therapeutic offside? Children in systemic family therapy and counselling] (2000)
Vossler, Andreas
Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie, 49(6) (pp. 435-449)

Bildungsverläufe in der Grundschule. Schulerfolg und Belastungen aus der Sicht von Kindern und Elte (2006)
Hössl, A and Vossler, Andreas
ISBN : 9783781514935 | Publisher : Klinkhardt | Published : Bad Heilbrunn

Perspektiven der Erziehungsberatung. Kompetenzförderung aus der Sicht von Jugendlichen, Eltern und Beratern [Perspectives of child guidance and family counselling] (2003-09-11)
Vossler, Andreas
ISBN : 978-3-87159-708-4 | Publisher : dgvt-Verlag | Published : Tübingen

Digital Intimacies and Online Infidelities: A Practitioner’s Guide to Working with Couples in Crisis (2024-04-02)
Vossler, Andreas and Moller, Naomi
In: Peluso, Paul R. and Irvine, Taylor J. eds. Infidelity: A Practitioner’s Guide to Working with Couples in Crisis (2nd Edition) (pp. 161-178)
ISBN : 9781003314776 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : New York

Gemeindepsychologische Beratung (2023-03-01)
Vossler, Andreas
In: Behzadi, Asita; Lenz, Albert; Neumann, Olaf; Schuermann, Ingeborg and Seckinger, Mike eds. Handbuch Gemeindepsychologie. Community Psychology in Deutschland (pp. 747-765)
ISBN : 9783871591747 | Publisher : dgvt Verlag | Published : Tübingen

Erziehungsberatung im Angebots- und Anforderungsprofil: Vielfalt aktueller und potentieller Tätigkeitsfelder, Angebote und Leistungen (2018)
Vossler, Andreas and Seckinger, Mike
In: Sawatzki, Mike and Rietmann, Stephan eds. Zukunft der Beratung – Von der Verhaltens- zur Verhältnisorientierung? (pp. 165-184)
ISBN : 978-3-658-18008-9 | Publisher : Springer VS, Wiesbaden

Working therapeutically in forensic settings (2017-06-02)
Vossler, Andreas; Havard, Catriona; Barker, Meg-John; Pike, Graham; Raabe, Bianca and Walkington, Zoe
In: Vossler, Andreas; Havard, Catriona; Pike, Graham; Barker, Meg-John and Raabe, Bianca eds. Mad or Bad? A Critical Approach to Counselling and Forensic Psychology (pp. 9-22)
ISBN : 978-1-4739-6351-1 | Publisher : Sage

Systemic approaches (2017-06-02)
Vossler, Andreas; Squire, Brigitte and Bingham, Clare
In: Vossler, Andreas; Havard, Catriona; Pike, Graham; Barker, Meg-John and Raabe, Bianca eds. Mad or Bad? A Critical Approach to Counselling and Forensic Psychology (pp. 223-236)
ISBN : 978-1-4739-6351-1 | Publisher : Sage

The relationship between Counseling Psychology and Positive Psychology (2015)
Vossler, Andreas; Steffen, Edith and Joseph, Stephen
In: Joseph, Stephen ed. Positive Psychology in Practice (pp. 429-442)
ISBN : 978-1-118-75693-5 | Publisher : Wiley & Sons

Fragebogen zum Familien-Kohärenzsinn (FFKS) [The Family Sense of Coherence Scale] (2015)
Vossler, Andreas
In: Richter, Diana; Brähler, Elmar and Ernst, Jochen eds. Diagnostische Verfahren für Beratung und Therapie von Paaren und Familien. Diagnostik für Klinik und Praxis (pp. 186-191)
ISBN : 9783801726898 | Publisher : Hogrefe

Setting the scene: Why research matters (2014-10)
Vossler, Andreas; Moller, Naomi and Cooper, Mick
In: Vossler, Andreas and Moller, Naomi eds. The Counselling and Psychotherapy Research Handbook (pp. 3-16)
ISBN : 9781446255278 | Publisher : Sage

Attitudes to and perceptions of research (2014-10)
Vossler, Andreas and Moller, Naomi
In: Vossler, Andreas and Moller, Naomi eds. The Counselling and Psychotherapy Research Handbook (pp. 17-30)
Publisher : Sage

Next steps – Building on and using research in training and practice (2014-10)
Stratton, Peter; Moller, Naomi and Vossler, Andreas
In: Vossler, Andreas and Moller, Naomi eds. The Counselling and Psychotherapy Research Handbook (pp. 257-273)
ISBN : 9781446255278 | Publisher : Sage

