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Professor Nicola Yeates

Profile summary

Professional biography

I am Chair of Social Policy in the Department of Social Policy and Criminology, School of Global Studies and Social Sciences. I gained my PhD at Bristol University under the supervision of Professor Peter Townsend. After working at University College Dublin and Queen’s University Belfast, I joined The Open University.

Professional and Academic Affiliations include 

Chair, Sociology and Social Policy panel, The Undergraduate Awards 

UK Social Policy Association

International Sociological Association Research Committee 19 (poverty and welfare)

International advisory board, Journal of Global Social Policy

Advisory Board, Global Dynamics of Social Policy Collaborative Research Centre (University of Bremen)

Member of the Quality Assurance Agency Social Policy Benchmark Review Group (2016)

Fellow of the Higher Education Academy


Research interests

My research centres on transnationalisation and globalisation as social processes, together with their impacts on, and implications for, social policy and welfare as a field of academic teaching and research and as a political practice of state and non-state actors. An on-going theme in my work is how social diversity, divisions and inequalities are constructed, manifested and contested through trans-border social processes.

Areas of interest include globalisation(s) 'from above' and 'from below', including the development of global and world-regional governance and its relationship to national social systems; state and non-state strategies of internationalisation, including labour migration, family formation, health and social protection; and the development of transnational social, advocacy and policy networks. Many of my recent publications are on the relationship between international migration and social and health care ('global care chains'), global social policy, and regional social governance. I retain this interest and have extended my research to encompass global youth unemployment, in collaboration with Prof. Ross Fergusson, and to global funds as forms of global development financing and governance. 

My research publications can be viewed at The Open University's Open Research Online or on my publications profile on this site. 

A global fund for social protection: lessons from the experiences of global health, climate and agriculture funds (ILO Working Paper 97, September)

Third edition of Understanding Global Social Policy (editor, with Chris Holden) 

Understanding Global Social Policy book cover

Paperback edition of Global youth unemployment: history, governance and policy (with Ross Fergusson)

GYU front cover

Critical acclaim for this book: 

‘Rarely has a study of global youth unemployment so adeptly combined an empirically-grounded scrutiny of its levels and trends, with a conceptually nuanced analysis of its political economy drivers at multiple scales. Fergusson and Yeates make a compelling case for seeing endemic youth unemployment as an issue of grave social injustice–one that supply-side palliative approaches have patently failed to address, and which is in urgent need of integrated employment, social protection and macroeconomic policies backed by a more cohesive system of social and economic governance at the global level.’ – Shahra Razavi, Director of the Social Protection Department, International Labour Organization, Switzerland

‘Fergusson and Yeates’ distinctive voice narrates a timely diagnosis of an acute but understudied phenomenon, as viewed through historical and contemporary lenses. This is a book of big ideas that will set the standard for future analyses of global youth unemployment.' - Heidi Gottfried, Professor of Sociology, Wayne State University, Detroit, USA 

 ‘A vital contribution to our understanding of the transnational structures contributing to the endemic problem of youth unemployment. The study draws attention to the necessity of dealing with this human tragedy through the lens of global social policy analysis. Its conclusions and recommendations are highly relevant for the post-Covid-19 era'. - Robert O'Brien, Professor of Political Science, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada. 


2021-2022 Research findings on the experiences of migrant health and social care workers during the Covid-19 pandemic. All the factsheets listed below are co-authored by Jane Pillinger, Genevieve Gencianos and Nicola Yeates. 

Factsheet 1: What we know about their situation  

Factsheet 2:Trade Union response to the challenges faced by migrant health and social care  workers  

Factsheet 3: Building the trade union agenda 

These findings were discussed with trade unions affiliated with Public Services International on December 7th 2021

Factsheet 4: Risks and Responses: What risks did migrant health workers face during the COVID-19 pandemic? What were the responses of governments and other stakeholders?

Click here to access these factsheets, as well as the project's research publications and its short film. 

This work was supported by the UK Research and Innovation Fund [grant reference  ES/W013193/1].

