Alison is a researcher for the Post-Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) Programme in Wales. She supports all aspects of research activity across the programme. Alison began her career working in outdoor education and following the completion of her PGCE in Geography and Physical Education she taught in schools in the UK and overseas. While working overseas she completed her Master’s degree in Environmental Education by distance learning. Following the completion of her doctorate at the University of South Wales she contributed to the teaching and assessment for a variety of Education courses, completed research projects and undertook outreach work with primary and secondary schools. Before joining The Open University in 2020 Alison worked for Arad Research undertaking research projects for clients that included local authorities, the Welsh Government and third sector organisations.
Alison’s doctorate examined the policy into practice of Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship for the Welsh higher education sector. This resulted in the creation of a process management tool to support embedding sustainability into higher education.
She has completed a wide range of research studies on topics such as aspects of the current Welsh education reform, the Childcare Offer and gender equality in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics for the Welsh Government; the impact of Modern Foreign Languages in schools for the British Council Wales, evaluations for Creative Skillset and the British Film Institute, and Oxfam Cymru’s Sanctuary in Wales project. Her current research interests focus on Initial Teacher Education and include mentoring, partnership working and the use of video technology in the classroom. Alison also has a particular interest in embedding Education for Sustainable Development in the curriculum.
Alison has experience of delivering and assessing Undergraduate and Postgraduate modules on a variety of topics such as research methods, teaching and learning, inclusive practice, leading organisational change, and Education for Sustainable Development for BA Early Years Education, BA Primary Studies, and MA Education degrees.
Alison works with partner school colleagues in Wales to support research activity, engaging practioners in research and publication. She also contributes to Collaborative Research Network activity and projects with other teacher education providers across Wales. She has worked with independent researchers to engage with schools to evaluate the curriculum and assessment reform in Wales.
She is a member of RATED (Research-informed Approaches to Tackling Educational Disadvantage), a consortium of educators working together to reduce educational inequalities and disadvantage using evidence-based approaches. She has been a steering group member of TEESNet (Teacher Education for Equity and Sustainability Network) since 2015; and a member of the Welsh Higher Education Future Generations Group since 2009. Alison is also an Associate Editor for the International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education.
'It's good to talk': Exploring Effective Professional Conversations in Teacher Education (2025)
Glover, Alison; Bleasdale, Catharine; Clifton, Grace and Thomas, Angela
International Journal of Changes in Education ((early access))
Using a blended distance pedagogy in teacher education to address challenges in teacher recruitment (2024)
Glover, Alison and Stewart, Sarah
Teaching Education, 35(1) (pp. 104-126)
Finding the joy: effective mentoring in Teacher Education (2024)
Glover, A.; Jones, M.; Thomas, A. and Worrall, L.
Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 32(4) (pp. 377-394)
Using collaborative peer reflection to develop student teachers’ practice (2024)
Cole-Jones, Nia; Defis, Nerys; Glover, Alison; Jones, Mathew and Wallis, Rachel
Distances et médiations des savoirs, 46, Article 10045
A word to the wise (gair i gall): university teacher educators’ experiences of emergency response pedagogy in Wales (2024)
Hathaway, Tanya; Jones, Lowri; Glover, Alison; Ayres, Julian and Jones, Mathew
Cogent Education, 11, Article 2423624(1)
How do we achieve the third space? The challenges and strengths of partnership working to deliver a flexible PGCE Programme in Wales (2023-07-13)
