Dr. Abdallah Daddi-Moussa-Ider holds the position of Lecturer of Applied Mathematics in the School of Mathematics and Statistics at the Open University. Before joining the Open University in January 2024, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization in Goettingen (2021 – 2023), within the 'Living Matter Physics' Department led by Prof. Golestanian. Preceding this, he had a postdoctoral position at Heinrich-Heine-University in Duesseldorf (2017 – 2021), working in the group of Prof. Loewen. Most of his postdoctoral research in Duesseldorf was supported by an independent grant from the DFG (German Research Foundation). In July 2017, he earned a PhD in 'Theoretical Physics' from the University of Bayreuth (2014 – 2017), under the supervision of Prof. Gekle. In his doctoral dissertation, he conducted a theoretical investigation, complemented by boundary element simulations, into the diffusion of particles hydrodynamically interacting with elastic interfaces.
Dr. Daddi-Moussa-Ider's research training and interests lie in the broad area of applied mathematics, active soft matter physics, and fluid mechanics. Specifically, his research focuses on addressing challenges in the realm of complex fluids and devising analytical approaches to solving fluid dynamical problems in the viscously dominated regime. His interests also encompass a variety of topics in fundamental and applied physics, including fluid-structure interaction, elastohydrodynamics, and bio-locomotion in complex fluid media. He employs a combination of theoretical and computational techniques to tackle these problems and gain insight into the nature of the underlying phenomena occurring at different spatial and temporal scales. Prime analytical tools include integral transforms, dual integral equation techniques, and Green’s function methods.
Dr. Daddi-Moussa-Ider is interested in teaching a variety of courses within the Applied Mathematics curriculum, including real/complex analysis and differential/integral calculus. Furthermore, his interest extends to teaching courses related to fluid dynamics, with a notable focus on low-Reynolds-number hydrodynamics and classical fluid dynamics. Additionally, he is keen on integrating programming components into mathematics instruction by offering hands-on training in scientific computing to undergraduate students. For this purpose, he advocates for the utilization of symbolic algebra systems such as Maple and Wolfram Mathematica to teach fundamental subjects in the math curriculum, such as calculus.
He currently serves as a member of the MST326 module team on 'Mathematical Methods and Fluid Mechanics' for third-year Bachelor of Science students. Additionally, he chairs the M821 module team on 'Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations,' catering to Master of Science students.
Noteworthy among external collaborators are Professors Loewen (Duesseldorf), Golestanian (Goettingen), Menzel (Magdeburg), Volpe (Gothenburg), Lisicki (Warsaw), Mathijssen (Pennsylvania), Vilfan (Ljubljana), Liebchen (Darmstadt), Pak (Santa Clara), Richter (Magdeburg), and numerous others who contribute significantly to his collaborative network.
Analytical solution for the hydrodynamic resistance of a disk in a compressible fluid layer with odd viscosity on a rigid substrate (2025)
Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah; Vilfan, Andrej and Hosaka, Yuto
The Journal of Chemical Physics, 162, Article 64103(6)
Propulsion of a three-sphere microrobot in a porous medium (2024-06)
Liao, Chih-Tang; Lemus, Andrew; Gürbüz, Ali; Tsang, Alan C. H.; Pak, On Shun and Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah
Physical Review E, 109, Article 65106(6)
Internal sites of actuation and activation in thin elastic films and membranes of finite thickness (2024-05)
Lutz, Tyler; Menzel, Andreas M. and Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah
Physical Review E, 109, Article 54802
Hydrodynamic efficiency limit on a Marangoni surfer (2024)
Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah; Golestanian, Ramin and Vilfan, Andrej
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 986, Article A32
Hydrodynamics of a disk in a thin film of weakly nematic fluid subject to linear friction (2024)
Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah; Tjhung, Elsen; Richter, Thomas and Menzel, Andreas M.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 36, Article 445101
Rotational dynamics of a disk in a thin film of weakly nematic fluid subject to linear friction (2024)
Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah; Tjhung, Elsen; Pradas, Marc; Richter, Thomas and Menzel, Andreas M.