International health worker migration and recruitment: global governance, politics and policy (with Jane Pillinger)  Click here for 20% discount!

 global governance, politics and policy book cover

Critical Acclaim:

Nicola Yeates has always been at the cutting edge of analysis of the transfer of labor and resources from areas with inadequate health care to health richer zones. In similar fashion, her book with Jane Pillinger breaks new ground by raising the analytical lens from national policy formation to the need for 21st century global governance of transnational health labor recruitment and migration. Emphasizing the dangers of continuing the historical patterns of health brain drain, Yeates and Pillinger call for more equitable world-level policy formation. (Wilma A. Dunaway, Professor Emerita, School of Public & International Affairs, Virginia Tech, US)

The authors of this pathbreaking study creatively amalgamate the literatures on migration, global social policy and healthcare worker recruitment. The facts they reveal are stark. For example, Africa has only three per cent of the world’s health workers, but many are lost to overseas recruitment. Yeates and Pillinger argue that considerations of power, justice and social development need to be given more weight in the conventions governing global labour recruitment. The authors’ long experience, deep knowledge and palpable commitment to social justice lend authority to their analysis and recommendations. (Robin Cohen, Professor Emeritus of Development Studies, University of Oxford, UK)

This important book offers the first historical account of efforts to advance collective action on international health worker migration over the past seventy years.  Using a social policy lens, the authors weave together original research on a broad array of policies, spanning multiple sectors and organizational mandates.  The result is a remarkable analysis which skillfully balances both the granular detail and normative complexity of this critical global governance challenge (Professor Kelley Lee, Canada Research Chair in Global Health Governance, Faculty of Health Sciences, Simon Fraser University, Canada)


Other books include:

Globalizing care economiesGlobalisation Social Policy front coverWorld Regional Social PolicyThe Global Social Policy Reader

Understanding global social policy








Recent grants include: 

Teaching interests

PhD supervision and examining

Working with doctoral students and researchers on cutting-edge topics in social policy is one of the best parts of my job. I warmly welcome enquiries and proposals from prospective students who are motivated and enthusiastic about doing original and high-quality research into any aspect of social policy at advanced level. I would be happy to supervise research projects on a wide range of topics, such as: global governance; social citizenship; welfare state dynamics and change; international organisations; international migration; international social development; social and health care; social protection; work, employment, and care; poverty, social exclusion and social inequality. I have a successful track record of supervising MPhil and Phd students to completion, many of whom are in leading jobs in academia, government and international organisations. PhD students include:

  • Alois Nyanhete: The role of international mobile remittances in promoting financial inclusion and development: a Zimbabwean case study

  • Janice Knox-Goba: Judicial interpretation of sexual violence against women in Sierra Leone

  • Linda de Chenu: Transnational policy making and the rise of national suicide prevention programmes

  • Sarah Hadfield: Young women, employment insecurity and financial autonomy in England

  • Sam Toolan:  To what extent, and in what ways, has migration to and settlement in the United Kingdom shaped the mental health of older women of African Caribbean and of South Asian East African heritage? 

  • Freda Owusu: Critical money transfer linkages: transnational livelihoods and prospects for private remitters of funds from the UK to Ghana and Nigeria

  • Mike Zapp: The Globalization of Education Policy: the Diffusion of Lifelong Learning Models and the Role of International Organizations in Non-OECD Countries

I am an experienced supervisor and examiner of doctoral theses, and have been External Assessor and External Examiner for PhD students registered at universities in the UK, Germany, Ireland and Australia and beyond. 

I receive a large number of enquiries from people who want to conduct a doctoral thesis under my supervision. To make it easier for you to find the answers to commonly-asked questions, clicking this link will take you to our departmental FAQs for intending postgraduate researchers. To apply, you will need to agree a research topic with me. Therefore, before you contact me, think about some a particular problem or issue you would like to work on and why, and write your ideas up into a draft research proposal (see here for advice on how to do this). It is also useful if you can demonstrate you are capable of conducting social research, so also send me your CV, links to previous papers or reports (if you have any) and projects you have worked on (stating your role in it and what it involved). 

