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The Open Arts Journal: How open access publishing has supported and expanded public-facing research in the Arts and Humanities

Thursday, March 27, 2025 - 09:30 to 10:00

Day four of our Open Research Week is about open access publishing. The first talk of the day is about publishing in journals.

Since its inception in 2012, the Open Arts Journal has published material from a wide range of stakeholders in the Arts and Humanities, including scholars, arts and heritage practitioners, policy makers and curators. It brings together colleagues from across the University, as well as external contributors, an editorial board and consulting editors from around the world.

Prof Leon Wainwright
Leon Wainwright and Alice Sanger

Prof Leon Wainwright (left) and Alice Sanger (right)

About this session

Leon Wainwright and Alice Sanger will talk about the Open Arts Journal, an open access publication in the Arts and Humanities at The Open University (OU).


Leon Wainwright, Professor of Art History, Editor in Chief of Open Arts Journal, OU

Alice Sanger, Managing Editor of Open Arts Journal, OU

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