OU researchers engaged in pioneering research on water in Moon rocks returned by Apollo (NASA) missions in the 1960s and 1970, showcased their research through the Living on the Moon! exhibit at the Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition in July 2019.
As The Open University celebrates its 50th anniversary, Peter Twining, Professor of Education (Futures), delivered his inaugural lecture on what the future holds for schools.
Despite ethnic oppression, pro-Kurdish rights parties in Turkey implement innovative, effective gender equality policies, claims research by Dr Umut Erel, Senior Lecturer in Sociology at the OU.
The Open University OU) has received £6.7 million to expand its Astrobiology Research Group to address fundamental questions about life beyond the Earth. The grant is awarded under Research England’s “Expanding Excellence in England (E3) 2019-2022”.
An OU researcher is presenting evidence today (Wednesday 12 June) to the Transport Select Committee to recommend an outright ban of any kind of phone use by drivers.
As The Open University celebrates its 50th anniversary, Theo Papaioannou, Professor of Politics, Innovation and Development, delivered his inaugural lecture to explore the idea of social justice in innovation.
The Open University-led Floodplain Meadows Partnership has been awarded £280,000 from the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation to raise awareness of the need to protect ecologically important sites.
Suffolk Mind, an independent mental health charity, has been awarded an Open Societal Challenges (OSC) funding grant to undertake a new research project which aims to address low response rates and the under-representation of mental health service users in research and evaluation activities.