Undergraduate and taught Masters courses 

Global Development (D870, D871, D872; D229, D329). Social Research methods (DD215). Welfare, Crime and Society (DD208)

Welfare, Crime and Society series co-editorship (with S Neal) of three interlinked course books - Social Justice (Newman and Yeates), Security (Cochrane and Talbot) and Community (Neal and Mooney) (McGraw Hill)

Beyond the Open University, I convene and write leading research-based student textbooks on various aspects of social policy, welfare and development in global and international contexts. My popular Understanding Global Social Policy textbook is into its third edition (2022, The Policy Press/Bristol University Press). I am a regular contributor to the leading student-focused social policy texts, such as The Student’s Companion to Social Policy (6th edition, 2022; Wiley), Social Policy (4th edition, 2014, Oxford University Press), the Understanding Welfare series (The Policy Press/Bristol University Press), and Handbook on Social Policy and Development (Edward Elgar 2019).

I am an experienced External Examiner and curriculum reviewer. I have advised several universities in the UK and overseas regarding their undergraduate and postgraduate teaching programmes. I have also advised on curriculum development in global, international and comparative social policy for UK universities and on various courses on social policy, transnationalism, and migrations for UK and overseas universities.

Impact and engagement

My research brings me into regular contact with a wide range of state and non-state organisations, especially at global level. I have worked with the World Health Organisation, International Labour Organisation, World Bank, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation, amongst others, as well as with a range of African, Latin American and Asian world-regional organisations' secretariats and their stakeholders. I am proud to lead The Open University's research partnership with Public Services International, a global union federation of more than 700 trade unions representing 30 million public services workers in 154 countries worldwide.  I enjoy exchanging ideas with partners outside of academia and working with them to help bring about greater global social equity, responsibility and justice. I welcome being contacted about potential projects with people and organisations who place the highest value on these priorities.  

January 2022 Will the world meet Sustainable Development Goal 8 (full and productive work for all women and men, including young people) by 2030? 

December 2022: A series of Factsheets using key findings of research into the experiences of migrant health workers during the Covid-19 pandemic, co-produced with Public Services International

What we know about their situation  

Trade union responses  

Building the trade union agenda  

What risks did migrant health care workers face during the Covid-19 pandemic? What were the responses of governments and other stakeholders?

Blogs and Policy Briefs:

Research groups

NameTypeParent Unit
Centre for Citizenship, Identifies and Governance (CCIG)CentreFaculty of Social Sciences


Thinking afresh: Closing the global funding gap to realise universal social protection (2024-11-01)
Yeates, Nicola; Lambin, Roosa and Idris, Nabila
Global Social Policy ((Early Access))

Southern social world-regionalisms: The place of health in nine African regional economic communities (2021-08-04)
Yeates, Nicola and Surender, Rebecca
Global Social Policy, 21(2) (pp. 191-214)

[Book Review] The Oxford Handbook of Global Policy and Transnational Administration (2020)
Yeates, Nicola
Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice, 22(1) (pp. 82-83)

Regional Research–Policy Partnerships for Health Equity and Inclusive Development: Reflections on Opportunities and Challenges from a Southern African Perspective (2019-06-10)
Yeates, Nicola; Moeti, Themba and Luwabelwa, Mubita
IDS Bulletin, 50(1) (pp. 121-142)

The financialisation of transnational family care: a study of UK-based senders of remittances to Ghana and Nigeria (2019-05-13)
Yeates, Nicola and Owusu-Sekyere, Freda
Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy, 35(2) (pp. 137-156)

Mobilising regional social governance and policy for the Sustainable Development Goals (2019-04-01)
Yeates, Nicola
Journal of Global Social Policy, 19(1-2) (pp. 38-42)

Symposium Review: 25th Anniversary of Moral Boundaries by Joan Tronto (2018-11-28)
Kaufman-Osborn, Timothy; Hirschmann, Nancy J.; Engster, Daniel; Robinson, Fiona; Yeates, Nicola and Tronto, Joan C.
Politics and Gender, 14(4) (pp. 1-28)

Beyond Moral Boundaries: Reflections on a Global Care Agenda (2018-11-28)
Yeates, Nicola
Politics and Gender, 14(4) (pp. 17-20)

