Research by an OU academic claims that there are no national progress routes for children with severe or profound intellectual disabilities following the recent withdrawal of standardised assessments.
Most space missions investigate the surface or atmosphere of a body. But NASA’s InSight probe, which landed on Mars in November 2018, is different – it is the first mission dedicated to studying the interior structure of the planet and whether it gives rise to “marsquakes”.
An OU academic is the author of a report released this week (Monday 24 February) which reveals statistics about the number of people who put their lives at risk through sleeping in bins.
A book which traces trends over the past 25 years of educational technology by an OU academic and blogger on the future of education comes out this month (February 2020).
Just over a year ago, courtesy of NASA’s New Horizons mission, we were treated to images of 2014MU69, a small object 6.6 billion kilometers from the sun – making it the most distant object to have ever been visited by a spacecraft.
The OU has been ranked fifth out of 103 higher education institutions for overall postgraduate research student satisfaction in the national survey of research students.
‘Engaging with data ethics’ and ‘multisensory learning’ are two of the top 10 approaches to learning and teaching in this year’s Innovating Pedagogy report from The Open University.
An OU academic is to highlight the role of research in strengthening solidarity between people with different experiences when she speaks at the Tate Modern, London this week (Thursday 23 January 2020).
“Ethical veganism” has been ruled to be a philosophical belief in the UK in an employment tribunal. During a case brought by vegan Jordi Casamitjana, who claims he was sacked by the League Against Cruel Sports because of his ethical veganism, presiding judge Robin Postle ruled he was “satisfied overwhelmingly that ethical veganism does constitute a philosophical belief”.
Suffolk Mind, an independent mental health charity, has been awarded an Open Societal Challenges (OSC) funding grant to undertake a new research project which aims to address low response rates and the under-representation of mental health service users in research and evaluation activities.