The European Physical Journal E, 47, Article 58
Hybrid particle-phase field model and renormalized surface tension in dilute suspensions of nanoparticles (2024)
Hardy, Alexandra; Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah and Tjhung, Elsen
Physical Review E, 110, Article 44606
Pair Interaction between Two Catalytically Active Colloids (2023-09-06)
Sharan, Priyanka; Daddi‐Moussa‐Ider, Abdallah; Agudo‐Canalejo, Jaime; Golestanian, Ramin and Simmchen, Juliane
Small, 19, Article 2300817(36)
The effect of axisymmetric confinement on propulsion of a three-sphere microswimmer (2023-08-30)
Gürbüz, Ali; Lemus, Andrew; Demir, Ebru; Shun Pak, On and Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah
Physics of Fluids, 35, Article 81907
Hydrodynamics of an odd active surfer in a chiral fluid (2023-08-29)
Hosaka, Yuto; Golestanian, Ramin and Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah
New Journal of Physics, 25, Article 83046
Microparticle Brownian motion near an air-water interface governed by direction-dependent boundary conditions (2023-01)
Villa, Stefano; Blanc, Christophe; Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah; Stocco, Antonio and Nobili, Maurizio
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 629(Part B) (pp. 917-927)
Minimum entropy production by microswimmers with internal dissipation (2023)
Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah; Golestanian, Ramin and Vilfan, Andrej
Nature Communications, 14, Article 6060
Axisymmetric monopole and dipole flow singularities in proximity of a stationary no-slip plate immersed in a Brinkman fluid (2023)
Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah; Hosaka, Yuto; Vilfan, Andrej and Golestanian, Ramin
Physical Review Research, 5, Article 33030(3)
Tunable critical Casimir forces counteract Casimir–Lifshitz attraction (2023)
Schmidt, Falko; Callegari, Agnese; Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah; Munkhbat, Battulga; Verre, Ruggero; Shegai, Timur; Käll, Mikael; Löwen, Hartmut; Gambassi, Andrea and Volpe, Giovanni
Nature Physics, 19 (pp. 271-278)
Diffusiophoretic propulsion of an isotropic active colloidal particle near a finite-sized disk embedded in a planar fluid–fluid interface (2022-06)
Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah; Vilfan, Andrej and Golestanian, Ramin
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 940, Article A12
Stokeslet parallèle entre deux disques rigides antidérapants positionnés de manière coaxiale : une approche aux équations intégrales duales
Parallel Stokeslet between two coaxially positioned rigid no-slip disks: A dual integral equation approach (2022)
Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah
LHB, 108, Article 2016023
Optimal swimmers can be pullers, pushers or neutral depending on the shape (2021-09)
Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah; Nasouri, Babak; Vilfan, Andrej and Golestanian, Ramin
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 922, Article R5
Steady azimuthal flow field induced by a rotating sphere near a rigid disk or inside a gap between two coaxially positioned rigid disks (2021-08)
Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah; Sprenger, Alexander R.; Richter, Thomas; Löwen, Hartmut and Menzel, Andreas M.
Physics of Fluids, 23(8)
Hydrodynamics can determine the optimal route for microswimmer navigation (2021)
Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah; Löwen, Hartmut and Liebchen, Benno
Communications Physics, 4, Article 15
Dynamics of a microswimmer–microplatelet composite (2020-02)
Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah; Lisicki, Maciej; Löwen, Hartmut and Menzel, Andreas M.
Physics of Fluids, 32, Article 21902(2)
Asymmetric Stokes Flow Induced by a Transverse Point Force Acting Near a Finite-Sized Elastic Membrane (2020)
Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 89, Article 124401
Axisymmetric Stokes flow due to a point-force singularity acting between two coaxially positioned rigid no-slip disks (2020)
Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah; Sprenger, Alexander R.; Amarouchene, Yacine; Salez, Thomas; Schönecker, Clarissa; Richter, Thomas; Löwen, Hartmut and Menzel, Andreas M.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 904, Article A34
Towards an analytical description of active microswimmers in clean and in surfactant-covered drops (2020)
Sprenger, Alexander R.; Shaik, Vaseem A.; Ardekani, Arezoo M.; Lisicki, Maciej; Mathijssen, Arnold J.T.M.; Guzmán-Lastra, Francisca; L¨owen, Hartmut; Menzel, Andreas M. and Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah
The European Physical Journal E, 43, Article 58
Tuning the Upstream Swimming of Microrobots by Shape and Cargo Size (2020)
Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah; Lisicki, Maciej and Mathijssen, Arnold J. T. M.