International healthcare worker migration in Asia Pacific: International policy responses (2018-04-17)
Yeates, Nicola and Pillinger, Jane
Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 59(1) (pp. 92-106)

On the Transnational Dialectics of Solidarity and Care (2018-03-01)
Yeates, Nicola
Social Politics, 25(1) (pp. 20-26)

Introduction – Managing Welfare Expectations and Social Change: Policy Responses in Asia (2017-11)
Mok, Ka Ho; Kühner, Stefan and Yeates, Nicola
Social Policy & Administration, 51(6) (pp. 845-856)

100 key research questions for the post-2015 development agenda (2015-12-13)
Oldekop, Johan A.; Fontana, Lorenza B.; Grugel, Jean; Roughton, Nicole; Adu-Ampong, Emmanuel A.; Bird, Gemma K.; Dorgan, Alex; Vera Espinoza, Marcia A.; Wallin, Sara; Hammett, Daniel; Agbarakwe, Esther; Agrawal, Arun; Asylbekova, Nurgul; Azkoul, Clarissa; Bardsley, Craig; Bebbington, Anthony J.; Carvalho, Savio; Chopra, Deepta; Christopoulos, Stamatios; Crewe, Emma; Dop, Marie-Claude; Fischer, Joern; Gerretsen, Daan; Glennie, Jonathan; Gois, William; Gondwe, Mtinkheni; Harrison, Lizz A.; Hujo, Katja; Keen, Mark; Laserna, Roberto; Miggiano, Luca; Mistry, Sarah; Morgan, Rosemary J.; Raftree, Linda L.; Rhind, Duncan; Rodrigues, Thiago; Roschnik, Sonia; Senkubuge, Flavia; Thornton, Ian; Trace, Simon; Ore, Teresa; Valdés, René Mauricio; Vira, Bhaskar; Yeates, Nicola and Sutherland, William J.
Development Policy Review, 34(1) (pp. 55-82)

Locating regional health policy: Institutions, politics, and practices (2015-12-01)
Riggirozzi, Pia and Yeates, Nicola
Global Social Policy, 15(3) (pp. 212-228)

International governmental organisations and global youth unemployment: the normative and ideational foundations of policy discourses (2014-07-01)
Fergusson, Ross and Yeates, Nicola
Policy & Politics, 42(3) (pp. 439-458)

Global care chains: a state-of-the-art review and future directions in care transnationalization research (2012-04)
Yeates, Nicola
Global Networks, 12(2) (pp. 135-154)

The Irish Catholic Female Religious and the Transnationalisation of Care: An Historical Perspective (2011-11-01)
Yeates, Nicola
Irish Journal of Sociology, 19(2) (pp. 77-93)

Going global: the transnationalization of care (2011-07)
Yeates, Nicola
Development and Change, 42(4) (pp. 1109-1130)

The globalisation of nurse migration: policy issues and responses (2010-12)
Yeates, Nicola
International Labour Review, 149(4) (pp. 423-440)

Editorial Introduction: Conditional cash transfers (2009-08)
Yeates, Nicola
Global Social Policy, 9(2) (pp. 163-165)

Migration and nursing in Ireland: An internationalist history (2009-07)
Yeates, Nicola
Translocations: Migration and Social Change, 5(1)

Production for export: the role of the state in the development and operation of global care chains (2009)
Yeates, Nicola
Population, Space and Place, 15(2) (pp. 175-187)

The General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS): what’s in it for social security? (2005-01)
Yeates, Nicola
International Social Security Review, 58(1) (pp. 3-22)

Global Care Chains: critical reflections and lines of enquiry (2004-09)
Yeates, Nicola
International Feminist Journal of Politics, 6(3) (pp. 369-391)

A Dialogue with 'global care chain' analysis: nurse migration in the Irish context (2004)
Yeates, Nicola
Feminist Review, 77(1) (pp. 79-95)

Common origins, different paths: adaptation and change in social security in Britain and Ireland (2003-01)
Daly, Mary and Yeates, Nicola
Policy and Politics, 31(1) (pp. 85-97)