Beratungs- und Therapieforschung im Überblick [Counselling and psychotherapy research – an overview] (2014)
Vossler, Andreas
In: Bauer, Petra and Weinhardt, Marc eds. Perspektiven sozialpädagogischer Beratung: Empirische Befunde und aktuelle Entwicklungen (pp. 269-285)
ISBN : 978-3779912996 | Publisher : Beltz Juventa

Erziehungs- und Familienberatung im Spiegel der Forschung (2012-04)
Vossler, Andreas
In: Stange, Waldemar; Krüger, Rolf; Henschel, Angelika and Schmitt, Christof eds. Handbuch Erziehungs- und Bildungspartnerschaften. Grundlagen und Strukturen von Elternarbeit (pp. 255-266)
ISBN : 978-3-531-16611-7 | Publisher : VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften | Published : Wiesbaden

Introduction (2010-04)
Barker, Meg; Vossler, Andreas and Langdridge, Darren
In: Barker, Meg; Vossler, Andreas and Langdridge, Darren eds. Understanding Counselling and Psychotherapy (pp. 1-17)
ISBN : 978-1849204767 | Publisher : Sage | Published : London

Conclusions (2010-04)
Barker, Meg; Vossler, Andreas and Langdridge, Darren
In: Barker, Meg; Vossler, Andreas and Langdridge, Darren eds. Understanding Counselling and Psychotherapy (pp. 327-343)
ISBN : 978-1849204767 | Publisher : Sage | Published : London

Systemic approaches (2010-03-31)
Vossler, Andreas
In: Barker, Meg; Vossler, Andreas and Langdridge, Darren eds. Understanding Counselling and Psychotherapy. Published in association with The Open University (pp. 191-210)
ISBN : 978-1-84920-475-0 | Publisher : Sage | Published : London

Context and setting (2010)
Vossler, Andreas
In: Barker, Meg; Vossler, Andreas and Langdridge, Darren eds. Understanding Counselling and Psychotherapy (pp. 237-258)
ISBN : 978-1-84920-475-0 | Publisher : Sage | Published : London, UK

Online counselling for young people – meeting the needs of young people in late modern societie (2010)
Vossler, Andreas and Hanley, Terry
In: Leaman, Jeremy and Woersching, Martha eds. Youth in Contemporary Europe (pp. 133-147)
ISBN : 978-0-415-87817-3 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : Abingdon, UK

Kinder und Jugendliche in Ganztagsangeboten (Children and young people in all day schools) (2008)
Züchner, Ivo; Arnold, Bettina and Vossler, Andreas
In: Holtappels, Heinz-Günter; Klieme, Eckhard; Rauschenbach, Thomas and Stecher, Ludwig eds. Ganztagsschule in Deutschland. Ergebnisse der Ausgangserhebung der „Studie zur Entwicklung von Ganztagsschulen“ (StEG). (All day schools in Germany, Results of the initial findings of the study on the development of all day schools) (pp. 106-122)
ISBN : 9783779921509 | Publisher : Juventa Verlag GmbH | Published : Weinheim, Germany

Evaluation von Erziehungs - und Familienberatung in Deutschland: Ergebnisse und Anregungen für die zukünftige Praxis (2006)
Vossler, Andreas
In: Hundsalz, Andreas and Menne, Klaus eds. Jahrbuch für Erziehungsberatung (Yearbook of Parenting advice) (pp. 207-224)
ISBN : 978-3-7799-0485-4 | Publisher : Ju­venta | Published : Weinheim, Germany

Eine Erziehungsberatung kann man so, so, oder auch so sehen...! Die Ergebnisse einer multiperspektivischen und multimodalen Evaluationsstudie (2004)
Vossler, Andreas
In: Hundsalz, Andreas and Menne, Klaus eds. Jahrbuch für Erziehungsberatung (Yearbook of Parenting advice) (pp. 257-274)
ISBN : 9783779904854 | Publisher : Ju­venta | Published : Weinheim, Germany

Mad or Bad? A Critical Approach to Counselling and Forensic Psychology (2017-06-02)
Vossler, Andreas; Havard, Catriona; Pike, Graham; Barker, Meg-John and Raabe, Bianca eds.
ISBN : 9781473963511 | Publisher : Sage

The Counselling and Psychotherapy Research Handbook (2014-10-16)
Vossler, Andreas and Moller, Naomi eds.
ISBN : 9781446255261 | Publisher : Sage | Published : London

Understanding Counselling and Psychotherapy (2010-03)
Barker, Meg; Vossler, Andreas and Langdridge, Darren eds.
ISBN : 9781849204767 | Publisher : Sage | Published : London, UK