Who are noncitizens and why is it vital that we fill the current theoretical void around conceptualising noncitizenship? These questions, and more are addressed in this multi-disciplinary book co-edited by The Open University’s Dr Tendayi Bloom.
‘Noncitizenship’, if it is considered at all, is generally seen only as the negation or deprivation of citizenship. It is rarely examined in its own right, whether in relation to States, to noncitizens, or citizens. This means that it is difficult to examine successfully the status of noncitizens, obligations towards them, and the nature of their role in political systems. As a result, not only are there theoretical black holes, but also the real world difficulties created as a result of noncitizenship are not currently successfully addressed.
In response, Theorising Noncitizenship seeks to define the theoretical challenge that noncitizenship presents and to consider why it should be seen as a foundational concept in social science. The contributions, from leading scholars in the field and across disciplinary backgrounds, capture a diversity of perspectives on the meaning, position and lived experience of noncitizenship. They demonstrate that we need to look beyond citizenship in order to take noncitizenship seriously and to capture fully the lived realities of the contemporary State system.
This book, edited by Katherine Tonkiss of Aston University and The Open University’s Tendayi Bloom, was previously published as a special issue of Citizenship Studies.
Now available in paperback. A discount is available by using the code FLR40
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