Globalization and social policy: from global neoliberal hegemony to global political pluralism (2002-04)
Yeates, Nicola
Global Social Policy, 2(1) (pp. 69-91)

Global Youth Unemployment: History, Governance and Policy (2021-04-20)
Fergusson, Ross and Yeates, Nicola
ISBN : 978 1 78990 041 5 | Publisher : Edward Elgar | Published : Cheltenham

International Health Worker Migration and Recruitment: Global Governance, Politics and Policy (2019-05-13)
Yeates, Nicola and Pillinger, Jane
Governance and Public Policy
ISBN : 9781315678641 | Publisher : Routledge

Globalizing care economies and migrant workers: Explorations in global care chains (2009-01)
Yeates, Nicola
ISBN : 978-0-230-00534-1 | Publisher : Palgrave MacMillan | Published : Basingstoke, UK

Globalization and social policy (2001-08)
Yeates, Nicola
ISBN : 761968024 | Publisher : Sage Publications Ltd | Published : London, UK

The globalizing dynamics of social policy: a transnational analytics of and for Southern social policy (2024-05-21)
Yeates, Nicola
In: Yi, Ilcheong; Kaasch, Alexandra and Stetter, Kelly eds. Emerging trends in social policy from the South: challenges and innovations in emerging economies. Research in Comparative and Global Social Policy (pp. 20-40)
ISBN : 9781447367901 | Publisher : Policy Press

Social security, social protection, GATS and the new generation of EU trade agreements (2023)
Yeates, Nicola and Voogsgerd, Herman
In: Pennings, Frans and Vonk, Gijsberg eds. Research Handbook on European Social Security Law. Research Handbooks in European Law (pp. 380-397)
ISBN : 9781800886346 | Publisher : Edward Elgar | Published : Cheltenham

Theorising global social policy (2022-02-28)
Yeates, Nicola and Holden, Chris
In: Yeates, Nicola and Holden, Chris eds. Understanding Global Social Policy (3rd Edition). Understanding welfare: social issues, policy and practice (pp. 89-110)
ISBN : 9781447358046 | Publisher : Policy Press | Published : Bristol

International Organisations, Care and Migration: The case of migrant health care workers (2021-04)
Yeates, Nicola and Pillinger, Jane
In: Martens, Kerstin; Niemann, Dennis and Kaasch, Alex eds. International Organisations in Global Social Governance. Global dynamics of social policy (pp. 83-111)
ISBN : 978-3-030-65438-2 | Publisher : Palgrave Macmillan

World regional social governance, policy and development (2019-05-31)
Yeates, Nicola
In: Midgley, James; Surender, Rebecca and Alfers, Laura eds. Handbook of Social Policy and Development (pp. 224-245)
ISBN : 9781785368424 | Publisher : Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd | Published : Cheltenham

Making social policy internationally: a participatory research perspective (2018-06-11)
Yeates, Nicola and Amaya, Ana B.
In: Beresford, Peter and Carr, Sarah eds. Social Policy First Hand: an international introduction to participatory social welfare (pp. 147-160)
ISBN : 978-1447332350 | Publisher : The Policy Press

The Anti-Globalisation Movement: Coalition and Division (2017)
Yeates, Nicola and MacSheoin, Tomas
In: Sen, Jai ed. The Movements of Movements Part 2 : Rethinking Our Dance. Challenging Empires
ISBN : 978-1-62963-380-0 | Publisher : OpenWord/PM Press | Published : Delhi/Oakland, California

The socialisation of regionalism and the regionalisation of social policy: contexts, imperatives and challenges (2014-05)
Yeates, Nicola
In: Kaasch, Alexandra and Stubbs, Paul eds. Transformations in Global and Regional Social Policies (pp. 17-43)
ISBN : 978-1-137-28730-4 | Publisher : Palgrave | Published : Basingstoke

Global contexts and challenges of building a regional governance of social policy: implications for South America (2014-03)
Yeates, Nicola
In: Vivares, Ernesto ed. Exploring the New South American Regionalism (NSAR). International Political Economy of New Regionalisms (pp. 147-162)
ISBN : 978-1-4094-6959-9 | Publisher : Ashgate | Published : Farnham

