Last week we highlighted the 'Weaving Trust' methodology to promote social cohesion. Arun Devasia from HOPE not Hate has written a piece for our partner, Counterpoints Arts, to highlight a method of 'empathetic listening & Socratic questioning', 'Deep Canvassing'
An article in the Independent has highlighted that 104 pregnant women have been detained over the past 2 years. The views of Patrick Page, senior caseworker in public law at Duncan Lewis & a hugely valued contributor to the OU's Refugee Week, were featured
Last week marked one of the largest religious festivals, celebrated by 930 million people around the world, Krishna Janmashtami. The Hindu Festival marks the birthday of Krishna. OU colleagues attended the festival organised by the Milton Keynes Hindu Association
A new book tackling many issues pertaining to immigration, is now available. 'Decolonization and Feminisms in Global Teaching & Learning' was co-edited by Dr Sara de Jong, a Visiting Research Fellow at The Open University
An OU PhD student is doing his research project about research. David Pride is a second year PhD student in the OU’s Knowledge Media Institute. His research uses web scale analytics to investigate how research is disseminated and evaluated.
Dr Fidèle Mutwarasibo highlights how important it is not to make post-Brexit assumptions about what motivates people to vote in a certain way. In his blog, he urges us to avoid falling into what he calls 'the racism trap' & instead focus on building community resilience
An Open University academic is researching the link between maternal obesity and the risk of their offspring developing Alzheimer’s disease (AD) in later life.
Dr Sharif Haider from The Open University discusses an event he attended at the Max Planck Institute in Germany, a 'safe space' workshop for researchers from across Europe to discuss the challenges and opportunities of doing research on migrants while being a migrant
Dr Fidèle Mutwarasibo highlights what is known as the 'Weaving Trust' methodology that he and others in Milton Keynes have been using in partnership with Citizens:MK, to promote integration and social cohesion within communities
Suffolk Mind, an independent mental health charity, has been awarded an Open Societal Challenges (OSC) funding grant to undertake a new research project which aims to address low response rates and the under-representation of mental health service users in research and evaluation activities.