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New funding to support Floodplain Meadows project

River and floodplain

The OU-led Floodplain Meadows Partnership (FMP) has received additional emergency funding from the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

This £46,500 extra funding will ensure that the FMP team can continue essential conservation work for UK floodplain meadows in the future – helping to overcome delays and issues caused by the current situation.

With over 97% of Britain’s flower-rich meadows lost over the past century, the FMP team are committed to preserving those few meadows which remain.

Not only do the meadows provide a biodiverse habitat, they offer a natural climate solution, storing more carbon than other floodplain habitats, and helping to reduce flooding by offering a natural flood management solution.

Emma Rothero, Environmental Knowledge Exchange Manager in the OU’s Faculty of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics said: “This money is hugely beneficial to our project and will enable us to continue to work on conservation of floodplain meadows, despite the COVID restrictions.”

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