As three people in Rochdale were sentenced this week under the Modern Slavery Act for arranging the travel of another person for the purposes of exploitation, today we bring you a free online course to help understand more about what modern slavery is. This course was voted 5 stars by our students.
The Global Slavery Index estimates that in 2016 there were 40.3million people around the world who were classified as being subjected to modern slavery. The index is one of the largest datasets on the topic, taking a detailed country by country approach to build up this global picture of the problem. Yet, the issue of modern slavery is contentious, primarily because there is no universally agreed definition. The Global Slavery Index say that modern slavery ‘refers to situations of exploitation that a person cannot refuse or leave because of threats, violence, coercion, deception, and/or abuse of power’ but point out that it remains an umbrella term undefined by law. This free course, rated 5 star by students, helps to start to unpack this complex phenomenon by starting from an international human rights perspective.
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This free course, Modern slavery, is designed to develop an understanding of the international system of human rights protection in relation to modern slavery, but also encourage an appreciation of the influence of International Human Rights Law on the development of the domestic system of human rights protection.
By the end of the course you will be able to:
Understand the historical origins of slavery as well as examples of slavery.
Understand the international legal framework prohibiting slavery.
Understand the concept of modern slavery and its various forms.
Analyse the applicable law and apply it to a given example/case study.
Critically analyse and evaluate proposals for new legislation addressing modern slavery.
Register for the full 15 hour OpenLearn course on Modern Slavery
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