The UK government has serious ambition when it comes to solving England’s housing crisis. Shortly after the 2024 general election, it pledged to build 1.5 million new homes over the next five years.
The National Trust’s "Tools to Realise Socio-Economic Benefits from Floodplains Under Restoration" (TREASURE) project has won one of The Open University’s Open Societal Challenges (OSC) Challenge Us! competition funding awards for 2024.
The Open University’s Faculty of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), including Professor Stephen Serjeant, is taking part in a major new EU-funded initiative aimed at advancing multimessenger astrophysics.
“Research is just the first step. It’s all about collaboration and applying what we find to see real benefits unfolding in society”, that is how The Open University is approaching research according to Professor Kevin Shakesheff, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Research and Innovation.
In her inaugural lecture, on 26 September 2024, Naomi Moller, Professor in Psychology and Psychotherapy in the School of Psychology and Counselling in The Open University's Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, talked about her research into relationships.
UK charities and Milton Keynes businesses have challenged The Open University to collaborate with them to solve some of society’s most pressing issues.
Professor Advaith Siddharthan's new project, 'Feeling the Untouchable: Haptic touch experiences for naturalistic learning' has just received a £922,000 grant through round one of UKRI’s highly competitive cross-council responsive mode scheme to explore how children could experience and learn about the natural world through touch.
In an effort to challenge long-held misconceptions about the physical capabilities of transplant recipients, a team led by Professor Bart Rienties from The Open University is conducting innovative research that could transform the medical and public understanding of transplant recipients' potential for physical activity.
This month’s (February 2025) research image of the month is from Dr Philip Seargeant, who specialises in sociolinguistics, with a particular interest in political storytelling.