I have worked for the Open University since 2004, initially as an associate lecturer on a first-year social work module. In 2015 I became a staff tutor and regional social work lead in the south east. I currently work both as staff tutor and nation manager to London and the south east managing staff supporting students in this area.
My background is in social work, mainly working in childcare and child protection, although for many years worked as an approved social worker in mental health. I had previously qualified as a nurse and this has led to my research interest in inter-professional working and how we can support students prepare for this aspect of their work.
Inter-professional working and how to support students prepare for this work.
Depression of older people in end of life care
Teaching professional skills on line
Theory and practice in social work
Partnership working
Practice teaching in social work
Attitude and readiness of utilizing virtual reality simulations in interprofessional education to facilitate prompt and safe hospital discharges in England (2024)
Haider, Sharif; Flynn, Ann and Simpson, J. E.
Social Work Education ((early access))
Preventing and responding to depression, self-harm, and suicide in older people living in long term care settings: a systematic review (2019)
Gleeson, Helen; Hafford-Letchfield, Trish; Quaife, Matthew; Collins, Daniela A. and Flynn, Ann
Aging & Mental Health, 23(11) (pp. 1467-1477)