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Mrs Sam Gould

Profile summary

Professional biography

1995- 1998 BSc (Hons) Human Biology (2:1) Loughborough University

1998- 2001 BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing (1:1) Oxford Brookes University 

2004- 2006 BSc Midwifery Oxford Brookes University 

2013- 2014 PGDip Specialist Practitioner Public Health Nurse (Health Visitor and Non medical prescriber V100) (Distinction) Oxford Brookes University 

2020 MSc in Nursing Leadership and Practice (Distinction) Oxford Brookes University 

Full and varied nursing and midwifery career spanning over 20 years working in a range of roles including as a ward sister of a busy head and neck surgical unit. 

Research interests

My research is exploring the support needs of unpaid carers who are caring for people nearing the end of life at home.  My research project focuses on the factors that these unpaid carers find helps or hinders their resilience when caring at this time.  I am using focused ethnography to explore and give voice to the lived experiences of these carers. 


British unpaid carers’ perspectives on what impacts their resilience when providing end-of-life care at home: a scoping review (2024)
Gould, Samantha Joan; Borgstrom, Erica; Garcia, Rebecca; Wee, Bee and McCallum, Kay
International Journal of Care and Caring ((Early access))

What do unpaid carers find helps or hinders their resilience when providing end of life care at home in the United Kingdom- findings of a scoping review (2024)
Gould, Samantha
In : The Marie Curie Research Conference 2024 (5-9 Feb 2024, Online)

Returning to Work after the Death of a Baby or Child – Video for Supporting Healthcare Staff (2023)
Johnston, Shona; Gould, Samantha; Lee, Vivienne and Kalthoff, Judith
In : Bereavement Education Conference (28 Nov 2023, Online)

Should communities be expected to help in death, dying and bereavement? (2024-06-12)
Jordan, Joanne and Gould, Sam
OpenLearn, The Open University

What do unpaid carers find helps or hinders their resilience when providing end of life care at home in the United Kingdom - findings of a scoping review (2023)
Gould, Sam
Postgraduate Research Poster Competition, The Open University