Glover, Alison; Stewart, Sarah; Thomas, Angela and Thomas, Rachel
Wales Journal of Education, 25(1) (pp. 6-37)
Delivering education reform in Wales: a flexible route into teaching (2023)
Glover, Alison and Hutchinson, Steven
Education Inquiry, 14(4) (pp. 442-457)
The Triad of Success Factors that can Strengthen Student Teacher Mentoring (2023)
Glover, Alison; Jones, Megan; Thomas, Angela and Worrall, Leigh
Educator Perspectives, 3 (pp. 15-20)
Student teachers’ experiences of online learning (2023)
Defis, Nerys and Glover, Alison
Advances in Online Education: A Peer-Reviewed Journal, 2(2) (pp. 147-159)
Using video technology to support micro-teaching and reflection in Initial Teacher Education (2022-07-15)
Defis, Nerys; Glover, Alison; Jennings, Carys; Stewart, Sarah; Wallis, Rachel; Craggs, Ben; Hay, Ceris; Linton, Beth; Powell, Thomas and Williams, Amanda
Journal of Educational Innovation, Partnership and Change, 8(1)
Using images to develop group discussion and actions for sustainable development (2021)
Glover, Alison
Educationalfutures, 12(1) (pp. 168-182)
Improving resilience through the physical domain (2019)
Evans, Tracey; Glover, Alison; Mattingley, Rebecca and Jones, Desmond
Physical Education Matters, 14(2) (pp. 41-43)
An evaluation of a project aimed at increasing participation of young women in STEM activities and training in Wales (2018)
Glover, Alison; Harries, Stuart and Jones, Martin
International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology, 10(3) (pp. 432-440)
A comparative review of policy and practice for education for sustainable development/education for global citizenship (ESD/GC) in teacher education across the four nations of the UK (2016)
Bamber, Philip; Bullivant, Andrea; Glover, Alison; King, Betsy and McCann, Gerard
Management in Education, 30(3) (pp. 112-120)
Developing and piloting a baselining tool for Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship (ESDGC) in Welsh higher education (2013)
Glover, Alison; Jones, Yvonne; Claricoates, Jane; Morgan, Jan and Peters, Carl
Innovative Higher Education, 38(1) (pp. 75-86)
Future is Due: Reflection on local and global practice to act towards sustainability (2011)
Diniz, Tatiana and Glover, Alison
The International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability, 7(4) (pp. 17-32)
Education for sustainable development and global citizenship: An evaluation of the validity of the STAUNCH auditing tool (2011)
Glover, Alison; Peters, Carl and Haslett, Simon K.
International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 12(2) (pp. 125-144)
Education Reform and the Role of Widening Access to Teacher Education (2023-10-25)
Glover, Alison
In: Nata, Roberta, V. ed. Progress in Education (pp. 63-88)
ISBN : 979-8-89113-191-0 | Publisher : Nova Science Publishers, Inc. | Published : New York
Education for Sustainable Development: Policy and Practice in Wales (2023-01-24)
Glover, Alison
In: Leal Filho, W.; Dinis, M.A.P.; Moggi, S.; Price, E. and Hope, A. eds. SDGs in the European Region.. Implementing the UN Sustainable Development Goals – Regional Perspectives (IUNSDGRP)
ISBN : 978-3-030-91261-1 | Publisher : Springer, Cham | Published : Switzerland
Future Generations: Developing Education for Sustainability and Global Citizenship for University Education Students (2016)
Watkins, Philippa and Glover, Alison
In: Leal Filho, Walter and Pace, Paul eds. Teaching Education for Sustainable Development at University Level (pp. 67-81)
ISBN : 978-3-319-32928-4 | Publisher : Springer International Publishing | Published : Switzerland
A whole sector approach: Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship in Wales (2013)
Glover, Alison and Peters, Carl
In: Caeiro, Sandra; Leal Filho, Walter; Jabbour, Charbel and Azeiteiro, Ulisses. M. eds. Sustainability Assessment Tools in Higher Education Institutions (pp. 205-222)
ISBN : 978-3-319-02375-5 | Publisher : Springer | Published : Switzerland
Supporting learners to become agents for sustainability (2024-04)
Glover, Alison and Lee, Clare
In : Education Conference: Evolutions in Education (24-25 Apr 2024, Online)
Exploring the impact of student teachers' online collaborative peer reflection (2022-10)
