The 14th annual OU Postgraduate Research Poster Competition, held on 11 June, showcased some very topical research projects.
Prizes were awarded for several categories:
A poster about the effects of Endometriosis: Red Agenda: The Invisible and Invasive Nature of Endometriosis at Work, by Vickie Williams of the Faculty of Business and Law, won the Conference-Style Presentation category and the online People’s Choice Poster category, voted for by the OU community.
The winner of the Research Summary competition was Emmeline Grey of the Faculty of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) for her work on Plio-Pleistocene Monsoon Driven Productivity and Stratification Reconstructions.
The People’s Choice Multimedia winner, for the second year in a row, was Stacy Phillips of STEM for her video: When did crustal melting soften the core of the Himalaya?
Read all winning posters, runners-up and highly-commended entries
Read our Quarterly Review of Research to learn about our latest quality academic output.
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