Global care chains: bringing in transnational reproductive labourer households (2014)
Yeates, Nicola
In: Dunaway, Wilma A. ed. Gendered Commodity Chains: Seeing Women’s Work and Households in Global Production (pp. 175-189)
ISBN : 9780804787949 | Publisher : Stanford University Press | Published : Standford, CA

Radicalising social policy in the 21st century: a global approach (2011-10)
Yeates, Nicola and Deacon, Bob
In: Walker, Alan; Sinfield, Adrian and Walker, Carol eds. Fighting poverty, inequality and injustice (pp. 257-274)
ISBN : 9781847427144 | Publisher : The Policy Press | Published : Bristol

Ireland’s contributions to the global health care crises (2011-04)
Yeates, Nicola
In: fanning, Bryan and munck, Ronaldo eds. Globalization, migration and social transformation: Ireland in Europe and the World (pp. 35-50)
ISBN : 9781409411277 | Publisher : Ashgate | Published : Farnham, UK

From welfare state to international welfare (2010-01-25)
Yeates, Nicola
In: Walker, Alan; Gordon, David; Levitas, Ruth; Phillimore, Peter; Salomon, Margot and Yeates, Nicola eds. The Peter Townsend Reader
ISBN : 9781847424044 | Publisher : The Policy Press | Published : Bristol

Women and the anti-globalisation movement (2010)
Mac Sheoin, Tomas and Yeates, Nicola
In: Dasgupta, Samir; Braun, Yvonne; Driskell, Robyn and Yeates, Nicola eds. Women's Encounters with Globalization
ISBN : 9788190884181 | Publisher : Frontpage | Published : London

Policing the anti-globalisation protests: patterns and variations in state responses (2009)
Mac Sheoin, Tomás and Yeates, Nicola
In: Dasgupta, Samir and Pieterse, Jan Nederveen eds. The Politics of Globalization (pp. 197-241)
ISBN : 9788178299471 | Publisher : Sage | Published : New Delhi

The evolving context of world-regional social policy: bilateralism and trans-regionalism (2009)
Yeates, Nicola; Macovei, Maria and van Langenhove, Luk
In: Deacon, Bob; Macovei, Maria; van Langenhove, Luk and Yeates, Nicola eds. World-regional Social Policy and Global Governance: New Research and Policy Agendas in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America (pp. 191-212)
Publisher : Routledge | Published : Abingdon

Globalisation, regionalism and social policy (2009)
Yeates, Nicola and Deacon, Bob
In: Deacon, Bob; Macovei, Maria; van Langenhove, Luk and Yeates, Nicola eds. World-regional Social Policy and Global Governance: New Research and Policy Agendas in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America
ISBN : 9780415456593 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : London/New York

Women's migration, social reproduction and care (2008-12-15)
Yeates, Nicola
In: Razavi, Shahra ed. The Gendered Impacts of Liberalization: Towards "Embedded Liberalism"?. Routledge/UNRISD Research in Gender and Development (pp. 219-243)
ISBN : 978-0-415-95650-5 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : Abingdon, UK

Global inequality, poverty and wealth (2008-06)
Yeates, Nicola
In: Ridge, Tess and Wright, Sharon eds. Understanding inequality, poverty and wealth: Policies and prospects. Understanding welfare: Social issues, policy and practice (pp. 81-101)
ISBN : 9781861349156 | Publisher : Policy Press | Published : Bristol, UK

Here to stay? Migrant health workers in Ireland (2008)
Yeates, Nicola
In: Connell, John ed. The International Migration of Health Workers (pp. 62-76)
ISBN : 415956234 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : Abingdon

Nannies, nurses and nuns: broadening the scope of global care chain analysis (2005-04)
Yeates, Nicola
In: Kofman, Eleonore and Parvarti, Raghuram eds. Feminist review, labour migrations: women on the move. Feminist review (77) (pp. 79-95)
ISBN : 1403941416 | Publisher : Palgrave Macmillan | Published : UK

