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Dr Malik Refaat

Profile summary

Professional biography

BSc Psychology (Hons) (Coventry University)
MSc Research Methods in Psychology (University of Warwick)
PhD: A Reaction Time Investigation of Absolute Pitch (University of Warwick)

As a Staff Tutor in Psychology, I co-manage the Associate Lecturers in the North East. As part of my role I am a member of the DE200 module team. By background in teaching and research began as a mainly cognitive focussed moving more towards social and developmental psychology as I joined the Open University as an Associate Lecturer. I have worked on various projects based around visual and auditory perception which led me to my own research in music and music perception which was the focus of my PhD.

Research interests

My research interests are in music cognition, perception and performance. I am also interested in the social psychology of music and education including gender issues in music performance and education. My scholarship interests are around improving teaching methods particularly for online teaching.

Teaching interests

As an Associate Lecturer with the Open University I have taught on DE100, DE200, and DE300. In other institutions I have taught cognitive, social, and developmental psychology as well as research methods in psychology across all undergraduate levels and lots of experience of supervising undergraduate research projects.


Working and writing in the presence of a peer in an online space: facilitating submissions to achieve HEA accreditation? (2021-08-31)
Bossu, Carina; Cuffe, Paige and Refaat, Malik
In : ALT Annual Conference: Shared Experience, Different Perspectives (7-9 Sep 2021, UK/Online)