Cole Jones, Nia; Defis, Nerys; Glover, Alison; Jones, Mathew; Wallis, Rachel and Williams, Amanda
In : Distance education: A Brave New World? Modalities, Challenges, Opportunities and Prospects (20-21 Oct 2022, Virtual)
Fostering participation, collaboration and problem solving in the classroom – developing discussion and actions for sustainability (2022-09-28)
Glover, Alison
In : Teacher Education for Equity and Sustainability Network (TEESNet) 13th Annual Conference (28 Sep 2022, Liverpool Hope University)
The opportunities and challenges of partnership working in Teacher Education, The Open University Partnership in Wales PGCE Programme (2021)
Glover, Alison; Thomas, Angela and Thomas, Rachel
In : TEAN Conference (6-7 May 2021)
Education for Sustainability Leadership: systems, pressures and trends (2018)
Glover, Alison
In : Routes to resilience, Education for Sustainability Leadership Conference (15-18 Mar 2018, UWC Atlantic College, Wales)
The Impact of Welsh Government Policy on Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship in Higher Education (2011)
Glover, Alison and D'Cruz, Brendan
In : Society for Research into Higher Education Conference (7-9 Dec 2011, Celtic Manor, Newport, South Wales)
Interpreting perceptions of sustainability (2011)
Glover, Alison
In : PRISM Research Conference (19-20 May 2011, University of Gloucestershire)
Daffodils and dragons: the Welsh challenge for sustainability and equity (2011)
Glover, Alison
In : First International Symposium on Corporate Responsibility and Sustainable Development Conference (19-20 Apr 2011, London Metropolitan University)
The wonderful art of comparing leeks and bananas: reviewing sustainability actions to empower transformation (2010)
Diniz, Tatiana and Glover, Alison
In : Society for Research into Higher Education Conference (14-16 Dec 2010, Celtic Manor, Newport, South Wales)
Planning and implementing effective sustainability within a globalised higher education sector (2010)
Glover, Alison
In : Postgraduate and Newer Researchers Society for Research into Higher Education Conference (13-14 Dec 2010, Celtic Manor, Newport, South Wales)
Future is due: reflecting on local and global practice to discover effective sustainability (2010)
Diniz, Tatiana and Glover, Alison
In : Newport NEXUS Conference (14-15 Jun 2010, University of Wales, Newport) (pp. 59-69)
‘Stop the bus, we want to get on!’ Drivers of Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship (ESDGC) in Welsh higher education (2010)
Glover, Alison
In : Newport Nexus Conference (14-15 Jun 2010, University of Wales, Newport)
The Challenge of Sustainability - the Welsh Agenda (2009)
Glover, Alison
In : Postgraduate and Newer Researchers Society for Research into Higher Education Conference (7 Dec 2009, Celtic Manor, Newport, South Wales)
ESDGC and the curriculum – from institutional interest to practical progress (2009)
Glover, Alison
In : HEFCW – ESDGC Action to date and in the future, Wrexham Intellectual and institutional barriers to ESDGC (9 Jul 2009, Glyndwr University, Wrexham)
Institutional strategies for education for sustainable development and global citizenship in Wales (2009)
Glover, Alison
In : Newport NEXUS Conference (15-16 Jun 2009, University of Wales, Newport) (pp. 53-57)
Professional conversations: Improving practice through collaborative reflection (2024-09-04)
Thomas, Angela; Bleasdale, Catharine; Clifton, Grace and Glover, Alison
The Open University, Wales-PGCE, Cardiff: UK.
An evaluation of the emergency online teaching provision in Wales’ Initial Teacher Education courses (2024-07)
Jones, Lowri; Hathaway, Tanya; Glover, Alison; Ayres, Julian; Williams, Gwawr and Jones, Mathew
Welsh Government, Cardiff, Wales.
Addressing teacher education recruitment in Wales – two new paths to teaching (2024-04-15)
Glover, Alison and Stewart, Sarah
British Educational Research Association (BERA), London, UK.
Evaluation of Progress for Success (2023-12-14)
Duggan, Brett; Glover, Alison; Lane, Jennifer and Lewis, Sioned
The Welsh Government, Cardiff, Wales.
Research on the early implementation of Curriculum for Wales: Wave 2 report (2023-09-21)
Thomas, Hefin; Duggan, Brett; McAlister-Wilson, Sam; Roberts, Lois; Sinnema, Claire; Cole Jones, Nia and Glover, Alison
Welsh Government, Cardiff, Wales.
