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Technology Enhanced Learning (OpenTEL)

Our research is at the forefront of development in Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL), driving innovations in teaching, learning and assessment which have worldwide influence.

We develop and evaluate new methods, models, systems and technologies. We investigate how innovative technologies can help people learn in different places – using their smartphones, for example, or through technology embedded in the environment – and how these technologies can enhance learning and empower learners.

OpenTEL encompasses interdisciplinarity, bringing together researchers across the university, with existing research capabilities and established excellence as well as strong networks beyond the OU to work together on TEL projects.

We explore how learning and technology are shaped by each other, taking ideas from theory and putting them into practice, offering distinctive local solutions to global educational challenges.

We construct briefings for policy makers.

More on OpenTEL can be found in the OpenTEL blog.

OpenTEL’s expertise

Learning in an open, connected world and at scale

Works to expand existing approaches to knowledge construction, citizenship models and theories of identity so we can better exploit the opportunities offered by an open, connected world.

Design and analytics in learning

Develops and evaluate new methods, models, systems and technologies to help people learn, make learning more accessible and enhance learning.

Language Learning Landscape

Investigates mobile learning and the evaluation of language learning apps, as well as the application of MOOCs and Open Educational Resources to language and intercultural learning.

Citizen Science

Explores the links between formal and informal learning, the growth of such learning opportunities and the approaches that have been taken to assessing informal learning associated with citizen science.


Inclusion refers to a broad range of socio-technical approaches that enable the autonomy and participation of all learners, while lowering and removing barriers that impede those with disabilities.

Professional and Digital Learning

The Professional and Digital Learning theme examines how people learn for work and the ways digital technologies support their learning.