The second wave of funded ‘Challenge Us!’ challenges has recently been announced with charities and businesses partnering with The Open University (OU) to tackle some of society's most critical challenges.
In 2023, the OU launched the Open Societal Challenges (OSC) concept, with the goal of using world-leading research to work with external partners across the themes of Tackling Inequality, Living Well and Sustainability.
After receiving over 200 potential challenges from internal academics, the University launched the ‘Challenge Us!’ competition for recent graduates, UK charities and Milton Keynes businesses to find the most exciting research ideas for tackling real-world problems. In September 2024, the first wave of funding winners was announced at the OU Research event ‘Together, we shape what happens next’ and now the second wave of funded winners has been decided.
The wave two funded winners and challenges are:
These challenges will see OU academics and researchers work collaboratively with experts from the charitable sector to address critical societal issues through impactful research. The University will be sharing more information about each of these challenges on the OU Research website in early 2025.
The OU’s Open Societal Challenges programme aims to tackle some of the most important societal challenges of our time through impact-driven research.
The programme’s focus on the themes of Tackling Inequalities, Living Well and Sustainability align well with the OU’s mission to be open to people, places, methods and ideas.
The programme’s aim is to apply excellent research by OU academics to some of the most pressing challenges facing people across the UK and worldwide to transform lives and drive societal change.
Read our Quarterly Review of Research to learn about our latest quality academic output.
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