Understanding Global Social Policy (3rd ed) (2022-02-28)
Yeates, Nicola and Holden, Chris eds.
Understanding welfare: social issues, policy and practice
ISBN : 9781447358039 | Publisher : The Policy Press | Published : Bristol

Understanding Global Social Policy (2nd ed) (2014-04)
Yeates, Nicola ed.
Understanding Welfare: Social Issues, Policy and Practice
ISBN : 978-1-44731-023-5 | Publisher : The Policy Press | Published : Bristol

World-Regional Social Policy and Global Governance: New Research and Policy Agendas in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America (2009-10-26)
Deacon, Bob; Macovei, Maria Cristina; Van Langenhove, Luk and Yeates, Nicola eds.
Routledge Advances in International Relations and Global Politics
ISBN : 9780415456593 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : London

The Global Social Policy Reader (2009-06-19)
Yeates, Nicola and Holden, Chris eds.
ISBN : 9781847423771 | Publisher : Policy Press | Published : Bristol

Social Justice: Welfare, Crime and Society (2008-07)
Newman, Janet and Yeates, Nicola eds.
ISBN : 9780335229307 | Publisher : Open University Press | Published : UK

Understanding Global Social Policy (2008-06)
Yeates, Nicola ed.
Understanding welfare: Social issues, policy and practice
ISBN : 978-1-86134-943-9 | Publisher : Policy Press | Published : Bristol, UK

Evidence from Public Services International on the implementation of the WHO Global Code of Practice on the International Recruitment of Health Personnel (2024-07-30)
Gencianos, Genevieve; Yeates, Nicola; Roque, Jill and Pillinger, Jane
Public Services International, Geneva, France.

A global fund for social protection: Lessons from the diverse experiences of global health, agriculture and climate funds (2023-10)
Yeates, Nicola; Holden, Chris; Lambin, Roosa; Snell, Carolyn; Idris, Nabila and Mackinder, Sophie
International Labour Office, Geneva.

Policy responses to address risks of harm to migrant health care workers in times of COVID-19 (2022-09-20)
Yeates, Nicola; Pillinger, Jane; Gencianos, Genevieve; Vaillancourt-Laflamme, Catherine; Ismail, Nashwa; Montoro, Carlos and Ismail, Gihan
The Open University-Public Services International, Milton Keynes/Ferney Voltaire.

Impacts of Covid-19 on migrant health workers: a review of evidence and implications for health care provision (2022-09-15)
Vaillancourt-Laflamme, Catherine; Pillinger, Jane; Yeates, Nicola; Gencianos, Genevieve; Ismail, Gihan; Ismail, Nashwa and Montoro, Carlos
The Open University-Public Services International, Milton Keynes/Ferney Voltaire.

Risks and Responses: what risks did migrant health care workers face during the Covid-19 pandemic? what were the responses of governments and other stakeholders? (2022-09-15)
Pillinger, Jane; Gencianos, Genevieve and Yeates, Nicola
The Open University-Public Services International, Milton Keynes/Ferney Voltaire.

Migrant health worker deaths during Covid-19: a methodological exploration and initial estimates (2022-09-10)
Tipping, Sarah; Murphy, Vicky; Yeates, Nicola; Montoro, Carlos; Ismail, Gihan and Ismail, Nashwa
The Open University-Public Services International, Milton Keynes/Ferney Voltaire.

What we know about their situation. Migrant health and care workers during the Covid-19 pandemic (2021-12-06)
Pillinger, Jane; Gencianos, Genevieve and Yeates, Nicola
The Open University-Public Services International, Milton Keynes/Ferney Voltaire.

Trade union response to the challenges faced by migrant health and social care workers. (2021-12-06)
Pillinger, Jane; Gencianos, Genevieve and Yeates, Nicola
The Open University-Public Services International, Milton Keynes/Ferney Voltaire.

Building the trade union agenda (2021-12-06)
Pillinger, Jane; Gencianos, Genevieve and Yeates, Nicola
The Open University-Public Services International, Milton Keynes/Ferney Voltaire.

