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OU signs charter to promote greater inclusivity in business

A man with a beard and wearing a white shirt, and a lady wearing a black blouse, sitting at a table, looking at a laptop

The Open University (OU) has become a signatory of the Charter for Inclusive Entrepreneurship launched by the University of Nottingham to remove barriers to entrepreneurship for under-represented social groups.

Professor Kevin Shakesheff, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Research & Innovation at the OU, said:

“We saw the opportunity to sign this Charter as a good fit with the vision of our Open Business Creators initiative, which is to increase the number of under-represented or underestimated founders that access entrepreneurship funding and to help anyone, anywhere develop the skills they need to succeed as entrepreneurs/value creators.”

Open Business Creators involves an annual competition with funding from Santander Universities and the Higher Education Innovation Fund. It offers grants from £1,000 to £10,000 to support OU students and alumni. As the scheme grows, it will expand to support groups outside the OU student body and offer entrepreneurial training, mentoring and a nationwide network of partners.

Led by Robert Wilson, OU Manager, Student Opportunities, the scheme will equip those who participate in it with tools and skills to develop their entrepreneurial ideas and enable them to pursue making these ideas a reality through grant funding.

Rob added:

“The signing of this Charter also aligns with the OU’s Knowledge Exchange Plan, in its mission to facilitate access to entrepreneurship to all individuals – regardless of their background.

“Our commitment to this Charter for inclusive entrepreneurship is a clear commitment toward the development of an inclusive ecosystem that would support anyone wishing to start a successful and sustainable business.”

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