On day 200 of the OU's Year of Mygration, we celebrate the successes of Professor Giles Mohan, Director of OU research in International Development. We highlight his recent award and exciting new ESRC project looking at how migration aids growth in Africa
The Labor opposition party in Australia wrote a letter to the PM last week calling for an immigration policy review to tackle population growth. Miriam Faine from Monash University reflects on Australia’s current policy of making English skills a key part of citizenship
Dr Christina Julios from the OU discusses her new book on the changes in anti-FGM campaigning over time. She highlights how, while prevalent in 30 countries around the world, it is now a global phenomenon as practices spread through diaspora communities
The OU has over 7000 students studying outside the UK. Miriam Cherukut from the National Association of Women Organisations in Uganda (NAWOU) was once one of them. On World Teachers Day, she talks about her work and the sexual exploitation female refugees face in Uganda
Who are noncitizens and why is it vital that we fill the current theoretical void around conceptualising noncitizenship? These questions, and more are addressed in this multi-disciplinary book co-edited by The Open University’s Dr Tendayi Bloom
Yesterday, Magdalene Amujal, Executive Director of Kulika, discussed how their project with the OU in Oruchinga was an opportunity to explore how their training may benefit many refugees flooding into Uganda. Today, she tells about a subsequent related project
Today Magdalene Amujal, Executive Director of Kulika, a Ugandan NGO specializing in organic agricultural training, and a valued Open University partner, talks about their experience of working with refugees in one of the countries oldest camp settlements
Today is the start of Black History Month. In recognition, The Open University has a collection of content celebrating inspirational individuals and events for you to explore. Issues of migration can be found interwoven and analysed through many of these pieces
In today's blog, Dr Fidèle Mutwarasibo, a Visiting Research Fellow at the OU’s Centre for Voluntary Sector Leadership, shares his personal experiences of travelling within Europe on an EU passport while not being ‘phenotypically’ European
This month’s (February 2025) research image of the month is from Dr Philip Seargeant, who specialises in sociolinguistics, with a particular interest in political storytelling.