Temporary labour migration: Two studies on workers’ perspectives and actions (2021-08-05)
Yeates, Nicola and Wintour, Nora
ILO, Switzerland.

Building Resilience Across Borders: a Policy Brief on health worker migration (2020-12-18)
Yeates, Nicola and Pillinger, Jane
Public Services International, Fernay-Voltaire.

Global Approaches to Social Policy: A Survey of Analytical Methods (2018-01-31)
Yeates, Nicola
United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, Geneva.

Beyond the Nation State: How Can Regional Social Policy Contribute to Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals? (2017-11-30)
Yeates, Nicola
United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, Geneva, Switzerland.

Social Policy & Administration, Vol. 51, Issue 6. Regional Issue: Managing Welfare Expectations and Social Change: Policy Responses in Asia (2017-11)
Mok, K.H.; Kuhner, S. and Yeates, N.

Southern regionalisms, Global agendas: Innovating inclusive access to health, medicines and social protection in a context of social inequity (2017-09-02)
Yeates, Nicola
The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.

Regionalismos de los países del hemisferio sur, agendas Globales: Modernizar el acceso inclusivo a salud, medicamentos y protección social en un contexto de inequidad social (2017-09-02)
Yeates, Nicola
The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.

Global social regionalism: the case of the Union of South American Nations’ health policy (2017-08)
Yeates, Nicola and Riggirozzi, Pia
The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.

Measuring the Progress and Success of Regional Health Policies: PRARI Toolkit of Indicators for the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) (2015-12-01)
Amaya, Ana B.; Cabral, Cesar R.; Clavell, Elena; Coitiño, Andrés; De Lombaerde, Philippe; Giler, Gustavo; Faria, Mariana; Herrero, M. Belén; Kingah, Stephen; López Ramos, Santiago; Luna, Cristina; Riggirozzi, Pía; Rojas Mattos, Marcelo; Pippo, Tomás; Tobar, Katherine and Ueleres, José
The Open University, Milton Keynes.

Measuring Regional Policy Change and Pro-Poor Health Policy Success: A PRARI Toolkit of Indicators for the Southern African Development Community (SADC) (2015-12-01)
Amaya, Ana B.; Choge, Isaac; De Lombaerde, Philippe; Kingah, Stephen; Longwe, Samuel; Mhehe, Enock Anthony; Moeti, Themba; Mookodi, Lillian; Luwabelwa, Mubita; Nyika, Ponesai and Phirinyane, Molefe
The Open University, Milton Keynes.

Regional Health Governance and Diplomacy: Journal of Global Social Policy Special Issue 15(3) (2015-11-05)
Yeates, Nicola and Riggirozzi, Pia

A Hundred Key Questions for the Post-2015 Development Agenda (2015-02-28)
Yeates, Nicola
United Nations Research Institute for Social Development-Sheffield Institute for International Development, UNRISD, Palais Des Nations.

Participatory Action Research: new uses, new contexts, new challenges (2015)
Amaya, Ana B. and Yeates, Nicola
The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.

Global poverty reduction: What can regional organisations do? (2014-10)
Yeates, Nicola
The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.

Reducción de la pobreza global: ¿Qué pueden hacer las organizaciones regionales? (2014-10)
Yeates, Nicola
The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.

Human Resources for Health Migration: global policy responses, initiatives, and emerging issues (2013-11)
Yeates, Nicola and Pillinger, Jane
Open University, Milton Keynes.

Special Issue of Global Social Policy: The social policy dimensions of world-regionalism (2007-12)
Yeates, Nicola
Sage, London, UK.

Globalisation, regionalism and social policy: framing the debate (2006-04)
Yeates, Nicola and Deacon, Bob
United Nations University Centre for Comparative Regional Integration Studies, Bruges, Belgium.

Social Security Units of Assessment: an International Survey of the UK, Netherlands, Republic of Ireland and Australia and its Implications for UK Policy Reform (2001-11)
McLaughlin, Eithne; Yeates, Nicola and Kelly, Grace
Trades Union Congress

Poverty reduction and regional integration (PRARI) data
Yeates, Nicola