Carol Sherriff is a Teaching Fellow in the Department for Public Leadership and Social Enterprise of the Open University Business School.
Before joining the Business School, she ran her own company and in her spare time taught as an associate lecturer on the MBA programme. In 2017, she combined this interest in innovation and enterprise and business education by becoming a Teaching Fellow.
Since then she has chaired modules in the undergraduate programme on leadership, innovation and enterprise, and sustainability. She is the undergraduate lead for innovation and enterprise.
She has a masters certificate in Teaching and Learning and is a Fellow of Advance HE.
Carol has an interest in teaching and learning and using scholarship and innovation research to improve modules in presentation. She has a particular interest in scholarship research in the areas of retention and success, entrepreneurial learning and learning across cultures. She is currently engaged in a scholarship exploring how students who study two concurrent 60 credit models manage their studies.
Her teaching interests include leadership, entrepreneurship and innovation and entrepreneurial learning.
Carol is one of only two European members of the International Association of Facilitators Hall of Fame.