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shutterstock-425464354 Mars

Scientists discover evidence of recent water flows on Mars

A team of scientists led by The Open University has discovered evidence of recent glacial meltwater on Mars.

23rd November 2017
Shutterstock-518269672 Cat hunting in the woods

New research measures cats’ reactions to wearing GPS devices

Cats are notorious for straying for days and the idea of them wearing a GPS device seems like a good one, but OU researchers say maybe not.

20th November 2017

Research to improve smartphone apps for diabetes management

An OU PhD student is researching why people with chronic conditions such as Type 1 diabetes, are resistant to using smartphone apps to manage their disease.

17th November 2017
Shutterstock-581357776 Happy retired couple using modern vr goggle glasses

Improving wellbeing through digital games

Dr Hannah R. Marston, Research Fellow in the Health & Wellbeing Priority Research Area, was interviewed by to discuss how research using digital games and associated technologies has been investigated in the area of health and wellbeing.

17th November 2017
Jonathan Rix

Why School is bad for us – lessons we need to learn

Millions of children could fail at school due to an obsession with individual assessment, literacy skills and the right kind of behaviour, according to an OU academic.

16th November 2017

Is Iceland's tallest volcano awakening?

Two women and a boy took refuge on the roof … but it was carried away by the deluge of water, and as far as the eye could reach, the three unfortunate persons were seen clinging to the roof.

14th November 2017
Teacher and pupil

Call for schools to participate in research to help improve outcomes and motivate children as writers

OU researchers are working on a £320,000 research project to develop teachers’ skills as writers to help improve pupils’ writing confidence and motivation.

14th November 2017
WISE Awards Winners

OU all-women team awarded for gender balance

An OU all-women team have been acknowledged for their outstanding contribution to gender balance in science, technology and engineering through the WISE Tech Innovation Award.

10th November 2017
Marie Curie in her laboratory. wikipedia

Marie Skłodowska Curie still a good role model for female scientists at 150?

Sometimes I’m glad I’m old(ish) and have made it up the career ladder. I can’t imagine what it must be like to be a young woman trying to become established today.

8th November 2017
Enceladus. NASA

The internal ocean of Saturn’s moon Enceladus could be old enough to have evolved life, finds study

We recently bade farewell to the Cassini spacecraft, which after 13 years of faithfully orbiting Saturn and its moons was directed to plunge into the giant planet’s atmosphere.

7th November 2017

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News & articles

Philip Seargeant, wearing glasses and a dark t-shirt, looking at the camera

Research image of the month - bringing historical narratives to life

This month’s (February 2025) research image of the month is from Dr Philip Seargeant, who specialises in sociolinguistics, with a particular interest in political storytelling.

20th February 2025
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