Physical Review Applied, 14, Article 24071
Theory of active particle penetration through a planar elastic membrane (2019-08)
Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah; Liebchen, Benno; Menzel, Andreas M. and Löwen, Hartmut
New Journal of Physics, 21, Article 83014(8)
Frequency-dependent higher-order Stokes singularities near a planar elastic boundary: Implications for the hydrodynamics of an active microswimmer near an elastic interface (2019)
Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah; Kurzthaler, Christina; Hoell, Christian; Zöttl, Andreas; Mirzakhanloo, Mehdi; Alam, Mohammad-Reza; Menzel, Andreas M.; Löwen, Hartmut and Gekle, Stephan
Physical Review E, 100, Article 32610(3)
Creeping motion of a solid particle inside a spherical elastic cavity: II. Asymmetric motion (2019)
Hoell, Christian; Löwen, Hartmut; Menzel, Andreas M. and Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah
The European Physical Journal E, 42, Article 89
Axisymmetric Flow due to a Stokeslet Near a Finite-Sized Elastic Membrane (2019)
Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah; Kaoui, Badr and Löwen, Hartmut
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 88, Article 54401
Membrane penetration and trapping of an active particle (2019)
Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah; Goh, Segun; Liebchen, Benno; Hoell, Christian; Mathijssen, Arnold J. T. M.; Guzmán-Lastra, Francisca; Scholz, Christian; Menzel, Andreas M. and Löwen, Hartmut
The Journal of Chemical Physics, 150, Article 64906(6)
Dynamics of a simple model microswimmer in an anisotropic fluid: Implications for alignment behavior and active transport in a nematic liquid crystal (2018-09)
Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah and Menzel, Andreas M.
Physical Review Fluids, 3, Article 94102(9)
Hydrodynamic coupling and rotational mobilities near planar elastic membranes (2018-07)
Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah; Lisicki, Maciej; Gekle, Stephan; Menzel, Andreas M. and Löwen, Hartmut
The Journal of Chemical Physics, 149, Article 14901
Swimming trajectories of a three-sphere microswimmer near a wall (2018-04)
Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah; Lisicki, Maciej; Hoell, Christian and Löwen, Hartmut
The Journal of Chemical Physics, 148, Article 134904
Slow rotation of a spherical particle inside an elastic tube (2018-01)
Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah; Lisicki, Maciej and Gekle, Stephan
Acta Mechanica, 229 (pp. 149-171)
Creeping motion of a solid particle inside a spherical elastic cavity (2018)
Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah; Löwen, Hartmut and Gekle, Stephan
The European Physical Journal E, 41, Article 104(9)
State diagram of a three-sphere microswimmer in a channel (2018)
Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah; Lisicki, Maciej; Mathijssen, Arnold J. T. M.; Hoell, Christian; Goh, Segun; Bławzdziewicz, Jerzy; Menzel, Andreas M. and Löwen, Hartmut
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 30, Article 254004
Brownian motion near an elastic cell membrane: A theoretical study (2018)
Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah and Gekle, Stephan
The European Physical Journal E, 41(19)
Reciprocal theorem for the prediction of the normal force induced on a particle translating parallel to an elastic membrane (2018)
Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah; Rallabandi, Bhargav; Gekle, Stephan and Stone, Howard A.
Physical Review Fluids, 3, Article 84101(8)
Hydrodynamic mobility of a sphere moving on the centerline of an elastic tube (2017-11)
Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah; Lisicki, Maciej and Gekle, Stephan
Physics of Fluids, 29, Article 111901(11)
Hydrodynamic mobility of a solid particle near a spherical elastic membrane: Axisymmetric motion (2017-01)
Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah and Gekle, Stephan
Physical Review E, 95, Article 13108(1)
Mobility of an axisymmetric particle near an elastic interface (2017-01)
Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah; Lisicki, Maciej and Gekle, Stephan
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 811 (pp. 210-233)
Hydrodynamic mobility of a solid particle near a spherical elastic membrane. II. Asymmetric motion (2017)
Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah; Lisicki, Mmaciej and Gekle, Stephan
Physical Review E, 95, Article 53117(5)
Hydrodynamic interaction between particles near elastic interfaces (2016-07)
Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah and Gekle, Stephan
The Journal of Chemical Physics, 145, Article 14905
Long-lived anomalous thermal diffusion induced by elastic cell membranes on nearby particles (2016-01)
Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah; Guckenberger, Achim and Gekle, Stephan
Physical Review E, 93, Article 12612
Particle mobility between two planar elastic membranes: Brownian motion and membrane deformation (2016)
Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah; Guckenberger, Achim and Gekle, Stephan
Physics of Fluids, 28, Article 71903(7)
Rotation rate of particle pairs in homogeneous isotropic turbulence (2015-11)
Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah and Ghaemi, Ali
European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids, 54 (pp. 10-16)