Using video in Initial Teacher Education: Investigating the use of video technology for reflection on lessons (2023-06)
Glover, A.; Thomas, A.; Bleasdale, C.; Jones, M.; Stewart, S. and Rees-Davies, T.
Wales-PGCE, Cardiff, Wales.
Research with schools on the early implementation of Curriculum for Wales: Wave 1 report (2023-04-27)
Thomas, Hefin; Duggan, Brett; McAlister-Wilson, Sam; Roberts, Lois; Sinnema, Claire; Cole Jones, Nia and Glover, Alison
Welsh Government, Cardiff, Wales.
Mind Your Policy Language (2023)
Glover, Alison and Dorrian, Jane
The Open University
Effective mentoring in Initial Teacher Education: What works and why (2022-09-20)
Glover, Alison; Jones, Megan; Thomas, Angela and Worrall, Leigh
The Open University, Cardiff, Wales.
Scoping study for the evaluation of the curriculum and assessment reforms in Wales: final report (2022-07-13)
Duggan, Brett; Thomas, Hefin; Davies-Walker, Morgan; Sinnema, Claire; Stewart, Sarah; Cole Jones, Nia; Glover, Alison and Griffiths, Mike
Welsh Government, Cardiff, Wales.
Qualitative Research with Practitioners on Preparations for Curriculum and Assessment Reforms 2022: final report (2022-06-28)
Thomas, Hefin; Duggan, Brett; Davies-Walker, Morgan; Sinnema, Claire; Cole Jones, Nia and Glover, Alison
Welsh Government, Cardiff, Wales.
Practitioner survey on preparations for Curriculum and Assessment Reforms 2022: final report (2022-01-31)
Duggan, Brett; Thomas, Hefin; Davies-Walker, Morgan; Sinnema, Claire; Cole Jones, Nia and Glover, Alison
Welsh Government, Cardiff, Wales.
Editorial: Embedding sustainability education in practice (2021-05-26)
Glover, Alison
British Educational Research Association
Evaluation of the School Based Supply Cluster Model Project: Follow-up report (2020)
Duggan, Brett; Glover, Alison and Grover, Tanwen
The Welsh Government
Evaluation of the School Based Supply Cluster Model Project (2019-11-12)
Duggan, Brett; Glover, Alison; Grover, Tanwen and Feehan, Annalisa
The Welsh Government
Research to establish a baseline of the SEN system in Wales (2019-02-02)
Thomas, Hefin; Duggan, Brett; Glover, Alison; Lane, Jennifer; Conn, Carmel; Evans, Kathy; Drew, Sharon and Kelland, Amanda
The Welsh Government
Evaluation of the Early Implementation of the Childcare Offer for Wales (2018-11-22)
Glover, Alison; Harries, Stuart; Lane, Jennifer and Lewis, Sioned
The Welsh Government
Alignment of the Childcare Offer for Wales to the Foundation Phase (2018-11-11)
Glover, Alison; Harries, Stuart; Lane, Jennifer and Lewis, Sioned
The Welsh Government
Evaluation of the Early Implementation of the Childcare Offer for Wales: Holiday provision (2018-11-11)
Glover, Alison; Harries, Stuart; Lane, Jennifer and Lewis, Sioned
The Welsh Government
Evaluation of the Early Implementation of the Childcare Offer for Wales: Communication and Marketing of the Offer (2018)
Glover, Alison; Harries, Stuart; Lane, Jennifer and Lewis, Sioned
The Welsh Government
Formative Evaluation of the Pioneer Schools Model: Paper on Strand 1 and early Strand 2 activity (2017-11-30)
Duggan, Brett; Grover, Tanwen and Glover, Alison
The Welsh Government
A Sustainability Maturity Model for Higher Education: A process management tool to support embedding sustainability in higher education (2012)
Glover, Alison
Baselining for ESDGC – piloting an approach: ESDGC Development Framework (EDF) (2011-03)
Claricoates, Jane; Glover, Alison; Jones, Yvonne; Morgan, Jan and Peters, Carl