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Refugees from Iraq arriving in Kos

Day 151, Year of #Mygration: Government gives ‘misleading’ advice to High Court on Unaccompanied Children from Calais 

A High Court ruling has stated that the Home Office had given it misleading information, resulting in the claims of over 500 unaccompanied children seeking asylum in the UK being rejected. Dr Naomi Holford which considers the impacts faced by children caught in the crisis

1st August 2018
Artist's view of ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter. ESA - D. Ducros

OU research grant to identify potential signs of life on Mars

An OU academic has received £321,000 from the UK Space Agency, Aurora scheme to identify potential signs of life on Mars.

31st July 2018
Dr Mutwarasibo outside Buckingham Palace

Day 150, Year of #Mygration: Migrants as Agents for Change - Cosmopolitanism

In the final post for July, Dr Fidele Mutwarasibo explores the idea of 'the migrant as an agent who influences structural issues and how this impacts on their integration'

31st July 2018
Shutterstock-1104589709 Mars

New research grant to investigate water on Mars

An OU researcher has been awarded £331,000 from the UK Space Agency Aurora Scheme to investigate whether the discovery of water and iron elements on Mars makes it a habitable environment.

30th July 2018

Day 149, Year of #Mygration: Does Diversity Impact Negatively on Social Capital?

Dr Fidele Mutwarasibo from The Open University draws on the work of political scientist Robert Putnam to develop ideas he shared in a previous blog post, relating to social capital

30th July 2018
Photo from Tate Exchange 2018

Day 148, Year of #Mygration: Performing Citizenship with Dr Agnes Czajka

Dr Agnes Czajka explores what performing citizenship means, and inquires into how theories and methodologies of performativity can contribute to re-interpreting citizenship as an effective way of being, rather than a static, formal status

27th July 2018
A protest outside Yarl’s Wood immigration detention centre in 2015. Darren Johnson/, CC BY-NC-ND

Three days is still too long to hold pregnant women in immigration detention

It’s been two years since a coalition of lobbying groups in the UK successfully challenged Home Office policy on the immigration detention of pregnant women. Under the new policy, enforced in mid-July 2016, pregnant women can now only be detained for a maximum of 72 hours (three days), or up to one week with the agreement of a minister.

26th July 2018

Day 147, Year of #Mygration: Non-Citizens and Others with Dr Tendayi Bloom

In this podcast, Dr Tendayi Bloom interrogates citizenship from the margins, by tracing the exclusionary features of citizenship based on nationality, class, ‘race’, gender and sexuality. She also asks whether citizenship can be rethought to be inclusive

26th July 2018

Day 146, Year of #Mygration: The Scope of Citizenship with Dr Sara de Jong

Today's podcast is led by Dr Sara de Jong. Listeners will hear her explore the scope of citizenship. Is politics confined to the realm of the state and its institutions, or does it extend beyond it, into the public realm of civil society?

25th July 2018
Dr Tendayi Bloom in discussion with Dr Sara de Jong

Day 145, Year of #Mygration: Citizenship, the State and Civil Society with Dr Tendayi Bloom and Dr Sara de Jong

In today's podcast, Dr Tendayi Bloom and Dr Sara de Jong explore the relationship between citizenship, the state and civil society, including asking where asking where politics and the political are located

24th July 2018

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A group of men and woman standing in a row posing for the camera, with pull-up banners at each of of the row

The Open University establishes new centre for protecting women online following £7.7 million grant from Research England

The Open University (OU) has launched a pioneering Centre for Protecting Women Online, made possible by a substantial £7.7 million grant from Research England.

18th October 2024
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