The Open University’s Geography Matters series on OpenLearn was designed as a learning resource to promote the diverse and innovative mix of research being undertaken by the university’s geographers. It provides free educational material in a range of formats, from short articles through to videos and podcasts linking issues of development, geography and environmental studies. If you're keen to learn more about geography as a whole, thinking about studying with the OU or looking for some extra reading between modules, the Geography Matters collection will be a useful tool.
You’ll find articles on climate change sitting alongside discussions about IT in India, next to material on the nature of borders and migration; for example:
Listen to Andy Morris interview geographer and broadcaster Nick Middleton about his book 'An Atlas of Countries that Don't Exist', which tackles controversial issues of contested nationalism and sovereignty
Professor John Allen reflects on the role of borders impacting on the movement of people when he considers Europe’s Borders in Question
Professor Parvati Raghuram explores the inherent tensions in the NHS recruitment of doctors and nurses from Africa, and asks: How National is the NHS?
Read our Quarterly Review of Research to learn about our latest quality academic output.
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